Author: KARL

Born in NZ and emigrated to Australia to be with my Australian wife I met whilst serving in the NZ Army. Proud to be an Australian by choice as well as a Kiwi. After more than 32 years in the NZ Army I am a huge believer in ANZAC. My dream is to see NZ No 1 and Australia No2 in world rankings. I played rugby for 43 odd years and have been refereeing for 13 love the game and the camaraderie it generates.

Wednesday’s Rugby News looks at players being more mature than administrators, Aussie pathways programs suspension, Foster gets a contract extension, and Ryley Batt’s bid for a third gold medal. At least the players are mature Whitelock and Hooper talked over the phone last week, and there seems to be a fair bit of respect between the two camps that both CEOs should take note of. The captains Hooper, Whitelock and the injured captain Cane were in email contact while the powers that be were arguing about what was going on and why. Hooper initially reached out to both Cane and…

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My turn to give it a go. Being a bit technologically challenged this may be a bit different but please enjoy. The good, the bad and the ugly from Bledisloe II – Paul Cully Embed from Getty Images Unlike a lot of Wallaby supporters Cully does manage to find some good points from the game and in particular he points out that Tate McDermott was outstanding at No.9, and Andrew Kellaway again grabbed his chance. Even saying that “Given the Rebel’s outside back prefers to play fullback, he may be the answer to one of the Wallabies’ problem positions” (that’s…

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Looking at some of the referee decision in the weekend and seeing some of the comments about these, I decided to look at a decision that appeared to be controversial from the social media posts and go through the process a referee does for managing these incidents. Note: These are my ideas and are not any official answers to any issues or questions you may have. I’m happy to take questions and answer them based on my understanding of the laws and their application, but in no way is this an official answer. Hegarty’s YC and Penalty Try vs Hurricanes…

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Once again team these are my interpretations of the direction provided by World Rugby and passed on by the NSWRRA to me. If I’m wrong, then it’s my learnings that got it wrong. Rugby, like many contact sports has recognised that there is a lot more it can do to protect the people playing the game. Over the years as more and more science has gone into fitness, nutrition, strength and conditioning players have got bigger and faster with the consequence that the collisions in the game have got harder. People are also starting to take note of the effects…

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Splitting this into 2 actually worked out well as I have been able to add a bit based on what people said after the first one. Hopefully this adds a bit more context to some of what I said in part 1. Enjoy and looking forward to the comments Tactical Refereeing vs Technical Refereeing One of the big emphasis, especially in New Zealand, for referee training is the application of the laws of the game during a game. We are taught to look at both the technical and tactical aspects of applying the law during a game. The main…

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The Referee’s View – Well mine anyway  Why I wrote this I saw a post the other day about how much fun it is to take on the job in the middle with all the spectators, most fairly well liberated with an alcoholic beverage or three, questioning every decision you make and despite only getting a one dimension view of the incident still calling you out and explaining why the decision you made was wrong. The vitriol that was provided to Nick Berry after the SRAU final online was a great example of this.  Luckily, for his ongoing peace…

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