Browsing: Opinion

So here we are, games all played for the year and it’s that time when we can sit back and…

Hello Cobbers all and welcome to the 37th (and last) Chewsday Chew of 2022. I appreciate that we’re all likely…

Gudday Cobbers and fellow self-appointed doyens (and doyennes) of the Aussie rugby frustratedari to the 36th publication of the Chewsday…

Welcome to Hump Day fellow G&GRs. A day when we can start leaving the despair of the weekend behind us…

Welcome, cobbers all. It’s my pleasure to bid each and every one of you well met to this, the 35th…

Gudday Cobbers, Welcome to Episode 34 of the Chewsday Chew. I hope we’re all recovering from the Mr Creosote experience…

Welcome team. Last week’s games can now be put to rest as we look forward to this weekend with some…

Hey Cobbers, I hope episode 32 of the Chewsday Chew finds you all happy, a little fat and healthy. This…

Konnichiwa, Comrades and welcome to Episode 31 of the Chewsday Chew. I’ve been trying to psyche myself up and pull…

Bonsoir mes amis! In the current clime of Women’s World Cup, Aussie A and the ongoing sibling rivalry of NZRU…

Welcome to Wednesday team. That day of the week where the morning is still filled with the reminiscence and disappointment…

Hello Cobbers. I hope we’ve all enjoyed the long weekend just passed as brought to you for the purposes of…

Hello Cobbers and welcome to episode 28 of the Chewsday Chew. Today is the culmination of the past few months…