GAGR’s here we go again. We are hitting the bottom of the barrel if I am writing again. But alas, the bottom of the barrel is where we are at. And as usual for Waratah supporters, I have nothing for you!
What ever it takes, we will do what ever we can to save the cheese eating surrender monkeys!
RA is doing what ever it takes to ensure some form of income is going hit their pockets. With all the bank riding on the international tour of our Froggy brethren, according to French media, are having a conniption over our quarantine requirements. The last time they got this shitty was when the church said it was going to introduce laws of fidelity into marriage vows. Apparently not being able to eat their garlic snails, frog legs and drink wine together if viewed as complete and utter sacrilege. Sacré bleu!!!
Let’s hope it goes ahead because I have already got tickets for it with a number of GAGR’s to got to the game. And there is nothing worse than not being able to take the piss out of the French in my own back yard. It better go ahead.
Oh My beloved Reds!

Well, well, well three holes in the ground. Usually containing water. What can I say, but suck the big one all of you other Australian rugby supporters. The mighty Reds have conquered a team of the Sheep loving variety. And what a game of two halves it was. I am sure the Chiefs supporters will whinge like Brumbies supporters did after the Super Rugby AU final. But in this completely biased Reds supporters mind, the yellow was absolutely a yellow. And the Red was a red every day of the week and twice on Sunday. And to top it all off, I think the DMac will probably get 3 weeks in the naughty corner if the last lot of hearings is in any way consistent.
So the Reds win has saved all Australian rugby supporters daks! There will be no need to do a lap of the table sans duds thanks to our beloved Reds. Let’s hope one of the other Aus Rugby teams can follow suit, and soon.
The Potential Wallabies Squad
Our friends at have listed what they believe is the top ten potentials in the Wallabies squad.
1.Marika Koroibete
2. Harry Wilson
3. Izaia Perese
4.Lukhan Salakaia-Loto
5.Filipo Daugunu
6. Angus Bell
7.Tate McDermott
8.Tom Banks
9.Toni Pulu
10. Rob Valetini
Personally I think all Tah’s fans will be thankful if even one player from their woeful team makes a start with the Wallabies. Because let’s be honest. It is not the era of Cheika and the Wallatahs. But alas we know Hooper is the Captain so let’s see where this goes.
From an open minded view, Dave Rennie will have some selection headaches. There are a number of positions that will be hotly contested. And it will all be down to team balance in BLL’s ignorant opinion. So lets see how the rest of the TT competition goes.