Thanks to the HSBC Waratahs, we have a number of double passes for the HSBC Waratahs vs Emirates Western Force at the SFS next Saturday night.
To be in with a chance of winning, just tell us below in 25 words or less how you think Waratahs captain Rocky Da Vinci will be psyching his team-mates up for this Aussie derby. The 3 entries that we reckon best capture the essence of Australian rugby’s polymath will get the tickets!*
We’ll announce the winners on Wednesday morning, so get them in by midnight Tuesday 13th March.
*Note – Green and Gold Rugby are the sole judges of the contest and hold the right to change or withdraw this competition at any time. All travel to and from the game is the entrant’s responsibility. One submission per entrant only.
First of all you had to represent what a modern renaissance man like Rocky would impart (some others were good though), but the winners are:
- Ooaahh for “What’s in a name? That which we call a waratah? If rugby be the food of love, play on. Be not afraid of greatness” (he got in early)
- Rugbysmartarse for his Haiku “Waratah run hard/remember your support lines/and somone smash Sharpe” which seemed a popular choice, even if it smelled of Russian vote rigging
- Tallboy for his quoting of Sun Tzu ““If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by” (a fair description of the Tahs attacking mindset)”
Thanks for everyone else for entering. I’m sending emails to the winners.