Righto you GAGR’s, after a lazy public holiday for you non-chosen one’s (I.E. Non-
Queenslanders) time to get back into it. With Trans-Tasman ending (thank fuck), it is
time to think about our beloved Wallabies. Jobs on!
The “Dark Side”
The Dark side? WTF is that, I hear you ask? Well Dave Rennie has asked his Wallaby
selectees to channel their Dark side and show some Defensive starch. Well lets hope it is
the David Pocock version of defensive starch and not the Lachie Swinton variant.
Otherwise, we will be completely screwed. Speaking of Lachy Swinton we are yet to hear
his Tribunal hearing results, but alas based on the tribunals so far this year he should be
shitting big black dalmatians! 5-6 weeks at least. So I doubt he will bother Wallaby
statisticians, this Froggy tour.
The Aussie teams have clearly demonstrated throughout Trans Tassy competition that
Defence, is something that separates your house from your neighbours house. To be
honest, we were shit at it. And that is something that the Wallabies of the past have been
renowned for, especially during the Cheika era. I am no coach, but fuck me some of the
turnstiles out there for Aus teams could be doing a better job at the local Woolies. Lets
hope Rennie and his coaching crew can do something about that.
The Squad and its interesting choices

Well as we saw in the discussion of the Wallaby squad selection, there were a number
of interesting choices. Well done to Kellaway, and Lonergan, as well as Andy Muirhead.
How Swinton got in there is just beyond me. But sure the Force and probably tom
Robertson have to be the most disappointed, with a close follow up by Cadeyrn Neville.
Of note were the number of players from the worst team in Australian history that made
the squad. And before Hoss and all the other Tah’s fanatics get upset, there may have
been one or two worth their salt. But Six? Fuck me!
Well they all gather up on the GC on Tuesday. That the Gold Coast, the pimple on the
ass of Queensland. For the Dave Rennie’s Storm Trooper Dark Side training camp. Lets
see how that pans out. Looking forward to seeing the game day 23.
The Horror-Tahs

Well, the team that we all like to take the piss out has concluded its worst season in
history! So bad in fact that he made the Woody Graham era of the Reds look good! And
that my friends is an amazing achievement.
With a score board of 0-13, and yep, that isn’t a cricket game score from the first 3 overs,
it is an entire season for the North Shore toff brigade. From their Trans Tassy effort, they
conceded 40 tries in just 5 outings. How is that for a defensive structure.
But enough taking the piss out of the players, to be honest with you, I feel sorry for them.
The CEO the Board, and the whole operation has to take ownership of this shit fight.
Firing the coach to improve the situation did so much for them. I really do feel sorry for
Penney! But I bet he is glad he is the hell out of there.
A whole lot of soul searching, some good recruiting, and getting themselves a real
coach, and not one found in the car park of a north shore rugby club may just help a little