So, let’s keep this short, sharp and to the point. In writing this I am going to try to remain as neutral as I can be.
We can all read, we all have Google at our disposal and can all make our own judgments. It not hard to take the time to go back and fact check for ourselves, construct a history and piece together a story.
But in reality, even after doing that it we are sometimes left wondering what is the real story that we are reading, what’s it really about?
One way to do this is through some thematic analysis. It is a method of analysing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as interview transcripts. A researcher closely examines the data to identify common themes – topics, ideas and patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly.
Open the media today and there is yet another story that can added to the long list of stories published that is criticising Rugby Australia and targeted towards its CEO.
The brilliant article written by Kate Elizabeth (a must read) is dead on target for the majority of supporters. The comments in response to her article not only validate this, but also put an amazing human perspective to it.
Like Kate, the Mst’s have had enough!
But I want to introduce some more elements in the conversation.
For me it is when you start applying some thematic analysis then some time elements that you get a quite an interesting picture. The same types of attacks, the same names and the same demographic seem to appear. But it also coincides with the deterioration of the game here in Australia.
2006 appears to be a launching point. Google found me an article quoting John O’Neill criticising the current board and indicating he need to come back and fix the problems. I am pretty sure I read something similar quite recently. Potentially an indication of a theme?
It’s as you weave through the old articles you will find many names. Some feature quite often. Alan Jones, Papworth, Connolly, Farr-Jones, Kafer, Kearns, Dwyer, Flowers, Horan, just to mention a few.
Last week it was an ex-Wallaby and RA associate. In the last few days similarly another ex-Wallaby and RA associate. Today yet another. Add in the Rugby powerbroker demographic and the theme is complete.

Similar reasons, similar criticisms, similar self-serving solutions, similar demographic. Around 15 years is the time frame you can apply to these themes. There also appears to be a correlation to Wallabies performances.
Draw your own conclusions. For the Mst’s it simple. 15 years of relentless attacking the game that either made them who they are now or provided them with a position of power.
It’s been 15 years of this group trying to be make themselves relevant. They are not relevant. Relevant yesterday maybe, but today and in to the future – certainly not.
How do I know this? Right now, there are far more important things happening to so many of us that is affecting our everyday and will change our future. People are hurting, suffering and for the Mst’s that’s far more important than Rugby right now.
Yes, we miss it. But it’s you, our rugby friends, our family, colleagues and people around us where our focus is right now. Trying to help and support people where we can with the real problems; jobs, your health and just getting by; that is far more important.
I have no time for bunch of out of touch privileged sycophants who are obsessed with picking over the corpse of a sport to seek power and self-gratification when there is a world-wide pandemic happening.
So, to be clear to that cohort; read the room and take the hint. Get away from OUR game! You are not the solution, you are part of the problem.
I will now get off my soap box.
Back to amusing myself by looking at certain journalist social media posts. I love counting the “likes” and retweets about their articles by their colleagues and those on the same payroll or social group compared to genuine readers. Actually, it’s a bit sad.