This edition of Social Pages is brought to you from the home of what Wikipedia refers to as the ACT Free Roaming Feral Horses of Australia. Did you know that collectively Free Roaming Feral Horses are known as a mob or a band?
So here’s what’s been happening with our own beloved band of feral horses….
What better way to prepare for the Brumbies versus Force trial game on Friday in hot and steamy Darwin than a hot Brumbies Social Pages today, and a steamy Force Social Pages tomorrow?
Actually, don’t answer that.
Training: Brumby-style
I think the Brumbies have really brought something new to their training this year. Something that up until now has been kept behind closed doors. I like it.

Gee, after that I could use a good lie-down. Ruan Smith (@smith_ruan) clearly agreed with me.
That photo looks fairly normal, until I ask you if you tried to look up that guys towel. Because if you didn’t before I bet you did just then… You. Are. Welcome.
St David of the Onside
It wouldn’t be a Brumbies post without making mention of their new signing and certainly a Social Pages favourite.
Our David was like a kid on his first day of school — he packed his bag the night before with everything he’d need for his first day. His bag even had his name written on it!
He could barely sleep that night imagining all the friends he’d make and the sport they’d get to play at little lunch and big lunch, and sometimes even after school! He hoped his teacher would be nice.
The next morning David woke up early — even before the sun! — but he counted the minutes until the clock said it was time to get out of bed (he’d devised his schedule the week before).
He got all dressed in his brand new uniform — still had the tags on! — and his family took photos.

It didn’t take long for that strawberry blond hair, shapely biceps and delectable calves him to find friends in the sandpit though!

Best of luck to our Free Roaming Feral Horses in Darwin this weekend against the Influence That Cause an Object to Undergo a Change (either concerning movement, direction, or geometric construction).