In a first for G&GR, welcome to current and quality news on a Wednesday.
Yesterday, RA released its 5 year plan titled ‘From Green to Gold Strategy’. In this plan RA has nailed its colours to the mast for its 5 year vision, including some lofty and ambitious goals. And I say, ‘why the hell not?’.
Have not fans decried for a decade or more on the state of the game, the leadership, structures, pathways et al? Is it not well past due for RA to say:
- this is who we are
- this is what we stand for
- this is what we want to achieve.
In one fell swoop, RA has finally delivered much overdue clarity and a vision to the code, something all rugby players and fans can aspire to and critique. A yardstick, a flag on the hill, a line in the sand. It’s aspirational, it’s brave. AND, it’s about bloody time.
Sure talk is cheap and any mission statement is only ever as good as the people involved and the results generated. But, personally, I woke this morning with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Rugby in Oz is back baby and if they have to ‘borrow’ the name of our site to help them out, be my guest.

The St Joe Show.
Will he or won’t he? It seems we may know as soon as this Friday. reports that St Joe is due back from Ireland and will start discussions with Phil Waugh as soon as today.
While it would be disappointing to lose St Joe, Waugh rightly points out that now, maybe more than ever before, we have some real quality and structure in our coaching ranks, and the successor (if there is one) could be drafted in as assistant coach for next year’s BIL as part of a smooth coaching transition.
As I alluded above, Gaggers, we are witnessing rugby transformation in this country right now. Let’s enjoy the ride.