PRIZE ANNOUNCED: A double Gold Pass to the Wallabies home test of your choice in 2010. Thanks to the ARU!
We’re running a fantasy league again this year in addition to the tipping comp, so be sure to sign up for both — already quite a few takers in the tipping comp. Throughout the season I’ll be covering our league standings, as well as offeriing a few tips and predictions. So come back often!
Here’s how to join:
1. Go to http://s14fantasy.foxsports.com.au/
2. Log in or register
3. Navigate to the leagues section and click join
4. Code to join our private league: 1497-295
5. Get started on your team
A few guidelines:
- You can enter a “manager name” in your profile details. Pick something that isn’t your real name, like your blog/forum handle. That way we’ll know who you are and I won’t have to edit the standings tables to hide your identity from the world. I chose Newb G&GR since you need first and last.
- Pick a good team name, funnier the better
- Spend your squad budget wisely
- Have a look at the rules section and the page that explains the points system. Looks a bit different to me than last year.
- 4 players max from any one Super14 team in your fantasy squad. So you can’t have the entire Brumbies team, sorry.
Remember, there is a grand total of 23 days until the first roster deadline and the trials haven’t even started, so no big hurry yet. But you get unlimited squad changes until then, so go crazy! Your family will completely understand.