Ex Wallaby prop Adrian “Moose” Skeggs is taking on a new milestone. Moose is ready to ride over 1180 km from Adelaide to Melbourne between March 22nd and 29th for Moose’s old school student and mate Julian Thompson, and his son James.
When Moose found out that Julian’s eldest child James was diagnosed with the incurable muscle wasting disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy he was devastated. It is a death sentence, and something a parent never comes to term with.
Support the Moose
You can support the Moose, Julian and James with a donation of any size. To do this go to “sponsor a rider” on www.tourduchenne.com.au and click on Adrian Moose Skeggs and donate.
Note: all donations are Tax deductable
You can hear more from Moose in our podcast below