Aahhh here we are – the last week of the regular season. After this week we’ll say goodbye to our non-Super-Rugby-finals-playing-non-Wallaby tweeters. Some would argue I could’ve come up with a better name. but I didn’t want to diminish their stature by referring to them by an acronym that represents them as less-than people… Look I just didn’t ok?!
The Wrebel Wrap
The Rebels went to South Africa, however thankfully they left some players at home to continue the tweeting. Before we get to that though, I was emailed something I think we need to look into.
Some of you (perhaps more than are prepared to admit in a public space such as this – we can just say you “have a friend”) have heard of the 50 Shades of Grey books. Described as Mummy Porn, they’ve taken the world (roughly & passionately, yet somehow tenderly), by storm. “A friend” has told me that the story revolves around a young woman’s sexual awakening at the hands of a young business magnate. Involving a bit of BDSM, and some good old-fashioned rumpty bumpty, the book is essentially a classy Carry On movie in novel form. Except not really.
Anyway, an academic (not me) with way too much time on her hands- who spent an inordinate amount of time on forums discussing the physical characteristics of the man-meat of the novel- has come up with a composite of what this mystery man looks like based on the facial characteristics of the celebrities mooted on fan forums.
Now look, I don’t want to start any rumours, and I don’t want to initiate any innuendo, but all I’m saying is that the author of the novel is British, and “someone” spent a lot of time in England, and was a little bit famous while he was there. And I don’t know if he’d have been up for a little BDSM, and I’m not saying he engaged in it at all/often – good luck to him if he did, no judgement, none of our business, nothing illegal – or that he even necessarily met this E L James (I’m assuming E L is a woman, but….). Anyway, here’s “Christian Grey”.
In other exciting news, our
Christian Michael has hit the workforce – he’s become a working Dog! He’s spent the week doing work experience, and looking like a young business magnate very spiffy indeed. All at once now ladies: Aaawwwww!!!
Speaking of housebound Rebels, Laurie Weeks has been dipping his toe into third-party sponsorship.
And Hugh Pyle has given us an indication of where he believes his best position on the field is: seagulling.
Quade’s Qualities
This week Quade showed us the style he’s capable of when he gets to choose his own clothes, rather than those chosen for him by the Reds or the Wallabies. And the results? He is a fashion icon.
Last Thursday he posted a photo of himself (and Patty Mills, Australian basketballer who also plays in the NBA) at the Origin game, and we at the Social Pages salute him for selecting such a crowd-appropriate shirt. I mean, combining denim sleeves with flannelette bodice at the rugby league? Genius. And bravo, Sir, for incorporating the Bonds singlet underneath. To incorporate so many rugby league-watching cliches in just your top half is truly #wellplayed.
In other Reds news, Saia tweeted some ouchie photos. The bruises were sustained against the Rebels, but bruising like that takes a few days to come out.
Taken by Force/ Brumby Talk
Brett Sheehan posted some photographic GOLD of Stephen Moore. In honour of Squeaky’s 100th Super game, here’s a photo of him with hair! Curly hair! Happy 100th Squeaky!!
Also we learned a little more about how close the Force boys are in the Shaky Isles. Christchurch had a little tremor, but Coach Stiles was nonplussed.
Coming next week is a moving tribute to the Lipdogg himself.
Do you have a message to Lipdogg to celebrate/commemorate his last appearance on our Social Pages?
Post what you want to say in the comments on this post and we’ll include it in the clip. Think of this as your chance to write in his yearbook, so post your proclamations of love, your great memories together, and about your secret unrequited love for him. Perhaps you love his hair? Perhaps you think he should wear tighter pants? (a British The Office reference there….)