Saturday’s disappointment in Wellington signaled the close of the 2009 Tri-Nations, and brought about the close of our fantasy and tipping comps. The numbers are in, the results have been tallied, so let’s take a look!
Everyone pretty much bombed this week in the fantasy comp. The scores were much lower than everyone’s average for the entire comp. Why? Maybe the lack-luster performance on the field? Or perhaps it was the fact that no one had any transactions left, and got stuck with a bunch of dropped, injured, or Saffa players in their squad. Only 10 for the entire comp was clearly not enough… Stupid policy.
Cheezel’s “The Cheezels” finished up strong, winning the week and taking top spot in the league. Congrats Cheezel! And well done finishing 13th overall out of over 1,000 participants on Sportal. Very impressive!
The tipping table isn’t exactly full of mind-blowing figures either. I suppose that’s to be expected though when most of us are stubborn dumb enough to keep tipping the Wobs over and over again. The smartest of the bunch has risen to the top though, so congrats to eastsideboy! Scarfy, better luck next time…
Big thanks to everyone that participated or followed along! Look out for more G&GR fantasy and tipping comps in the future.