I started Green and Gold Rugby (G&GR) in 2007 as an experiment; it was the time before social media and there were these new things called ‘blogs’ – I wanted to find out how they worked. There was a Rugby World Cup that year, why not Aussie rugby?
Four World Cups later and G&GR has become one of the greatest influences on my life. I’ve had the opportunity to meet or speak with every player, coach and leader in the game I’ve ever wanted to. I was taken to a World Cup and partied with the Reds the night they won the 2011 Super Rugby Championship. I wouldn’t have my current career without G&GR – both because of the fundamental knowledge of digital publishing and vital connections it made for me.

But most importantly it’s given me some of my very best friends because as you will know, rugby has a unique ability to bring together the funniest, most interesting, brilliant and trustworthy people. I’ve also met one or two backs who weren’t bad either.
Which is all why I am so thrilled to announce that G&GR is in the process of transitioning to new leadership and ownership by the man you may know as Hoss of Ponderosa Publishing. I’m thrilled because G&GR needs new ideas, energy and investment to enable it to open the next chapter in its story and I know that Hoss and his team will give it that while staying true to G&GR’s ethos.
There are too many people to name them all for getting us this far, but to everyone who’s been involved in any way – thank you from me and thank you from Aussie rugby.
OK,Just a few name checks – Moses for being a great partner and tech guru from the off, Reg, Hugh, Jamie and Nick W for the great podcast times (Juan Cote, Timmsy, Roscoe and Cyclo for being the OGs), all the blog writers and photographers including Sully, Keith, Stephen, Peter M, Bobas, Steve L, Charlie M, Lee Grant, Nutta, Justin, Zeb, Nathan, Nick2, Jack, Hamish, Ben, Andrew and Braveheart for his generous professional expertise. Special mention to Bob Dwyer, Brian Smith, Nick B, Scott A and Graeme Forbes for donating their immense knowledge of the game. Sorry to anyone I missed.
I won’t be disappearing from the scene, who knows but I might be able to spend more time commenting from the sideline rather than just keeping the publishing organ afloat.
Thank you and see you around