Author: Hoss

A Masters from the Uni of Life, majoring in BS. Call the Hunter Valley home and a passionate Wallabies, Tahs and then the also-rans of Oz rugby next. Yearn for the days when uppity Kiwis knew their place - losing in dying stages of Bledisloe's or as garbage collectors. Contact me for all things rugby at

Hello Gaggers & welcome to Friday and wall to wall to wall rugby. When I interviewed former Treasurer, Minister for Defence, Women’s Rights Minister, Finance Minister, Liberal Party Social Club Chairman, Prime Minister and fledgling Sutherland hip-hop artist ‘ScoMo’ he simply said ‘how good is rugby eh’! And for once, or at least, for the first time, he was right. So like Charlie on a burrito, let’s hook in as we look at the second coming of ‘Super Round’ in ‘Too much Rugby ain’t Nearly Enough’. Take a look at SRP law variations in ‘About Bloody Time’. Visit what’s left…

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Greetings scrumbags, and welcome to the first official Friday’s Rugby News for 2023 in what is the ‘Chinese Year of the Gilbert’, or ‘Zhillbare’ in Frog speak. ‘Off season’, what off season? Sackings, scandal, stand downs, wage breakthroughs, some familiar faces gone and new faces to be anointed and a whole lot more rugby articles in the general press than I can ever remember. With a new dawn upon us, let’s jump straight back in and look at all things Eddie with ‘The Strife of Brian’. Cast an eye over the Aussie side that matters and their SRP2023 chances in…

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Bloody hell, I can’t leave you lot alone for 5 minutes. I go away for a few weeks and look what happens! While my regular Friday prose (yes Charlie, ‘prose’) is still some weeks away from returning for 2023, after yesterday’s seismic rugby events I thought why not ‘dust off’ the Google machine built by child artisans of China (possibly Bangladesh) and add my two bob’s worth to events. So fill ya boots G&GRs and see you all in a few weeks. ‘So I will be coach for 2023 right Andy & Hammer?”, coach Moses walking the green mile. DEAD…

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Good evening, good morning, g’day & goodbye. It’s my last Friday’s Rugby News for G&GR for the year as I return to the electronic shadows from whence I came and frankly, where I belong, somewhere in between ‘fake news’ and Kardashian waxing videos. So wipe the tears thou hast and join me on a season ’22 recap and look at what Australian rugby’s ‘tomorrow’ tantalises us with. Let’s start the farewell tour with ‘The Season we had to have?’. I offer admiration, acknowledgement and deserved respect to my fellow G&GR Crapparazi in ‘The Best of G&GR 2022’. Preview the 2023…

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Helo a chroeso i ddydd Gwener. Welcome to another Friday Rugby News, G&GRs, and the last international match for our lot this year. With injuries galore I reckon it can’t come fast enough and thankfully it’s only against the Welsh. Today let’s cast our minds back a week with ‘Paddy Whack’. Preview this weekend’s match in ‘It’s not, wasn’t kinda unusual to beat Wales this time of year’. Drop in on the Wallaby wounded in ‘The Walking Dead’ and then challenge RA to grow a big hairy set in ‘No More Gateau’. And finish it off by piss-farting around with…

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Dia duit & FÁILTE CHUNG Dé hAoine Welcome one, welcome all no matter where today finds you, for another edition of Charlie’s News Week Friday’s Rugby News, my antepenultimate (don’t say you ain’t never learnin’ good on my watch) for the year, thank Ganesha! Today, let’s revisit the abomination that was The Concreters v The Orange in ‘Mumma Mia’. Preview a mouth-watering contest with the ‘Luck of the Oirish’. Look at a confronting & erotic plague vexing the men’s game in ‘What’s in a Kiss?’. And rock and roll all night long with ‘Fridays Goss with Hoss’ now number #2…

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Ciao e benvenuto a venerdi! G’day Gaggers and welcome to Friday’s Rugby News. Today sees a mixture of contemplative, wistful and ticked-off rugby emotions, often times overlapping. So let’s dive deep into the mixed bag of unmedicated mayhem with a review of Le Frogs match with ‘Ruck me Dead!’. Preview the Wallabies upcoming test with ‘Orange & The Concreters’. Keep Keith Butler calm with ‘War of the Roses’. Offer free advice with ‘Enough Already’ and fare thee well another rugby week with ‘Friday’s Goss with Hoss’, currently in talks with JK Rowling for an ‘R’ rated remake of ‘The Philhossopher’s…

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Bonjour et bienvenue au Vendredi! Hello rugby lovers, it’s Friday again & time to take on world #2 (but for mine the best in the world), Les Bleus this Sunday. But before then, let’s pick at the scab of Scotland losing last week (I refuse to accept the Wallabies ‘won’ that game) in ‘What a fool believes’. Jump across the channel and preview the test with France in ‘Those Indomitable Gauls’. Hop onboard the Aussie & NZ love-bus with ‘The Spirit of Anzac’. Sort fact from fabric fantasy in ‘Merinos’ Fart Dollars’ and put a full stop on the working…

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Never fear, Friday is here! Hello earthlings and welcome to Friday’s Rugby News. It’s a rugby weekend again and what a weekend we have. Let’s first preview the Wallabies against The Haggis Eaters in ‘If you ain’t first, you’re last’. Go inside camp Wallaroo and a look at my favourite player with ‘Amazing Grace’. Look into the NZR boys club with ‘Women’s Rugby Sucks’. I host another FRN ‘exclusive interview’ (*) with Matt Durrant of ‘Gold Digger’ fame in ‘The Prospector’. And round it all out with ‘Friday’s Goss with Hoss’ currently in talks with the brilliant, insightful, talented and…

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Good morning, good evening and g’day to wherever life finds you on this holiest of rugby days, Friday, and welcome to to this week’s edition of Friday’s Rugby News. Today let’s run an eye over a large human and all that he offers the Wallabies in ‘Free Willy’. Look at possible coach contract negotiations in ‘Show Me the Results!’. Get set for an ‘Afternoon Delight’ with our Golden Girls in NZ and put a large exclamation mark on the working week with Friday’s Goss with Hoss, currently in talks to produce the erotic thriller ’50 Shades of Lard’. ‘I’ve finally…

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G’day, hello & welcome to Friday’s Rugby News, Gaggers. My thanks to the G&GR work experience kid, Yowie, for bravely attempting to fill the void last week, he did his best. Lots to discuss today starting up north with ‘The Hunt for Ren’s October’. Skip over the dutch to see how our Golden Girls are travelling in the RWC with ‘Staying Alive?’. Take a deep dive into the pit of despair that is Aussie rugby fandom and the brilliant doco ‘Gold Digger- The Search for Australian Rugby’ with ‘Fools’ Gold’. Visit a pet hate of mine in ‘Spit-Scared!’ and wrap…

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Hello Gaggers and welcome to another Friday. No Rugby? No worries! Today let’s cast a withering eye on future selections with ‘Be bold, avoid old’. Prick national pride in ‘Kiwi Trolls?’. Drop into the Australia ‘A’ camp in ‘Touring Japanese’. Read another FRN exclusive interview*, this time with the enigmatic Monsieur Raynal in ‘I fart in your general direction’. And take us out with ‘Friday’s Goss with Hoss’, happy to sell your Optus data back to you, for the exclusive G&GR member-only offer of $200 cash per identity. ‘ Did he say we’re in?’ Spanners & Gilbert at the team…

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Namaste G&GRs and welcome to Friday’s Rugby News. After the great emotional purge of last week let’s rid ourselves of all negative energy and instead gather in peace and tranquility today. So light up your favourite incense stick, find a quiet reading spot and start the healing process with ‘Serenity Now’. Get a look at the new & improved psyche of Dave Rennie 2.0 in ‘Bugger Serenity Now’. Preview this week’s Bledisloe #2 with all the ‘white noise’ surrounding it in ‘Hoodoo Gurus’. Take a look over the neighbour’s fence with ‘Loig Love Letters’. And wrap it all up with…

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G’day Gaggers & welcome to Friday You know, I’ve written Friday’s Rugby News before while drunk, in prison, in rehab, on the can, drunk on the can while in rehab about to leave for prison, but never angry! Aggrieved? Yes. Annoyed? Most certainly. Agitated? Many a time. But while swallowing down bile, laced with a razor blade invective, bordering on an unadulterated pure rage, not so much. There’s only one rugby story that matters today, so put ‘out of office’ on your emails, switch off the phone and unleash your inner bitterness (with me) as we dive head long into…

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‘It’s just a ruck to the left, then a ruck to the riiiiiigggghhhht. You put your hand on your hips, cause our kicking is shhhhhiiiiiitttte. It’s the lack of a brains trust, that really, drives you insaaaaaannnnnne. The Orange get hammered again. Please let this team grow a brain. G’day Gaggers and welcome to another Friday! Today the kid gloves are off (why are people hitting kids with gloves for? That’s just horrible! It’s called ‘slapping’ for a reason people, the name is derived from the noise – get rid of the gloves) and I ask the hard questions in…

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Hello world, welcome to Friday, or as they say in Europe, ‘Thursday evening’. Come down the rabbit hole of rugby fandom with me today as we kick off with ‘Like a Version’. With NZ & SA playing so shite we dive into the s-bends of RC Round #4 with ‘Game of Thrones’. Take a look at some wheelin’ & dealin’ by RA in ‘R.E.S.P.E.C.T’. Cast a withering eye at finances in the Oz women’s game with ‘Show me some money – please!’. And put the cherry on top with ‘Friday’s Goss with Hoss’, recently signed with LIV Rugby. Sure the…

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G’day Gaggers & welcome to Friday. Today let’s visit The City of Churches, so called as residents of SA are the walking dead. With much to discuss let’s start with words straight from the horse’s mouth with ‘Talk is Cheap’. Preview this week’s second Wallaroos test & round #3 of TRC in ‘Forsake us not’. I let you in on a pet hate of mine in ‘Just Sing It Already’. Then we go deep into the bowels of RA, out the back past the toilet block, the janitors cupboard, the shanty lean-to of Nathan Williamson’s office to the Marketing Pigeon…

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G’day & welcome to yet another Friday, G&GRs. What on this rotating bluey-green orb was that last weekend? Was it a rugby test or the Rennie Hill show? For sure as shite as I watched the coverage, I swear all I heard was this. I’ve witnessed some god-awful calamities in my time. Wars, pestilence, natural disasters, Labor governments, ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ to name a few, but I ain’t never seen anything like the inane drivel masquerading as rugby trotted out by the Wallabies last week. Today, let’s take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture with ‘Come Again?’.…

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G’day G&GRs and welcome to Friday. Let’s hook straight in. With injuries and events depleting orange reserves, yet the team still overcoming adversary, let’s approach a Wallaby future with ‘Greater Expectations’. Put our mirth and merriment on hold a fraction surrounding current NZ suffering with ‘Careful what you wush for’. Look at ‘What’s on the box’ for weekend teams, times, coverage & fearless predictions. Isolate for a while and ponder ‘COVID Positives’ and slam it home with Friday’s Goss with Hoss, 76% of the time proven to be 49% accurate. All let us rejoice indeed GREATER EXPECTATIONS. I have been…

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Hola & Bienvenido a el viernes. FINALLY! Rugby is back baby and this weekend there’s a lot to play for: redemption, injury return, pride, careers, RC points, old scores to settle, reputations on the line and throw in the battle for a nation’s rugby soul for good measure. What’s not to like! So, coffee’s ready, morning schedules cleared? Great, let’s go. Today we’ll start with ‘The Game within the Game’. Look at what’s at stake for Kiwi players & fans alike with ‘Ahhh, Souls’. Continue with matters surrounding player welfare with ‘The Brain Pain Part#2’. Look at teams, times, coverage…

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