Author: Hoss

A Masters from the Uni of Life, majoring in BS. Call the Hunter Valley home and a passionate Wallabies, Tahs and then the also-rans of Oz rugby next. Yearn for the days when uppity Kiwis knew their place - losing in dying stages of Bledisloe's or as garbage collectors. Contact me for all things rugby at

Well hello for 2022 G&AGRs & shaggers! Back from my summer solitude, relaxed, refreshed and released on remand, ready for rugby and what a rugby year in looks to be! Off season, what off-season! There’s been wall-to-wall rugby in the lead into what promises to be a ripper of a rugby year ahead. Two new PI teams (so the Western Farce & Mexican Rebels at least have someone to beat/finish ahead of on the ladder). The Soap Dodgers scheduled* (*Wuhan Wonder Bug dependant) for an incoming three test series. The Sheep Shaggers sulking & brooding in middle-earth from their Northern…

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Happy Festivus Gaggers & greetings from The Ponderosa for the last time in 2021. And what a Friday it is to go out on. Today, let’s park the events of last week which were sensationally covered in a podcast earlier this week, widely regarded as the ‘best ever’ in the history of podcasts and instead look forward with World Rugby essentially confirming the RWC is headed our way in 2027 (surely we should start planning the official G&GR tour to attend – court orders prevent me from being treasurer or holding any ‘official’ position on the organising committee). Let’s look…

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G’day Gaggers! Welcome to Friday’s Rugby News my second-last Friday News for 2021, a-bloody-men to that. Today let’s painfully revisit the abomination that was the Orange ones’ performance versus The Soap Dodgers last week and have a look at the match against those inhabitants of the hills & dales of Wales. Take a look at the teams for this weekend & rejoice in ANOTHER Kiwi loss last weekend. It really is a tsunami of losses for the venerable rugby deities across the ditch AND what odds The French can make it 2 defeats in a row and Princess Jacinda declaring…

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Welcome to Friday and what a Friday it is Gaggers!! Today’s not just any ol’ TGIF, but it’s time to settle old grudges and establish year-long bragging rights. It’s the Friday before a showdown with the old enemy, the ol’ dart, ol’ blighty, the Soap Dodgers, the one, the only, Mother England. So let’s dive head long into a pint and a curry as we look at all angles surrounding 2021’s grudge match of the year and round it all out with Friday’s Fast 5 Bonus, today with so much love in the air, we’re gonna need a mop. The…

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Diahoine Sona Gaggers ! Welcome to the one day of the week when you can park all established ‘facts’ to one side and just trust that everything I say will be proven right by ‘future technology’. Today we focus on the big match against the wee canny Scots. I offer my official, RA endorsed Hoss XXIII for your delectation and investigate possible coaching candidates for the gig in the Australian Sex Capital, the Liberal Party Caucus ACT. I take a look at player welfare and the Duty of Care and its potential retrospective application and we round it all out…

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G’day gaggers, it’s time to sit down and buckle-up, cause its Friday again. The day the Warden allows me extra meds and internet access all at the same time – giddyup. No Wallabies rugby this weekend, but plenty of rugby to talk about none-the-less. Today let’s look northwards and our chances for the Spring Tour, revisit the match against the Stern Sunflowers, ponder the reach of Eddie ‘Dr Evil Jones and his ‘influence’ on Wallaby selections and finish it all off with Friday’s Fast 5 Bonus – now 18.36 days litigation free. THE WALLABIES WILL WREXIT! Look, we all know…

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Now, where was I? Oh yeah that’s right, 今日は. rugby lovers I am back and so is Test match Rugby, so you win twice, how good is that! Today’s let’s preview the Orange ones v The Brave Blossoms (I mean really, ‘Brave Blossoms’ is the best you can do from a nation that gave us the Samurai, The Kamikaze and the Sony Walkman…..really). I’ll cast an eye northwards as we travel to the arse-end of the world, the United (snigger) Kingdom and even have a peak as the Yanks as they take on the side from a country they’ve never…

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Welcome to Friday’s GAGRs! Today you get to play selector for the northern tour and pick your touring 36 for the tests ahead against the Nippon XXIII October 23, McScotland Nov 8, ‘The Soap Dodgers’, The Poms on Nov 14 and round it out against ‘The Northern Kiwis’, the Welsh on Nov 21. We take a look back at the unexpected success of the orange ones TRC campaign. What stood out, where are the areas, positions or opportunities to improve on and what did the team score on my patented ‘Hossometer’ to improve on. We then round it all out…

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G’day GAGR’s, Is it Friday already! Not only is it Friday but a long weekend to boot in god’s country AND another double header for our consumption – how good has Rugby been in Oz during The Wuhan Shit Storm (proudly bought to you by the Chinese government, pacifists, honest and nice guys to boot)!! Today let’s dive head long into the rugby stories that matter most, a possible return of John Holmes to the orange Jersey, the stupidity of the Argentinian ‘Gypsy 8’, take a look at the rejigged Cadbury XXIII to take on the FISM’s & take a…

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Welcome to Townsville, putting the ‘F’ into ‘FNQ’. Hello Shaggers, it’s Friday again and my med’s still ain’t working. This week we jump on the travelling caravan that is RC Down Under, we take a look back at the stunning SECOND CONSECUTIVE WIN (does that make us World Champions now?) against the World Chumps Champs, run the rule over my dislike of bikes and the Orange team to face the FISM’s this weekend and even dip our toe into the darkness and preview the mouth-watering game that awaits between The Catholics and the side perpetually offside, The Nearlies, in the…

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Happy Friday Earthlings. WOW! What a week in the revisionist Quade Cooper history of Australian Rugby and possibly best Wallaby ever, certainly best #10 in the history of the code comments section! There would appear to be some serious scar tissue developed over a year or two amongst many of the GAGR faithful, that’s for sure. Today let’s dive head long into a look at our Rugby Saviours performance against the Boks, the ‘Roman Catholics’ of World Rugby, as the Saffa’s are completely opposed to having the pill. Preview a possible Boks rebound and get inside camp Wallaby with player…

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‘Oh Lord, it’s hard to be happy. When you’re watchin the Wallabies play. I can’t bare to look at the LG. Cause they’re gettin’ more stupid each game. To follow them is exhausting, I must be a hell of a fan. Oh Lord, it’s hard to be happy. We’ll be lucky to win one outta ten’ Welcome to Friday GAGR’s. Today let’s revisit B3. Take a look at Moses’ record thus far, bunker down for the ‘Bokskrieg’ aerial assault coming Sunday and round it all out with The Friday Fast 5 Bonus, clinically proven to be marginally safer in the…

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Welcome to Friday GAGR’s and what a Friday it is! Is there anything more exciting than the immediate days leading up to a Wallabies test on home soil? The prelude to and the anticipation of a stunning Wallabies victory verse a depleted Nearlies side? Not only a just victory, but a victory on Fathers Day to boot & on a Sunday afternoon & at a ground where the team from Sheep Island have NEVER won. I tells ya people, the omens for us Gold fans are good for this one, I can feel it in my water. Today let’s offer…

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‘Good Neighbours’ My Arse! Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours. With a little understanding, You can find the perfect blend.Neighbours. Should be there for one another. But with these neighbours, they’ll stick you in the end.  G’day from lockdown 3.0 from the Hunter to all our Friday GAGR faithful. What a rugby news week!! It’s the sporting code ‘du jour’ at present with a steady stream of fascinating machinations, sub-plots, schemes, intrigue, drama and controversy and all this wrapped in a blanket of fog caused by the Wuhan Wonder Bug! What’s not to like !!!! This week let’s dive deeper into…

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Welcome to Friday GAGR’s. This week we dive head long into Seinfeld and becoming masters of one’s domain. My take on the rules around French pastry and a look at the Australian Steelers in their quest for a historic THIRD consecutive Paralympic Gold Medal. You also get to play Wallaby Selector with GAGR’s own ‘Supercoach’ for Bledisloe # 3. All this AND Australia’s #1 ranked Friday Fast 5 rugby bonus section, scientifically proven to happen predominately on Fridays. Masters of their own cerebral domain So. It’s the 81st minute, the final hooter is a distant memory. You’ve already conceded 50 points and scored less than half that.…

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‘There can be only one!’ Happy Friday to all. I come to you live from the gulag formerly known as The Hunter Valley, as we enter week #2 of enhanced drinking-at-home protocols. The second Bledisloe is soon upon us and I say there is nothing to fear but fear itself. All is not lost. Now is not a time of doom & gloom, but of daring to believe and of dreaming the impossible dream. As verily I say to thee I witness a faint light o’er the eastern horizon. Perchance is it a beacon of hope, or perhaps a bonfire of warning,…

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Your GAGR Wallabies XXIII (& their nicknames) – Bledisloe 2. The ballots have closed and over 70 GAGR’s wise and true and Yowie, have cast their vote. Just who’s in and who’s out of the GAGR team for test #2 is revealed below, with it all to play for, this is the Wallabies team you’ve entrusted on the journey, Bound for Glory GAGR Wallaby XXIII James ‘Jimmy Slips’ Slipper Brandon ‘Lightning’ Paenga-Amosa Allan ‘7A’s’ Alaalatoa Darcy ‘Lurch’ Swain (tied with) Matt ‘The Bull-shitter’ Philips. Lukhan ‘FKA’ Salakaia-Loto Rob ‘Sideshow-Bob’ Valentini Michael ‘Lee Majors’ Hooper © Isi ‘The Other One’ Naisarani…

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Afternoon all, Back by popular demand (Briz texted me), once again it’s your chance to vote for your Golden (with an orange tinge – well, a very orange tinge)  XXIII to take on the Nearlies this Saturday again at Eden Park in the 2021 Groundhog Day Test Series. Who shone for you in test #1? Who didn’t? What changes do you see to the XXIII for this weekend – it’s all over to you – simply click the link and vote away. The reserves split remains at 6 forwards / 2 backs. Please share with fellow Rugby lovers and…

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Wallaby Hoodoo Gurus? And another thing, I’ve been wondering lately, oh victories, tell me where have you been? Now the stage is set, where’s my Bledisloe baby? Is it maybe just my Eden Park dreeeeaaaammmmm? Greetings from lockdown earthlings! It’s THAT time of year again, when a young fan’s fancy turns eastward to a small, obscure, poxy little outcrop on the arse of the pacific. Where men are ‘real men’ and livestock are perpetually nervous. Yep, it’s Bledisloe time and where else would you hold it twice but at the graveyard of ambition, the ‘hoodoo’ of Oz Rugby – Eden Bloody Park. This…

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Your GAGR Wallabies XXIII (& their nicknames) – Bledisloe 1. The GAGR faithful have voted and what a response. With over 110 votes received my sincere thanks for your time and considerable consideration. Below is the team as voted by you to take on the ‘Nearlies’ this Saturday. I have included the actual vote results for your illumination as well (they look a bit blurry on screen, but if you click on them they are completely legible – unlike Yowie after two ‘shandy’s’ at The Gresham…….) *** Now edited to allow for the actions of the Wallabies ‘Beer Bandits’. GAGR…

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