Author: El Dommo
Tour Diary Entry 31-11-09 Game Day After waking up at about 8:30 Tokyo time, the first hour is set aside to determine exactly how we are going to get to the game. Happy we now have a solid attack strategy; I venture over to the fridge and pop the top on a Suntory. The Gnome reminds me it is 9:30, but I provide the rationale that it is 10:30 Brisbane time. About another hour is taken just lazing around looking out towards the concrete jungle that is Tokyo, and then I suggest we hit the Jack Daniels. The Gnome nods…
Live vicariously though El Dommo as he reports back from his tour to watch Bledisloe 4 in Tokyo Tour Diary Entry 30-11-09 The overnighter (the Second Leg) and first hours in Tokyo I sit at a bar (I’m assuming there are many) at Changi airport, knocking back some bourbon and coke, making use of the free wireless but lamenting the fact it seems slower than old school dial-up. There seems a small dedicated contingent continuing to Japan for the game, I notice a few matching polo’s with Bledisloe embroidered across the breast. However, everyone I think is weary from the…
Live vicariously though El Dommo as he reports back from his tour to watch Bledisloe 4 in Tokyo Tour Diary Entry 29-11-09 Getting there – the first leg I woke up this morning to a 7:30am phone call from a mate on the road to woop woop, unaware he was cutting my sleep time to a shade under 5 hours due to a late night suitcase packing effort. The morning unfolds with its usual “Wallaby” (“predictable”) pattern. And then the excitement hits me: