In a groundbreaking move, the Fijian Drua are set to host Rugby Football Club Los Angeles (RFCLA) at Churchill Park in Lautoka on Friday, January 24, 2025. This marks the first-ever clash between a Super Rugby Pacific team and a Major League Rugby (MLR) side, underscoring the expanding global reach of rugby.
To ensure fans can witness this historic encounter, ticket prices are set at an accessible $5 for the grass embankment and $10 for the stands. Tickets are available online at and at Jack’s of Fiji outlets, XL Sports outlets, and Damodar Cinemas.
The RFCLA squad boasts notable talents, including former Wallabies Christian Leali’ifano and coaches Stephen Hoiles and David Dennis, as well as Fijian Olympic gold medalist Semi Kunatani. The Fijian Drua, co-captained by Tevita Ikanivere and Frank Lomani, have quickly become fan favorites with their dynamic style of play.
This match not only offers a thrilling rugby spectacle but also strengthens ties between the Pacific and the United States, highlighting the sport’s growing international appeal.
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