Author: Nutta

Underfed front-rower with no speed or ball skills. Started playing footy in the 70's and still going. Can't remember the last time I passed on a ball, beer or karaoke mike. Motto - "Meat and potatoes first. Then gravy. And you don't put gravy on the plate first Boy."

Here’s cheers to all you cobbers out there! Welcome to Episode 20 of the Chewsday Chew. I hope you’re all well, fit, healthy, a touch fat and wallowing in the good things in life. I confess I was scratching about for something to write about this week. I was beginning to feel a little panicked by my distinctly uninspired palette of topics on about Friday or so. However, I was saved when I caught a bit of the Garma Festival via the ABC and SBS over the weekend as that then got me thinking about the impact that First Nations players have…

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Hey all you rugby zombies out there in TV land… Welcome to Episode 19 of the Chewsday Chew. I have to say that after the veritable tornado, the smorgasbord, the awe-inspiring tsunami of rugby we have had to digest over the last 4 weeks or so via my new best mate Stan, I confess to being a bit (more) of a gibbering idiot over the weekend just gone as I withdraw off the high. Sans 97 hours of rugby played to be squeezed into 48 hours of viewing pleasure, I was forced to the more mundane domesticated duties like cleaning…

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Hi Ya Cobbers and Diggers All Welcome to Episode 18 of the Chewsday Chew. Today I thought to have a wee chat about rugby Commentators and ask should we expect a commentator to know the laws of our game? Now in case you have been living under a veritable rugby-commentary rock for the last two or three years, or if you are in fact one of those people who truthfully can watch a game of rugby on TV with the sound turned down (in which case we best discuss the other elements of your sociopathy firstly), the motivation for this…

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Hello Cobbers, Welcome to Episode 17 of the Chewsday Chew. I’m luvin’ rugby at the moment. I don’t know if it’s Stan and their hugely improved and comprehensive coverage compared to the drivel previously offered by Fux, or if Kiwi coaches and Aussie players in with the northerners are finally getting them up to speed enough to take on us southerners (or the southerners losing their advantage gap?), or if the footy is actually ‘better’ (and there is a whole other argument) or what it is. But whatever it is, I’m watching more, enjoying it more and am generally just…

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Hello cobbers all – even the English ones, Welcome to Episode 16 of the Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly sagacious, complicated or mesmerising, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition and let the good readers of this esteemed site share their opinions thereafter. Call it the lazy man’s attempt to fill a void by poking our collective bear of rugby knowledge to share their reflections and lift the average beyond the humdrum. And in that vein, I hope you’re all not too bloated, bestuffed, over-indulged, tapped-out and suffering intolerable indigestive rugby…

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Hello Cobbers! Welcome to Episode 15 of the Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly sagacious, complicated or mesmerising, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition and let the good readers of this esteemed site share their opinions thereafter. Call it the lazy man’s attempt to fill a void by poking our collective bear of rugby knowledge to share their reflections and lift the average beyond the humdrum. So to that end, I must say I was left somewhat perplexed over the weekend by RA’s attempts to market the upcoming English Tests. To…

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Hiya Cobbers, I hope you all had your fill of rugby over the weekend. What with the Super Final wherein the Cru executed the Blu, the Gallagher Premiership wherein the Tigers parried the Sarries and the United Rugby Championship wherein the Stormers steaked the Bulls, there was a veritable rugby smorgasbord to gorge on no matter what your preferred style of rare meat slapping into other rare meat. The Cru and the Blu played typical Super style speed-rugby, the Sarries and Tigers seemed to kick, kick, and kick some more but still provided an extremely enticing match while the Jaapies…

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Hey Cobbers, And a happy June long weekend to you all. I hope you all dodged double demerits, Maccas drive-thru queues, road ragers and traffic jams for long enough to actually do something enjoyable over the break. Personally, I had a school reunion and so only caught bits and pieces of the rugby. Thankfully that included missing much of the live telecast of the Blues v Brumbies match while between too many lies, pies and minor exaggerations of how much faster, stronger and funnier we used to be. And I have to say that after watching the game today (Monday),…

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Hiya Cobbers Top of the morning to the lot of you and I hope you’re not too sad and sorry from the weekend’s results. If you are, then not to worry as the Donkeys won at least, ending the season for the Hurricanes on a typically balmy June evening in Canberra. But not everything was smooth sailing either on and off the field in the Brumbies victory. We made it hard for ourselves. As a usually unashamed fan of the Donkeys, not the least because we tend to make life uncomfortable for those who generally consider themselves as otherwise ‘born…

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Gudday Cobbers, I hope today finds you happy, fat and champing at the bit to rip, tear and snort into another day as a fun-luvin’, idiot-fan of the greatest game on earth. Amid all the goings on over the week gone, we saw the game forced to reflect yet again on the spectacle of the scrum. And this was no better exemplified when, in and among an otherwise breath-taking 1pt win to the Rebel Scum over the Highlanders, we saw mindless time lost yet again to scrum resets and general scrum buggerising-about. Now here’s the thing; readers of this erstwhile…

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And good evening to you cobbers all. Well what strange times we live in. Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, the weekend just gone saw us stage our 47th festivus of the democracy sausage and periodic federal election since our first one on 29 March 1901. And a number of notable things happened; firstly, what we saw was neither major party really win. What we saw was BOTH major parties go backwards in their primary vote, only that Liberal went backwards worse than Labor. So in short terms, because Labor was despised less, they held more and…

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Hello Cobbers, So haven’t I had a bugger of a weekend for results? Bloody Hell, I couldn’t’ve hit water if I threw the ball from a boat over the weekend! All our franchises lost, my regular club footy got rained out, my first grade club-battlers lost the Tarts curtain raiser on TV and I even managed to lose my bush scratch-match! Christ on His Stick, I should buy a lottery ticket because I have to break this run of losses soon! To summarise, the Tarts and the Rebels should have won their games. Really they should have. And the Donkeys…

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Hello Cobbers. I hope we are all well, fed, watered and perhaps even a little hungover. What’s happening in our lives today? We have our stronger Super fanchises generally holding their own in the land of the long white Speight’s (and in doing so yet again putting our perennial strugglers from the south and the west in the spotlight), we have club rugby now well back underway around the countryside with all sorts of folk battered, bashed and black-eyed on Monday morning teams/Zzom calls, we have a long-coming interest rate hike finally arrived and all that just in-time for an…

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Hello Cobbers. And a happy Chewsday to all my fellow Cobbers, Diggers, Freaks and Mouth Breathers out there today. I hope your coffee is warm, your socks & sandals are cool and you Angel cakes are moist. Welcome to Episode 7 of the Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly sagacious, complicated or mesmerising, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition and let the good readers of this esteemed site share their opinions thereafter. Call it the lazy man’s attempt to fill a void by poking our collective bear of rugby knowledge to…

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Gudday Cobbers, First things first, while this is written for Chewsday, it is written on Monday. And given this Monday is 25th April, I’ll share the same prayer here that I offer every year over my fire-pit. A beer for those who serve. A rum for those who fought. A whisky for those who paid the price. And a port for those who bear the scars. Welcome to Episode 6 of the Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly sagacious, complicated or mesmerising, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition and let the…

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Hello Cobbers. Happy Easter all. I hope you all remembered the Aeroguard and ‘adagoodweekend’. Welcome to Episode 5 of the Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly sagacious, complicated or mesmerising, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition and let the good readers of this esteemed site share their opinions thereafter. Call it the lazy man’s attempt to fill a void by poking our collective bear of rugby knowledge to share their reflections and lift the average beyond the humdrum. This week, I reflected on the things I see everyday. I live in…

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Hello Cobbers and Diggers All, And a top of the morning to everyone on this pre-Easter Tuesday. I hope the world you inhabit is Pizza Pockets for you all, and that you have the choccy eggs hidden, the tent packed and the beers stowed before the festivus of Easter-ANZAC swings-in. What is it – 11days off for the cost of 4 days leave? I can smell the campfires and fire-pits already. Outstanding. Welcome to Episode 4 of the Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly complicated, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition…

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Hello Cobbers So what’s happening around your world this week? Close to home, as of writing (Monday midday), undoubtedly we have an electioneering Scotty from Marketing trumpeting fuel excise relief and a few one-off payments to the lower/middle in order to buy an election via a budget. But none of those short-term initiatives were denied or rebuffed by Albo & Co. So there is nothing differentiating about it. And while we had the Mean Girls tagline belting our left-sided friends for a week or so, we then had Concetta Fierravanti-Wells pull the pin on her grenade for Scotty’s Mob on…

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Hey Cobbers & Diggers All. I hope you’ve all had a Pizza Pockets start to your week, filled with the warm, comforting, gooey goodness of melted ham and cheese. That said, while some of us on the east coast of Oz are finally getting a wee break from this bloody incessant rain, others are having to paddle about in floodwaters again, which is not good. What I do know is that, dealing with the big issues in life, pre-season training everywhere has been fairly decimated by this wet and, even as the son of a western NSW sheep farmer, even…

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Hey Cobbers All. I hope you’ve all had a cracker early start to the week and whatever god you bend a knee or bang a head towards is serving you a continuous stream of good weather, German pork knuckles, bottomless beers and good health. Welcome to The Chewsday Chew. The purpose herein is not to write something overly complicated, no Pythagorean concoction of indecipherable hyperbole, but rather to pose a simple observation, question or proposition and let the good readers of this esteemed site share their opinions thereafter. Call it the lazy man’s attempt to fill a void by poking…

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