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Springboks 2010 End Of Year Tour

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Andrew Slack (58)
It is certainly possible that they snuck out, went partying, and got hold of some shit. Somehow I don't think so.

Either way I think they are fucked and will get s 2 year ban at least.

The problem is they will always be labeled cheats, not matter what, and it taints SA Rugby's image as being cheats as well.

Imagine they tested again this weekend and got more players?


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
A former Bok captain being suspended for doping is the biggest news since Hansie.

Meanwhile your coach suspects the whole team might be on the gear, have you guys got any East German or Chinese "Doctors"?


Andrew Slack (58)
A former Bok captain being suspended for doping is the biggest news since Hansie.

Meanwhile your coach suspects the whole team might be on the gear, have you guys got any East German or Chinese "Doctors"?

Which former Bok captain?


Mark Loane (55)
Chilliboy. He has captained the Boks once.

I doubt that there is an endemic doping culture within the boks, and this may have been just a mistake, but these guys deserve what ever they get suspension wise due to the fact that all these guys do for a living is play sports. As proffesional athletes they have to take responsibility for whatever they put in their body, and if it is something that is a bit dodgy and not clearly labelled they shouldn't have taken the risk by taking it.

Probably worse is if the team doctor gave it them, his arse should be fired and on the first boat back to Joburg.


if you had pro rugby player money and you wanted to 'party' you wouldn't waste your time with this stuff. Quite an effective stim, likened to speed, but its not speed. Some US politicians wanted it banned years ago, but that is probably more due to the fact Patrick Arnold bought it to market and he designed the infamous "cream" and "clear" for Balco.

Either premeditated cheating or grossly negligent team management.


Tony Shaw (54)
Over the shelf pre-workout supplements commonly contain methylhexaneamine

I understood that the most likely source was the cold/flu medication; which, as other posters have said, has methylhexaneamine as a component in a very common over-the-counter sinus medication.


Rod McCall (65)
Team announced:

B. du Plessis
J. du Plessis

M Steyn
de Villiers
F Steyn

van der Linde
van der Merwe

Impressive bench and hope they get a change early on.


Colin Windon (37)
Given that Chiliboy was, from memory, posted as having 'flu before he came out, I suspect honest incompetence and over-the-counter meds. I do know SA meds have a cheerful attitude to adding things like pseudoephedrine, compared with other places.


Rod McCall (65)
Habana out with a broken hand.

Just when I thought we'll have our first qouta free bench since readmission, back comes ADeee.

South Africa:
15. Zane Kirchner, 14. Gio Aplon, 13. Francois Steyn, 12. Jean de Villiers, 11. Lwazi Mvovo, 10. Morne Steyn, 9. Francois Hougaard, 8. Ryan Kankowski, 7. Juan Smith, 6. Deon Stegmann, 5. Victor Matfield, 4. Bakkies Botha, 3. Jannie du Plessis, 2. Bismarck du Plessis, 1. Beast Mtawarira

Replacements: 16. Adriaan Strauss, 17. CJ van der Linde, 18. Flip van der Merwe, 19. Willem Alberts, 20. Ruan Pienaar, 21. Patrick Lambie, 22. Adrian Jacobs

Alberts should have started at 8 and fancy pansy Kankow shpould have benched. Anyway hope we'll see some early substitutes, want Lambie to break free.


Given that Chiliboy was, from memory, posted as having 'flu before he came out, I suspect honest incompetence and over-the-counter meds. I do know SA meds have a cheerful attitude to adding things like pseudoephedrine, compared with other places.

This is what bothers me with the whole deal. I still think an OTC supplement is most likely (given PDV wants their "energy drink" tested), but if it id flu meds they should get the maximum 2 years. In this day and age, given 20+ years of infamous tests, I don't think you can even argue anything related to meds was inadvertent. You know you have to check anything like that.


Andrew Slack (58)
Very, very disappointing selections. Why drag all these promising players along? If there was a chance for proper rotation, this is it.

I think he should have played an all Sharks back row with Juan on the bench. Now the players won't be rested for England at all. Initially the plan was always to use the Scotland test as an opportunity to rotate. Why they haven't rested at least one of the two locks and Jannie du Plessis is also a mystery. Wtf is wrong with starting Hargreaves in this test?

And them Lambie. When are we going to learn how he goes when he starts a test? This is the last opportunity possibly even before World Cup. Also, a great opportunity to have Jantjes on the bench has been squandered. Pissed away bacuase you have no balls.

Kirchner was not even in the squad. Now he starts a test? Lambie should even have been considred at 15.

Panicky selections.

Looks like Alberts is not seen as an 8 although he may well replace Kanko early. Why not start Willem? Surely he desrved it as he single handedly lifted our game against the Welsh.

Stoked for Mvovo. Well deserved. A single shining light and PdV can't take credit. Had Hanabana not broken has hand Mvovo would have been on the bench.

The team will be fatigued come Twickenham and lose.

Pieter de Villers is an absolute pussy. The man has no spine. All he cares about is saving his job. Fuck him and his yes-man assistants. I am sick of this shit. He is putting our rugby back years. South Africa will take ten steps back post world Cup. Mark my words. We'll have one incompetent fucktard coach to thank for that.


Rod McCall (65)
Expert Noakes view on the doping
Noakes: Drug disappears fast

Edinburgh – The chances of more positive tests for banned substances on the Springbok tour appear to be extremely slim.

Positive tests returned by Chiliboy Ralepelle and Bjorn Basson for the stimulant methylhexaneamine prompted fears that the entire tour squad may be in danger of testing positive.

But well-known sports scientist Prof. Tim Noakes said on Tuesday that methylhexaneamine disappears from someone’s system within “24 to 36 hours”.

The Springbok camp also confirmed on Tuesday that all supplements had been given the red card for now.

If it is a supplement used by the team that was responsible for the positive tests returned by Ralepelle and Basson, it’s highly unlikely that it will still be in the system of other players come the next batch of tests after Saturday’s Test against Scotland at Murrayfield.

Ralepelle and Basson were tested after South Africa’s 23-21 win over Ireland in Dublin, however no tests were conducted after the weekend’s match against Wales in Cardiff.

Noakes also does not believe that Ralepelle and Basson could have gained any advantage from the use of methylhexaneamine and views the entire matter as a storm in a teacup.

“This is not a doping incident. It’s an incident of inadvertent use through medication of a supplement. To call these guys dopers would be unfair. You can’t label someone a crook if he’s not one,” said Prof Noakes.

“Doping agencies have to make a fuss every so often. In this case it’s doing harm.”

“Let’s focus on what is important. Let’s find the steroid-users.”

Noakes thinks it’s ridiculous to even look at the Ralepelle-Basson issue as a doping matter.

“It’s not doping. It’s an adverse chemical reaction.”

He added that there are few supplements that really offer any significant value and in the recent past a medical committee recommended to the South African Rugby Union that supplements should rather not be used by players.

“The contamination only has to be trivial for a positive test to be returned.”

Meanwhile, the Springbok team has closed the chapter on the issue and no longer wants to discuss it.

“The process is still continuing and we have sent some of our stuff to be tested. We don’t want another incident. We dealt with the issue fully on Monday, have moved on and are now focusing on Saturday,” said Springbok coach Peter de Villiers.

“We are professional and know how to handle tough situations. The team is looking forward to playing at Murrayfield.”

South African captain Victor Matfield was also not in the mood to continue talking about the issue.

“We dealt with the issue on Monday ... Of course it’s difficult two lose two of your mates, but we still have work to do. We want to move forward,” said Matfield.

“There are goals that we would like to achieve on this tour. We’re still not happy with the way we have played. We have won two games, but there is still a lot of hard work ahead of us. That is what we’re focusing on.”

Ralepelle and Basson were both treated for flu in the build-up to the test against Ireland, but Noakes doubts any product prescribed by team doctor Craig Roberts would have been to blame for them returning positive tests.

“Dr. Roberts has years of experience as a team doctor. He would not have anything with him that is banned.”

Meanwhile the South African Rugby Players Association (SARPA) has said that they will help ensure that the players get the best legal representation and assistance.

“The positive tests by Chili and Bjorn is a major source of concern for SARPA. The association already have the necessary processes in place to ensure that the players get the best legal representation and assistance,” said SARPA chief executive Piet Heymans.

“It is now of critical interest that everything possible is done to gain all information and take steps to ensure that our two members get a fair hearing.

“The players also have access to a 24-hour helpline that can provide them with support, advice and assistance if they need it during this difficult time.

“Not only does the incident again place the spotlight on the manufacturers of these products, but consideration will also have to be given to getting written undertakings and guarantees from the manufacturers before professional rugby players use these products.”


Colin Windon (37)
This is what bothers me with the whole deal. I still think an OTC supplement is most likely (given PDV wants their "energy drink" tested), but if it id flu meds they should get the maximum 2 years. In this day and age, given 20+ years of infamous tests, I don't think you can even argue anything related to meds was inadvertent. You know you have to check anything like that.

Oh, Doc, they get a ban, no question; it's strict liability. But I'd be open to it being less than the maximum.


Andrew Slack (58)
The additions to the touring party:


Ndungane again, really? And Maku as well? And who is this McLeod fellow?

Ndungane. Meh. There are three of four wingers that deserve a callup before him.

Maku is better than Chiliboy IMHO. Really good hooker. Still not better that the WP's Liebenberg. Also a color selection but he is really good.

McCleod is the on of the best young scrummies in SA and was the form 9 in the CC. He kept Kockott out of the Sharks team. Quality player.


Billy Sheehan (19)
Oh, dear.
Blue, PB, rusty - I feel the pain too. Losing to Scotland.

Wait till England drops 40 points on the Boks next week, and then we lose to the Baa Baas. And every week, after every crap performance, the "coach" continues to highlight the supposed positives he sees in the team. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum. And the players like uninterested, old, off the pace, and appear to have no discernible game plan and any synergy.

Annus horribilis
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