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Shute Shield 2012

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Syd Malcolm (24)
Cart before the Horse? Someone at Rugby News might be getting ahead of themselves.

"Parramatta will be looking for revenge against Randwick who staged a second half comeback to beat the Two Blues at Coogee Oval in round 10. The addition of former Chiefs, Waratahs and All Blacks winger Sosene Anesi is a boost for the side but what’s equally exciting is their position on the table.

A win against Randwick gives Parramatta (currently on 32 competition points) the very real prospect of leapfrogging Norths (33) who play Sydney University and Easts (35) who play Eastwood. Of course, this is a consequence of the competition’s structure this year, but when was the last time the Two Blues were fifth on the table after 13 rounds?"

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
It just highlights the critical need for a 3rd tier, we're losing players who aren't getting Super rugby contracts because they're good enough for pro rugby outside Aus.

I'm all for the 3rd tier as well, but, I dont think the funding available would allow us to compete with the pro rugby outside Australia.
How much of an overlap in seasons is there?
Very raw suggestion - would the like's of the wealthy Japanese Clubs invest in a 3rd tier out here?
Could the right sales approach attract the required funding?
It is not just players we loose overseas, we've lost alot of very good coaches as well?

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Interesting topic raised by Mr Bray from the Hobbits - Transfer fees for clubs.

When players are not on contract to clubs, and there is plenty of post season movement between Shute Shield clubs, and interstate to Brisvegas and Disneyland, how would a transfer system be applied?

What actual value do the Shute Shield clubs add to a player if they are only there for one or two seasons?

Many clubs have very few players in their senior teams that have come up through that clubs junior village clubs and colts pathways. Many people would argue that Schools (in Sydney at least) do most of the player development, and perhaps they should get some $ when their players graduate into the clubs Colts programmes etc.. Where do you stop?

Should SRU get the transfer fee? It is their competition that the players are getting noticed in. They need to cover their costs somehow, after they have covered their costs then the balance of the transfer payments money could be distributed to clubs on a pro rata basis.

It would certainly assist those clubs who do invest in their juniors instead of those plundering others. Not so sure re the schools player development argument works beyond the selective high school, ISA (think St Augustine's) GPS and CSA leaders - junior clubs still do a lot . Clubs are struggling on budgets less than suburban soccer clubs and we know what the . Someone like Dewett Roos who has been stuck in 2's would have been rightly upset when Hart turned up not even getting firsts match payments - Shute Shield at its top levels is tough and demands commitment. Money talks and what price loyalty - ask the guys shaking hands with 2nd and 3rd grade coaches this weekend as Super 15 players take up their spots - great for spectators but not players. The answer is a genuine well funded 3rd tier and transfer fees may help- qwerty's comments are well made.

Its the money stupid and a need for all Shute Shield clubs to engage cooperatively and directly with the ARU (which is the only body who can to the extent it is necessary engage the overseas unions) by passing the mob in between - the SRU has also been part of the problem recently ie; think the brilliant new comp format to accomodate higher tiers and its consequent reduction in games and gate money etc to struggling Shute Shield clubs.


Dave Cowper (27)
Cart before the Horse? Someone at Rugby News might be getting ahead of themselves.

"Parramatta will be looking for revenge against Randwick who staged a second half comeback to beat the Two Blues at Coogee Oval in round 10. The addition of former Chiefs, Waratahs and All Blacks winger Sosene Anesi is a boost for the side but what’s equally exciting is their position on the table.

A win against Randwick gives Parramatta (currently on 32 competition points) the very real prospect of leapfrogging Norths (33) who play Sydney University and Easts (35) who play Eastwood. Of course, this is a consequence of the competition’s structure this year, but when was the last time the Two Blues were fifth on the table after 13 rounds?"

Randwick also seem to be boosted by the return of Waratah Drew Mitchell. Should be a cracker of a game.


Nev Cottrell (35)
The Mighty, Mighty Two Blues scored a bonus point win 38-12 over Randwick at Merrylands RSL Rugby Park today.

Other scores
Easts 16 Eastwood 56
Manly 24 Souths 22
Norths 23 Uni 26
Gordon 23 Warringah 5
Penrith 24 Wests 38

Which, if my maths serves, moves the Mighty, Mighty Two Blues to fifth on the table. :)


Phil Kearns (64)
What an extraordinary turnaround for the Woodies. Thrashed by the Beasts at Millner in the first round, and reversing the result at Woollahra. Weird.

Ole Two Blue

from the sound of it there was a coupl of tight ones, obviously the Uni v Norths game with Hangers slotting the penalty after bell and apparently Manly scored after the bell to knock off Souths too.....sounds like some thrilling rugby being played right across Sydney.

And I am reliably informed that roughly 30 grand was raised for Seti Tafua yesterday. That's a sensational effort, congratulations to everyone who contributed, a prime example of the rugby community working together for the greater good. Here's hoping for a positive recovery for Seti.


Syd Malcolm (24)
Thommo's match report of the Two Blues' win over Randwick and a video highlights package have been posted on the Parra website.

Not sure that's Thommo's writing style, too many spelling errors for a school principal! Looks like he may have a ghost writer because he's also match day controller on home games.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Not sure that's Thommo's writing style ... Looks like he may have a ghost writer because he's also match day controller on home games.
Thommo's reports are legendary (well...) - maybe he does employ a ghost writer or sub-editor? As long as he retains creative control I'll keep reading them. That's not to denigrate the other occasional match reporters, but Thommo's reports have a certain flair. And, no I didn't write that because I thought he'd belt me ;)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^^^^^^ Not entirely true Reg. When the Brisbane Competition is over, following recent precedent, they become eligible to be parachuted into the Shute Shield Finals series.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
^^^^^^^^ Not entirely true Reg. When the Brisbane Competition is over, following recent precedent, they become eligible to be parachuted into the Shute Shield Finals series.
No its true - no Reds contracted players will. Brisbane comp was delayed also so our club players wouldn't move down there.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Nice to see that this particular rorting loophole has now been closed.

IIRC the parachutee from BrisVegas Premier rugby was not a reds player, but he was relatively competent footy player. It was just disgraceful that he was allowed to rock up to play his first (and only) Shute Shield game in a Semifinal.

Ole Two Blue

^^^^^^^^ Not entirely true Reg. When the Brisbane Competition is over, following recent precedent, they become eligible to be parachuted into the Shute Shield Finals series.

HJ is correct, they can join the comp after the Brisbane season finishes. However the points cap loading will apply to them and in most cases, double. They may also be inelgible to play finals unless they play a minimum of 2 games.

Rule 33.2 (b) of the Operations Manual states:

The player has been on representative duties during the current season and has played a minimum of two minor premiership matches in the current season at the same Club in which he is seeking eligibility.


Geoff Shaw (53)
HJ is correct, they can join the comp after the Brisbane season finishes. However the points cap loading will apply to them and in most cases, double. They may also be inelgible to play finals unless they play a minimum of 2 games.

Rule 33.2 (b) of the Operations Manual states:

The player has been on representative duties during the current season and has played a minimum of two minor premiership matches in the current season at the same Club in which he is seeking eligibility.

Isn't it two games unless they have rep commitments?


Vay Wilson (31)
Nice to see that this particular rorting loophole has now been closed.

IIRC the parachutee from BrisVegas Premier rugby was not a reds player, but he was relatively competent footy player. It was just disgraceful that he was allowed to rock up to play his first (and only) Shute Shield game in a Semifinal.
Are you referring to the Poly lock who played for Randwick a couple of years ago against Manly? He was very handy and I remember saying at the time that it was a joke.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Can't recall who it was against so will defer to the suggestion that it was the Marlins. It was the Wicks, it was a second row player from Brissie, it was a semi played at Uni #1 oval, the oval was not in the best of nick, it was a televised game and the Wicks won in a game they weren't expected to win.

I think they also trotted out Rocky and another Wob or two for a rare guest appearance at Shute Shield level.

The staggering thing is that Wicks wonder why they have critics.
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