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Sharks v Tahs, round 7 2014

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Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I was actually shocked at how badly the Tahs played. I picked them to win and they were never in the game. I was supprised at the niggle, the dropped ball and the bad set piece.

Is Cheika in trouble for his outburst?

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
Rob Horne and Francois Steyn have both been cited from this game.

Horne for this effort.


Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
If you slow it right down his arm looks to bounce off the ball and clobber him but still, the intent was there.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
If you slow it right down his arm looks to bounce off the ball and clobber him but still, the intent was there.

Not hard to make contact with the ball first then "accidentally" with the head, used to happen all the time in NRL until they started ruling that ANY contact with the head would be punished - even if the other guy "falls into" the arm all they do is drop the grade of the citing. Easily worth 4 weeks in my book, maybe a week less if his record's squeaky clean or a week more if he's got previous.

As for Cheika, I'd expect him to be getting some kind of censure, you can't just charge down from the coaching box & give the touchies a spray, even if they deserve it. Anyone got before & after shots of the visitors coaching box? Maybe the 'tahs will be required to put up a bond for future away matches lol.


Simon Poidevin (60)
The penalty count must not look good. The second half seemed to be a one way affair. The card was defiantly the soften card I have ever seen. The sharks had hands in the ruck and raked the ball back a number of times and went unpenalised.

The sharks were beasts though. I thought Potgeiter was the only tah player that had the physicality that matched the sharks.

On Another note, if izzy was playing, coopers
Line break would of ended up in a try at the start of the game.


Alex Ross (28)
Horne's problem is that he jumped in the air to get his arm that high. Looked deliberate, and I was very surprised he wasn't red carded. Definitely deserved one.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Going from the multitude of replays I've seen today, Horne definitely deserved a card, Steyn was borderline penalty / card.

Surprised about Steyn's citing, but agree that Horne will be on the sidelines for a couple of weeks.

Tahs need Folau back at fullback. I'd actually be tempted to give Foley a week's rest on the bench too, but there's no-one really to replace him right now. You can try Beale, but I think that the Tahs will just end up running across field too much.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I thought both Horne and Steyn deserved yellow cards. It was very late and he slung Beale around very hard. You are almost always going to smash your head into the ground when that happens. In a game where concussion is very much in the spotlight it was dangerous and completely unnecessary.

Horne is likely to get suspended. He got a few weeks for a tip tackle on Beale in 2011 from memory so that will count against him.

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Stirling Mortlock (74)
He may have slung Beale around but that's legal so the only issue is lateness and a yellow card/citing for that is a joke.


Alex Ross (28)
Watching it live I thought Beale was acting a bit, but on replay he smacked his head into the ground pretty hard and was probably lucky he wasn't concussed.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Ref actually said there was nothing wrong with the tackle itself, just it was late. He hit his head on the ground hard but that's rugby, what happens when a 110kg player ragdolls a 85kg player.

Skelton was also lucky to escape sanction late in the game - he was very reckless when he came on probably due to the situation/feeling in the game.


Ted Thorn (20)

On Another note, if izzy was playing, coopers
Line break would of ended up in a try at the start of the game.

You're naturally assuming that AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) would've passed it to him though. He had the ball very securely tucked under his right wing even when it was inevitable that he would be tackled.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Horne should be wearing the No1's to the game for a month or so.

He should consider himself very lucky not to have been first in the showers last night. Silly silly play. He is a much better player than that, but should get just rewards for stupid play.

Now in the hands of the SANZAR judicial lottery, anything could happen.

Steyn. PK was probably appropriate for a late tackle. Citing seems to be consequence of "we're serious on concussion" trend. If it was so bad a concussion, why was Gilbert allowed to remain on the oval?


I was actually shocked at how badly the Tahs played. I picked them to win and they were never in the game. I was supprised at the niggle, the dropped ball and the bad set piece.

Is Cheika in trouble for his outburst?

Is it a case of Jake White knowing how to play Australian teams and how to get under their skin (aside from the Sharks being a pretty good team)?


Andrew Slack (58)
Wow. Collective meltdown by the Tahs. First the captain then the coaches.

What was Cheika complaining about? The Sharks forwards were pushing too hard in the scrum? Tackles too hard for him?

The Tahs cam in with a plan to niggle. That was clear from the first minute. Pushes and shoves at every ruck. Punches in the scrum wand whatnot.

Backfired. Good riddance. Just bloody play rugby there is another taken in the team.

"Composure" is not a word I would describe them by right now. Sharks are no angels but dear me you can't start throwing your toys around.
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