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Reds v Highlanders

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Michael Lynagh (62)
Especially a team as good as the Highlanders, they had an off first half the the Reds played well and took advantage. I was wondering if it would take until the Sunwolves for the Reds to get a win this year, happy it finally happened!

And how good is Gill. Gees we are going to miss him next year. He just needs to stop kicking.


Alan Cameron (40)
Well done Reds, any time you find a way to finish ahead of a team as good as the HL's its well done.

I reckon a few of the die hards would have chewed their fingernails down to the knuckle with that second half, but did just enough to hang on!
And pull out what precious little hair they have left.

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Well done Reds. Amazing what a couple of weeks of competent coaching can do.

I'd be banning Frisbee from box kicks for the rest of the year.


Desmond Connor (43)
ACR you got a try/bonus point because of a awful official error and should have had a player in the bin for the neck roll.

An awful official error, this is rugby. There's a bloody infringement every play. It's just pure luck which ones get picked up. You could argue that the Reds are lucky that the Highlanders got pinged for stuff that didn't really impact on whether the disallowed tries were scored. It's just luck of the ref, and more so these days, the TMO.


Worth noting the difference was the field goal in the first half. Missed field goal chances cost them games earlier in the year and tonite was the thing that won it for them.


Desmond Connor (43)
An awful official error, this is rugby. There's a bloody infringement every play. It's just pure luck which ones get picked up. You could argue that the Reds are lucky that the Highlanders got pinged for stuff that didn't really impact on whether the disallowed tries were scored. It's just luck of the ref, and more so these days, the TMO.

If it's just luck anyone could do it. There's more eyes watching the game then ever before, obvious stuff like that should be picked up. It's not a matter of luck. It's a matter of competence.


Desmond Connor (43)
If it's just luck anyone could do it. There's more eyes watching the game then ever before, obvious stuff like that should be picked up. It's not a matter of luck. It's a matter of competence.

Ok then, well we'll take the penalty from the phase before for the obvious offside at the ruck. Or do you want the one before that where we offside in the midfield, or do we go back to Gill entering from the side of the Ruck the phase before..

I digress, we should stop whinging about refs, I tend to do that when we lose though. Reds have the bikkies and can reasonably say they deserved it. 5 minutes in the chill corner for me..

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I think that foul play infringements are of a different standard to off sides and such.

World Rugby announced a clampdown on these neck rolls before the last RWC. Players should have received the message by now.


Alan Cameron (40)
Well done Reds. Amazing what a couple of weeks of competent coaching can do.

I'd be banning Frisbee from box kicks for the rest of the year.
He does it so often it has to be a coached tactic. They were much better at it tonight. I thought our back mostly chased them really well.


Alan Cameron (40)
From where is was sitting in the stands there looked to be a gew shepards going on. They were never called, anything said on tv?

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Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
From where is was sitting in the stands there looked to be a gew shepards going on. They were never called, anything said on tv?

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yeah, I thought they ran behind their own players a hell of a lot.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
To put it diplomatically, ref Glen Jackson's "just play on" style was "expressed" to the nth degree tonight. "Let the players sort of out , yeah knock on there, let it go, make up call for the one I let go just before, oops 6 inches offside, better call that one up just to keep them honest"....... then let's everyone play offside for the next 3 minutes

Had to laugh at the Reds jersey salesman finally getting to do the ONE thing he's supposed to able to, after being in the doghouse for a month - presumably for spending the first game and a half of the season basically hiding at the back and forcing his wingers do his fuckin job on attack and defense - scuff his kick at goal completely.

Sopoaga v.impressive mental fortitude there, visa visor next level up

Patrick Osborne, what an enigma wrapped in a brainfart. Glorious hands and leaping, blazing pace, surprising power.... then he'll make a massive cocks bollox of some rudimentary schoolboy play and the mere thought of him in black is like a shopping trolley to the frozen produce section in your local frozen produce section


Simon Poidevin (60)
Yeeew! Well done reds. Such a good first half. Hows kerevi! Amazing.

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Peter Fenwicke (45)
Fuck me, I know i steal some rich person's seat every week but this week the halfway crowd was chock full of Clan fans. Could've been Carisbrook with the amount of those pricks telling me to shut up cheering for the Reds.

Well, fuck them all! We've won it and if they want to cheer for the Clan they can fuck off back to the freezing cold town that is Dunedin! Enjoy the Cadbury factory & bugger all else!

The Reds are back!

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