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Quade Cooper and Summer Digressions

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Nicholas Shehadie (39)

Now I hope that's embedded the right video, but that's what I call a coach-to-player bollocking. And the main subject of that blast now has the respect of his coach and his team-mates. "Can't watch Quade attempt another front-on tackle - can...not...do..it"
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John Thornett (49)
Excellent except that he's a shit coach for my beloved 49ers. Terrible game management. But since a rugby coach does about 2% of the in-game management of an NFL coach that may not be such a big problem.


Tony Shaw (54)
.... I for one think it is getting more than a little tiresome that you and RedsHappy seem to relate everything that goes wrong in a team to one individual.....

Mission accomplished Scotty (and notable others) - I have had enough of the increasingly snide and close to 'personal' material above - I shall depart GAGR for a (good) period. As Scarf has rightly said, we do not want tedium, and one thing the Admins know about me, I have supported GAGR (and all it stands for) in a sincere and committed manner. But the Moderators IMO have not sufficiently encouraged 'play the ball' in the recent period re this coaches-related debate (which most other codes btw would see as entirely normal and healthy for the code), and the whole tone here (in many threads) is thus spiralling.

Let me close with this:

A. If you do not witness what has happened at Twickenham and Munster (and the fact that Australia A has won just 1 match out of 4 it has played this year, and that Australia generally has won just 1 match out of 5 it has played v England this year) and not see very serious deficiencies in leadership and management in this current Wallabies coaching group, than anything I do to attempt to articulate the needs for changes in this area, will never persuade you (and related others);

B. Yes, it's fun, amusing, recreational etc to have continuous debate about, say, whether Turner or Mitchell is better, or if Mumm should play this week etc. But that will turn no tides, no one outside this forum will be sighting that with great engagement and being significantly influenced by it.

C. It is top leadership that fixes things, and makes them better, generally. Look at the role Gagger played in setting this place up, then a small group of fine blokes who really loved and cared about the code, built it further (and well done to them). There lies the key. I have NEVER said 'Robbie is responsible for everything'; that is just an insult to all I have ever written here over 5+ months. What I believe is that Deans has failed to create the right kind and breadth of competencies and personnel in his core coaching group to adequately rebuild top level Australian rugby and that he has failed to select and train the optimum set of players to achieve a w-l ratio of at least 60-65%+, period. No team, over time, in elite sport today ever exceeds the calibre of its oversighting leadership in terms of the results it achieves over time. There are multiple Wallaby player failures yes, but I do not believe for one micro-second that we are just a nation now composed of piles of ordinary players, or not enough good ones, so we must just accept a fate as a 3rd ranked force in global rugby, and, it's kind of 'all their fault', that is a totally invalid and unproven excuse for failure IMO.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
RH I am not going to plead with you not to go. I have watched this debate very carefully, and think you are being overly precious here. By all means disagree, but I would like you to provide some evidence for your viewpoint. A few of these personal posts if you will.

Yes you copped some banter for your 1000 word missive, and you have copped some flak for you views in general. But I have also copped flak for being a so-called 'Deans lover', but that is all part and parcel of the debate. Nothing has ever gotten overly personal, and the Mods will back this up- they have been involved on both sides of the debate. I maintain this is the most level-headed and balanced forum around, but by all means go elsewhere if you think that is not the case. Good luck finding anyone that will engage you in meaningful debate like those here have though.


Greg Davis (50)
Very funny that some posters want to see Pro sports people managed differently than any other group. They have no understanding of group dynamics or individual psychology, and do not acknowledge the effects of such statements on the standing of the organsiation.

If Cooper resents Deans public bagging of him, he isn’t going to say it to anybody but his closest friends, but resentment like that will mean that he is less receptive to coaching/mentoring from Deans or people appointed by him. It basically means to me that Deans could well have burnt a bridge here.

With all due respect, bollocks.


Bob Davidson (42)
A winning Wallabies side will go a long way to cheering up the mood of this forum, I'll tell ya. It's the truth and I'm not kidding either.


Anyway, I see Berrick Barnes has played Quade Cooper into another starting role. Well done laddy.


David Codey (61)
Mission accomplished Scotty (and notable others) - I have had enough of the increasingly snide and close to 'personal' material above - I shall depart GAGR for a (good) period. As Scarf has rightly said, we do not want tedium, and one thing the Admins know about me, I have supported GAGR (and all it stands for) in a sincere and committed manner. But the Moderators IMO have not sufficiently encouraged 'play the ball' in the recent period re this coaches-related debate (which most other codes btw would see as entirely normal and healthy for the code), and the whole tone here (in many threads) is thus spiralling.

Personal? In your book personal seems to mean disagreeing with you. What I said is a long way from 'snide' and 'personal'.


Alfred Walker (16)
Now the teddies are well and truly out of the cot, can we get back to Cooper for a second?

I think the Wallabies are failing him - seriously.

Think about it. The man can't spell "in" and he clearly doesn't listen or can't listen.

Is there any chance that this has something to do with a learning disability, for example? Might explain a few things... Deans being "protective". Cooper being all over the shop etc etc.

And if he does have a learning disability - or similar - wtf are the ARU doing about it?


John Thornett (49)
Am I the only one who finds the level of deference shown by American players to their coaches a bit OTT and creepy?

Totally different sports culture. American sports -- even at the professional level but less so there -- are fundamentally built around coaches. Colleges and high schools achieve quality and continuity through coaches and players go to those schools because of the coaches. In college basketball, for example, coaches are a MUCH bigger deal than the players.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
Quite simply dropping is the marker that the individual hasn't achieved the KPIs required to maintain their position. That is simply different to saying that the manager believes the individual lacks the will/ability or drive to perform to the required level.

Calling them KPI's is exactly the same, and is just sugar coating the pill in my opinion Gnostic. Sensitive new age mangement speak, in order to avoid telling someone directly that they are not up to the job and scarring them for life:rolleyes: The reason someone is not meeting them is because of a lack of one or more of ability, will, or drive to do so.

Works both ways, in that the manager who put the guy in that position when he should have had a better clue about his limitations can still feel good about himself too, by not having to directly acknowledge that he screwed up as well! After all, the guy just couldn't hit the KPI's, right?

Is it the right way to deal with QC (Quade Cooper)? In normal people management terms, no, but I think all of us at some time have had people working for us for whom an unorthodox approach is needed in order to get the best out of them. A 23 year old earning $600k a year is not the kind of person that standard personnel management cliches apply to. No question this would have been addressed with him before in numerous different ways, and we can all see how well that has worked.

Throw in some other factors, e.g. the 1 year contract (which speaks for itself about his commitment levels), and the approach starts to make a little more sense I feel.

If he is at 10 for the RWC and still can't tackle, we will be lucky to make it out of the pool games, there will be so much traffic coming at/through him, in which case we need someone else there (an argument for another thread), so it's cock on the block time for QC (Quade Cooper) - either sort your defence, or you're gone until you do.

Better to put it out there now than tiptoe around it for the next 9 months.

Joe Mac

Arch Winning (36)
I think every Super 15 team will have a section on how to whip the reds this year dedicated to running straight at QC (Quade Cooper).

After 2011's new long season and all the traffic diverted his way, he will have ample practice to learn how to tackle. If he cant master it by the WC he never will.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
I think every Super 15 team will have a section on how to whip the reds this year dedicated to running straight at QC (Quade Cooper).

After 2011's new long season and all the traffic diverted his way, he will have ample practice to learn how to tackle. If he cant master it by the WC he never will.

:lmao: Very true. Item #1 in every "How to beat the Reds" manual!
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