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QF1 2012 - Reds vs Sharks

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John Solomon (38)
I'm becoming a bigger fan of his and less of Higgers with every game. Totally contrasting styles but the Reds don't need a seagull with the backline they have.

I think maybe the opposite. They need - well need is to strong a word - but they can use a seagull, or at least some sort of forward out with the otherwise easily isolated backs, especially when they're playing with the width they do with QC (Quade Cooper) and Genia.

And with Genia constantly threatening short blinds having a ball carrier like Higginbotham parked there is a great choice. Half the time he is paid out for being on the wing he is one pass from Genia on a short blind.

Having great workers like Slipper, Holmes, Schatz, Fainga'a S, Gill/Robinson helps them balance the 'seagull'.


Rod McCall (65)
JPP had an excellent game against the Cheetahs. His kick that made the one try was one of the best I ever saw on the rugby field. Even Cooper cant do that, great to see him back to his very best.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Penalty count to be 17-8 against the reds (based on last reds game Kaplan reffed).


Rod McCall (65)
Oh no, is Kaplan the ref this week? How can that be, he's a Saffa, surely a Kiwi ref is in order... please not Bryce!
Aus only have a retreaded Kiwi ref, NZ dont have refs with Pollock out, so you just have to do with Saffer refs. Its the Reds playing , not the Tahs , should you should relax.


John Solomon (38)
Aus only have a retreaded Kiwi ref, NZ dont have refs with Pollock out, so you just have to do with Saffer refs. Its the Reds playing , not the Tahs , should you should relax.

Yeah Paarl, I know our refs are rubbish, though i do like our retreaded Kiwi.
Are you saying that both games this weekend will be reffed by Saffa's?
For what it's worth I think S.A. refs are the best in the business at this point in time.... apart from Mr Kaplan, I think he over officiates a game & seems to love the sound of his whistle.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Aus only have a retreaded Kiwi ref, NZ dont have refs with Pollock out, so you just have to do with Saffer refs. Its the Reds playing , not the Tahs , should you should relax.
Prior to his last performance here (game before last) I would have agreed... But watching that game he was well off the pace of the game and seemed to be refereeing what he thought had happened, not what he saw (because he was in no position to see much, if any of it). I question his fitness levels to be honest.

In the local region, the Saffa refs are generally the best and fairest, followed by the ex-NZ one, followed by NZ ones, followed by daylight, followed by unknown Australian ones, followed by players reffing the game by themselves, followed by those guys and girls who ref the U5s at half time at reds games, followed by Rugby League refs who want to give it a shot, followed by Bryce Lawrence.


Peter Sullivan (51)
If you recall the saders vs reds game you might note how 'unfair' Bryce's officiating appeared to the reds. It was the only game where the reds coach complained about the officiating afterwards.

If that result went the other way, the saders wouldn't even be in the finals!

Yes, & I can always turn around & say the wrong call of obstruction against Dan Carter just simply running his own line in the lead up to a certain Saders try cost us the RD7 game against the Bulls (32-30). That ultimately cost us points. I could also say that if Lilo hadn't of been injured the Brumbies would have beaten the Blues last game or if the Blues had of got themselves together earlier maybe they would have beaten the Reds in RD10. Maybe during R16 the act of putting my left foot in my left Ugg boot first getting out of bed instead of my usual right foot first routine sent some kind of bad vibe across the ditch to Tom Taylor. This undoubtedly cursing his kicking foot which is why he screwed up a conversion attempt that would have given us the game against the Canes ;). Given some of the reasons that come up on this site for teams losing or winning I think the Ugg boot scenario is quite plausible. Hypotheticals are fun aren't they :) . Earlier in RD2 I thought Diggers obstructed Pocock trying to stop a Reds try but I was directed by posters here to the laws on this which stated he was indeed ok given he kept his line - which he did. Funny thing is Dan does the exact same thing as Diggers in RD7 & the threads were so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

I think it is safe to say we are always going to see the injustices against our own team more than we will of the opposition. Regardless of how impartial one tries to be.

Now, the main point I wanted to post is that I think Reds fans should be really happy with the way the finals path has unfolded for their team. I wish my team was in this kind of position. The most concerning thing would be facing the Chiefs in NZ but other than that the rest is looking better than say going to SA then having to come back to NZ or OZ for a final. I'm hoping for a close encounter with the Sharks (for entertainment) but IMHO the Reds will win this in a very one sided encounter +20. Sorry Sharks fans.


Rod McCall (65)
Sorry Sharks fans.
Well if the Sharks win the trophe it will be really a big achievement. They will travel to Aus, if they win, back to SA, if they win back to NZ for the final. If they can do this then they truely deserve to be champions. First things first and Reds it is.


Billy Sheehan (19)
AS, whilst I agree with your sentiments, the lack of outrage to injustices in Kiwi vs Saffa games is more likely to be the fact that a large number of people on this forum wouldn't have even watched the game.

I don't even get to watch the Reds games most of the time, although I do listen intently on the ABC.

And there is just not the passion to pursue the issue. Without trying to be rude, how many Saffa derbys have you watched and commented on. Because of the time difference I would imagine, like the rest of us, it would not be many.

I'm not trying to be condescending, I just see it that most of us are mainly rapt up in our own team.

twenty seven

Tom Lawton (22)
2012 Super Rugby Finals Series
Super Rugby Qualifiers (Play offs) referee appointments
Match No.121:Crusaders versus Bulls
Date Saturday 21 July, 2012
Venue : AMI Stadium, Christchurch, New Zealand
Kick Off local: (1935 local, 1935 NZT, 1735 NSW/ACT, 0935SAT, 0735 GMT)
Referee: Jaco Peyper
Assistant Ref 1:Keith Brown
Assistant Ref 2:Glen Jackson
TMO : Garratt Williamson
Match No.121:Reds versus Sharks
Date Saturday 21 July, 2012
Venue : Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane, Australia
Kick Off local: (1940 local, 2140 NZT, 1940 NSW/ACT, 1140SAT, 0940 GMT)
Referee: Jonathan Kaplan
Assistant Ref 1:Craig Joubert
Assistant Ref 2: James Leckie
TMO : Matt Goddard


Alan Cameron (40)
Quade got a week, sanchez taps, fingerA, Harris and Benny will be enough to win us this game. We only need to score more points, massive defense, a couple of tries and penalties should do. Should we win, we'll have Quade back and we'll need a bag of tries against the chiefs.


John Solomon (38)
I'd much rather Joubert had the whistle with Kaplan running the sideline. I hope he doesn't ruin this game with his constant penalising of pedantics like he did in the Highlanders game.


John Solomon (38)
Quade got a week, sanchez taps, fingerA, Harris and Benny will be enough to win us this game. We only need to score more points, massive defense, a couple of tries and penalties should do. Should we win, we'll have Quade back and we'll need a bag of tries against the chiefs.

Ah bugger! I still reckon we have the players to do the job this week. Still Quade is a massive loss.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Well if the Sharks win the trophe it will be really a big achievement. They will travel to Aus, if they win, back to SA, if they win back to NZ for the final. If they can do this then they truely deserve to be champions. First things first and Reds it is.

Absolutely Paarl, I'll tip my hat to them if they manage to pull it off.

AS, whilst I agree with your sentiments, the lack of outrage to injustices in Kiwi vs Saffa games is more likely to be the fact that a large number of people on this forum wouldn't have even watched the game.

I don't even get to watch the Reds games most of the time, although I do listen intently on the ABC.

And there is just not the passion to pursue the issue. Without trying to be rude, how many Saffa derbys have you watched and commented on. Because of the time difference I would imagine, like the rest of us, it would not be many.

I'm not trying to be condescending, I just see it that most of us are mainly rapt up in our own team.

While I don't go online to comment on every game I have actually watched the majority of early morning SA based games. That being said fair point not everyone watches every game.

I just heard the news about Quade. I still think the Reds will be ok against the Sharks, maybe not 20+ now. Lose quite a bit of attack with Quade gone.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I'd much rather Joubert had the whistle with Kaplan running the sideline. I hope he doesn't ruin this game with his constant penalising of pedantics like he did in the Highlanders game.
It is somewhat baffling that Joubert is running the line.
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