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NSW U16 Trial Games and Selections 2011

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cold coffee

Newbie - you are incorrect and infalmatory comments like this could even be considered libelous - you as a supposed man on the law should recognise this, or do you hide behind your online annonimity to just tip on people who don't kowtow to you or share your opinion.

I've just trawled the Trinity web page - so for the record:

John Allen (Co-coach 1st XV) Sportsmaster
Brad Barr (coach of 4th XV) master in charge of Rugby
Lachlan White (coach 16A XV) director of Rugby Coaching
Peter Gibson - (Co-coach 1st XV) - co coach NSW Schools II

Asked a boy i know who plays in the Trinity 16As (and a regular source of mine for things relating to that school) -

Q - "Who's Mr Barkell?"

A - "No idea - oh, hang on, he coaches the 15As and the prep school!"

It was also pointed out to me that in CAS competition 13s, 16s & Opens will play at the home school, whilst 14s & 15s play at the away school.

Bugger all opportunity then for the Barkell to even see ANY CAS U16 players in action, unless they are playing up in 1sts - but then I understand from other comments in this thread that he would have to nick off and fullfill his obligations to Norths Colts, so he doesn't even get to watch them there.

MOTH - thats heavy stuff old mate........

Rugby Tragic

Chris McKivat (8)
Newbie - you are incorrect and infalmatory comments like this could even be considered libelous - you as a supposed man on the law should recognise this, or do you hide behind your online annonimity to just tip on people who don't kowtow to you or share your opinion.

I've just trawled the Trinity web page - so for the record:

John Allen (Co-coach 1st XV) Sportsmaster
Brad Barr (coach of 4th XV) master in charge of Rugby
Lachlan White (coach 16A XV) director of Rugby Coaching
Peter Gibson - (Co-coach 1st XV) - co coach NSW Schools II

Asked a boy i know who plays in the Trinity 16As (and a regular source of mine for things relating to that school) -

Q - "Who's Mr Barkell?"

A - "No idea - oh, hang on, he coaches the 15As and the prep school!"

It was also pointed out to me that in CAS competition 13s, 16s & Opens will play at the home school, whilst 14s & 15s play at the away school.

Bugger all opportunity then for the Barkell to even see ANY CAS U16 players in action, unless they are playing up in 1sts - but then I understand from other comments in this thread that he would have to nick off and fullfill his obligations to Norths Colts, so he doesn't even get to watch them there.

MOTH - Try this then, print off the Sydney team hang it on your wall at home and see how many of the Sydney team end up at Trinity next year ! That should put it to bed once and for all.I bet a few of us have been correct all along.So it will be 12 months before you have to eat your words.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
OK let us stop the inflammatory stuff there. Rather than zap everything we''ll let it go but any future comments that are borderline will be nuked - right or wrong.

Thank you.


Tragic cheque book still has some money left in it so still several positions available - touch pause & explain - lol


Bill McLean (32)
Not inflammatory; fair comment!

Newbie - you are incorrect and infalmatory comments like this could even be considered libelous - you as a supposed man on the law should recognise this, or do you hide behind your online annonimity to just tip on people who don't kowtow to you or share your opinion.

I've just trawled the Trinity web page - so for the record:

John Allen (Co-coach 1st XV) Sportsmaster
Brad Barr (coach of 4th XV) master in charge of Rugby
Lachlan White (coach 16A XV) director of Rugby Coaching
Peter Gibson - (Co-coach 1st XV) - co coach NSW Schools II

Asked a boy i know who plays in the Trinity 16As (and a regular source of mine for things relating to that school) -

Q - "Who's Mr Barkell?"

A - "No idea - oh, hang on, he coaches the 15As and the prep school!"

It was also pointed out to me that in CAS competition 13s, 16s & Opens will play at the home school, whilst 14s & 15s play at the away school.

Bugger all opportunity then for the Barkell to even see ANY CAS U16 players in action, unless they are playing up in 1sts - but then I understand from other comments in this thread that he would have to nick off and fullfill his obligations to Norths Colts, so he doesn't even get to watch them there.

Essentially there is an opportunity to whip this one up into a frenzy and make further statements, however Lee and company can ill afford to install fire (slang used by low IQ schoolboys)s into this room ... lmao!
And out of respect to these keepers of this forum I will try to be polite and compendious in what I have to say. After that this matter will be considered dead to me and I will not engage in any further dialogue concerning the same.

I apologise for upsetting you MOTH, I didn't know (or could have known) of your close ties to the 'Trinity/CAS' fraternity. However this is a forum and criticism is a key feature of such places (especially when it comes to 16's rugby and the selection of teams).

With respect to the law and my alleged 'Libelous' conduct let it be said that such a term is now considered archaic and the law now makes no distinction between what is libelous or slanderous; see section 7 of the Defamation Act 2005 ('Act'). However what is most important is my fundamental right (and that of others) under the very same Act to make 'Fair Comment'. More so when one's comments are premised upon facts and one is able to corroborate and/or support the same! With respect to fair comment a famous High Court Justice once said, "t is one of the fundamental rights of free speech."

In future could I respectfully ask that you do not purport to lecture me on the law; I know exactly what I am doing! To borrow a line from a famous movie, "I don't write a cheque with my mouth unless I'm prepared to cash it with my ass" (lmao ... I love that quote!!). Essentially I stand behind everything I have said, including my apologies (where I have posted them)!

In finishing may I, on this one occasion, borrow your line (@POST #935) and say, "so I have a provocative style - well so what!"

This matter is ended!


Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
MOTH - Try this then, print off the Sydney team hang it on your wall at home and see how many of the Sydney team end up at Trinity next year ! That should put it to bed once and for all.I bet a few of us have been correct all along.So it will be 12 months before you have to eat your words.

RT - what thread have you been reading? Newbie alleges that this Barkell fellow is some shadowy mastermind of all things rugby at Trinity and indeed for the CAS - my post was pointing out that his school says otherwise - so I'm buggered if i can see where you are coming from, other than an hysterical bash the private schools position.

You reckon that the entire team will all be at Trinity next year, yet others say it's already overly represented by Trinity & CAS - which is it?

kiwi playing in Oz

Allen Oxlade (6)
Bugger all opportunity then for the Barkell to even see ANY CAS U16 players in action, unless they are playing up in 1sts - but then I understand from other comments in this thread that he would have to nick off and fullfill his obligations to Norths Colts, so he doesn't even get to watch them there.[/QUOTE]

I find it hard to believe MOTH! If rugby is one of the top sports in the school all sportsmasters or PE teachers know what's going on and who the good players are. Especially if there are players who are there on sport scholarships. At least five of those have played for the 1st 1V on more than one occasion. And what about when the school teams play traditional against other schools where all teams play one after the other? Nah its sad all sad and don't think. It will change until other states like VIC and WA start making their marks. Won't b long I reckon!


Hey boys, handbags at 10 paces!!!!!! Slow down. :lmao:

What's done, is done. The selections have been made for this year and will not change.

Look at next year & beyond, I would still like comments on my proposal, both positive & negative.

Let me hear why it will or will not work. At the moment, I have heard that the expense to run a tournament under my proposal (5 days) may see the powers to be not be forthcoming to finance it.

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
Seriously - IMO no matter what facts are presented - there are contributors in here who are that certain of a conspiracy that they will bend whatever facts do exist to suit their argument or use their intellect to bully others into submission.

So to move on and start the next stoush - who will win in a game between SJRU & schools or does no-one really care about the rugby in here anymore ?

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
Gents & others - on another thought all together - there was a lot of discussion earlier during the state & regional champs about the poor use of reserves by many coaches.

It struck me - are coaches experienced in limited (12) tactical substitutions? Schools don't have a limit and it is poorly enforced at SJRU club level - then all of a sudden, coaches have an enforced limit and don't know how it works - i recall that when league introduced the notion of limited interchange, it took professionals a while to sort through it. thoughts / opinions?

kiwi playing in Oz

Allen Oxlade (6)
Seriously - IMO no matter what facts are presented - there are contributors in here who are that certain of a conspiracy that they will bend whatever facts do exist to suit their argument or use their intellect to bully others into submission.

So to move on and start the next stoush - who will win in a game between SJRU & schools or does no-one really care about the rugby in here anymore ?

Well I hope the SJRU boys win! But from the discussions on this thread they do appear to be the weaker side. They have plenty of time for training so the boys need to look after themselves to limit injuries. Hope to be able to get to their games.


Newbie, you need to check your sources champion,
4 of the boys from trinity that are in the u16 sjru team played in the u15 team,
with 2 out of the 3 others having time on in the 1st XV at the school. J.Satiu playing every game this season.
Don't try and create a bias filled argument when Barkell has minor input into the team, and if you noticed at the regional carnival
there were 5 other selectors around him that gave these boys just as much help, but oh wait not because of the school they go too,
but due to their ABILITY and GAMEPLAY. What this FORUM is supposed to be about.


Nev Cottrell (35)
So to move on and start the next stoush - who will win in a game between SJRU & schools or does no-one really care about the rugby in here anymore ?

Moth...I think that the School's strengths lay in their halves, centres and front three. They also have Kellaway at the back.

As for Sydney I really like their potential loosies - Morris, McCalman and Orr who will deliver them plenty of ball and they've got some real speed out wide but would have really benefitted if Winterstein had been chosen as well. The slimmed down and much fitter Afele will also create plenty of havoc both up the middle and on the fringes if given opportunities there. They also have Jones at the back.

As we all know it's a game about possession and then what you do with it when you have it. If the School's forwards can deliver an equal share of possession and give it in clean ball Davis and Deegan will unleash hell out wide through Morgan, Moreoa and Kellaway and Schools will win well. If the Sydney forwards, particularly the loosies can dominate at the breakdown and ensure that Schools get dirty ball it will make it very interesting. That said Davis is by far the best U16 halfback in the State and has displayed in the past a rare ability to deal with any situation.


Hi all Just thought I would check in and see what real rugby topics were being covered. I'll check back another day.
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