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NSW U16 Trial Games and Selections 2011

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If I may respectfully ask, where have you actually seen them play. Was it only at the U/16 Schools Championship or are there other championships and/or comps as well?

saw Tulloch play a school game for Kings but he was 10 and have not seen Morgan hence my question


Bill McLean (32)
saw Tulloch play a school game for Kings but he was 10 and have not seen Morgan hence my question

Ok. And please my tone is not disrespectful I am merely trying to ascertain when you seen both lads play, and the occassions on which they played!

With Tulloch I have seen him play on a few occassions, primarily for school games and I have been impressed with his attack, and especially some of his defence. A versatile player who does not let his team-mates down. He was also very stable and clinical at the NSW Schools Under 16's.

As with Morgan I came across him by mere co-incidence at the NSWCCC trials in May where he stood out like proverbial dogs b@lls (forgive this indiscretion Lee ... lol). I dug a little deeper and discovered some extrodinary information about him, and through an associate I was able to acquire certain footage of him (impressive). Went well at Schools which was his return to rugby so to speak!! See my comments about him at page 12.



OK, here is my 2 bobs worth (for the real young ones - 20 cents). I will name these guys (outside of the normal suspects) , but i'm unsure whether they play club rugby, but I believe their names will appear somewhere in the 3 NSW squads:

- Jack McCalman
- Alex Pappalardo
- Simeona Moelasi
- Karl Seana
- James Parker
- Dylan Thorne
- Elliot Jennings

OK, a few might have been mentioned before; but I didn't take notes at the school championships. To be honest, no one stood out from CAS & IAS except the ones spoken about throughout the posts and I know McCalman wasn't there.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Newbie, may i ask your opinion of Deegan, and if you have seen Pat Curtain play, would you like to compare him with Rory Davis.


Bill McLean (32)
My Opinion!!

Newbie, may i ask your opinion of Deegan, and if you have seen Pat Curtain play, would you like to compare him with Rory Davis.

With Curtain can't say I have heard of him (but on the other hand I cannot say I have been looking out for him either). With Davis I like him a lot. With Deegan I had heard others speak highly of him so I made a point of looking out for him!

As a result I made point of acutely watching Deegan over the two days at schools and for me he had the backline flowing with good ball. In his first game in which GPS played ISA, when Deegan was on the field they scored 30+ points. In the second when he went off and was replaced by Lussick, hardly any points were scored.

I would however qualify my statement by saying that in the second half others in the GPS backline were replaced by reserves. If I had to choose between the two, Davis would still get my nod!

I know I sound like a broken record but I really wanted to see the CCC backline come against the GPS one (in particular the centres). I had questions for which I wanted answers and it involved Davis, Jones and Tulloch. Nevertheless, bring on Regional for some of my answers!!

Is Curtain playing at Regional? If so I will look out for him!



Bill McLean (32)

OK, here is my 2 bobs worth (for the real young ones - 20 cents). I will name these guys (outside of the normal suspects) , but i'm unsure whether they play club rugby, but I believe their names will appear somewhere in the 3 NSW squads:

- Jack McCalman
- Alex Pappalardo
- Simeona Moelasi
- Karl Seana
- James Parker
- Dylan Thorne
- Elliot Jennings

I know Moelasi and Seana are not playing. However the one I am looking forward to is Pappalardo (if it is the same tenacious little b#%&, who played like the energizer bunny on steriods for AICES). Is that the one. Played in the Prop position. In MWZ team this weekend!

Oh and Jennings too. Played well at last year's Regional, and at Schools on the weekend. I believe he might turn out for Country again!



I know Moelasi and Seana are not playing. However the one I am looking forward to is Pappalardo (if it is the same tenacious little b#%&, who played like the energizer bunny on steriods for AICES). Is that the one. Played in the Prop position. In MWZ team this weekend!

Oh and Jennings too. Played well at last year's Regional, and at Schools on the weekend. I believe he might turn out for Country again!


Spot on, he really had a go in a team that struggled. He stood out to me more then the hooker - the pitbull. I too would have liked to have seen CCC vs GPS.


Larry Dwyer (12)
With Curtain can't say I have heard of him (but on the other hand I cannot say I have been looking out for him either). With Davis I like him a lot. With Deegan I had heard others speak highly of him so I made a point of looking out for him!

As a result I made point of acutely watching Deegan over the two days at schools and for me he had the backline flowing with good ball. In his first game in which GPS played ISA, when Deegan was on the field they scored 30+ points. In the second when he went off and was replaced by Lussick, hardly any points were scored.

I would however qualify my statement by saying that in the second half others in the GPS backline were replaced by reserves. If I had to choose between the two, Davis would still get my nod!

I know I sound like a broken record but I really wanted to see the CCC backline come against the GPS one (in particular the centres). I had questions for which I wanted answers and it involved Davis, Jones and Tulloch. Nevertheless, bring on Regional for some of my answers!!

Is Curtain playing at Regional? If so I will look out for him!

Thankyou, i agree with you on Davis and so you no Curtain doesnt paly club footy but he is playing opens for Joeys although he will be back next term, whether he will be in firsts or seconds i do not no.


Bob Loudon (25)
I know Moelasi and Seana are not playing. However the one I am looking forward to is Pappalardo (if it is the same tenacious little b#%&, who played like the energizer bunny on steriods for AICES). Is that the one. Played in the Prop position. In MWZ team this weekend!

Oh and Jennings too. Played well at last year's Regional, and at Schools on the weekend. I believe he might turn out for Country again!


Gobsmacked that Jennings missed Country selection for the first cut! He had a great year last year and from what I saw at Country Championships not much had changed - agree with you Newbie about his Schools weekend. Hope he gets the call up - Cockatoos may need him!


Nev Cottrell (35)
Talking NSW Schools only I expect the 9, 10, 12, 13 & 15 to remain as I proposed. Davis (9), Deegan (10) and Tulloch (12) are qualified for Schools only. Given what they produced as a combination on the weekend I can't see the Schools selectors looking elsewhere. I'm positive Morgan is also qualified for Schools only as well which given his performances last weekend would bring a lot to the Schools teeam.. Putting aside the wingers that leaves only Jones at 15 - quite frankly this Kid is just sensational and I'm sure if Kings let their 16 year olds play opens that he'd be the fullback in their first XV. I saw him play a couple of games last year at 10 for Kings U15 against View and Joeys and whilst he was good, 10 just wasn't his position.

With Tulloch slotting into the 10 position in Kings 16As this year and Davis doing so much on field talking, Jones has been relieved of a lot of kicking and organising and so is doing what he seems to do best -- run!!. He's got a great step and fend as well and doesn't shirk it in defence. I expect him to follow in the footsteps of Kellaway over the next couple of years as being a "schoolboy" sensation and given his physique won't be surprised if he graduates to a high level of rep rugby very quickly post school. Tulloch and Davis have played a big role in freeing him up to do what he does best.

I thought that SJRU had first choice this year on "dual qualified" players but noticed that some of our more knowledgable contributors think that it might be Schools turn first in 2011 - if so I can't see them giving up Jones particularly as he plays with Tulloch and Davis at Kings and given what the three of them and Deegan did to CHS in the first half in the main final on Sunday.

As to the forwards it seems to me that SJRU has in past years preferred forwards from the MWZ team that are non GPS/CAS (eg CHS, ISA etc).. happy to be corrected on this... but I can see them doing the same thing this year and picking up a number of the Barbarians players as well. I can't see this being of concern to the Schools selectors as whilst the Presidents (GPS) backs absolutely ripped through the CHS backs in Sundays final it wouldn't have been possible without the simply sensational platform layed by the GPS forwards who in my view were much fitter and much more dynamic that their CHS counterparts. As I suggested in an earlier post, the strength of the GPS forwards would have even have been more improved on if a couple of more players had been available and one of two glaring omissions been included in their team. With this in mind I'm quite happy to suggest even at this early stage that NSW Schools have a huge chance of taking out this years National U16s Championships.


Here we go again

I can't see this being of concern to the Schools selectors as whilst the Presidents (GPS) backs absolutely ripped through the CHS backs in Sundays final it wouldn't have been possible without the simply sensational platform layed by the GPS forwards who in my view were much fitter and much more dynamic that their CHS counterparts.

I'm guessing from your previous posts you are GPS old boy and I only watched the 1st half of the GPS vs CHS game on Sunday, but it was pretty obvious that GPS got off to a flyer courtesy of the CHS backs trying too much to early (run arounds, inside passes, cut out passes etc) with plenty of dropped & turnover ball and thereafter the whole CHS team was on the back foot. They looked good because they were allowed too. In say that GPS played what was in front of them but with the mistake rate of CHS any solid team would have looked good.

Agree Jones looks a real good prospect.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Spot on, he really had a go in a team that struggled. He stood out to me more then the hooker - the pitbull. I too would have liked to have seen CCC vs GPS.

I've seen Pappalardo play quite a bit in recent years and he has a real go. I have a couple of issues with him though. One is his size and I think that he should consider switching to hooker in the future as I just can't see him getting to where he needs to be size wise as a prop in the future. The other is that he plays in "fits and starts" which I think really comes down to his level of fitness and his mobility. He can do a couple of really good things then gets lost for a number of rucks etc before the play comes back to where he is. These are things that he can of course change with the right application and given his other skills (he's nearly really a 10 in a props body) he's got plenty to look forward to if he applies himself.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I guessing from your previous posts you are GPS old boy and I only watched the 1st half of the GPS vs CHS game on Sunday, but it was pretty obvious that GPS got off to a flyer courtesy of the CHS backs trying too much to early (run arounds, inside passes, cut out passes etc) with plenty of dropped & turnover ball and thereafter the whole CHS team was on the back foot. They looked good because they were allowed too. In say that GPS play what was in front of them but with the mistake rate of CHS any solid team would have looked good.

Agree Jones looks a real good prospect.

I'm non GPS actually... just a reasonably informed observer. I totally agree with your summation of the respective backs games on Sunday. CHS seemed to persist with the same backline move on quite a number of occasions even though it was clearly obvious early on that it was just plain ineffective. I thought that the CHS backs were also quite small physically compared to their GPS counterparts which in my view is pretty unusual compared to previous years.

Jones pretty much "wowed" everybody over the weekend and we are just going to hear so much of him over the next few years both whilst he's at school and in the early years thereafter.


Bob Loudon (25)
I've seen Pappalardo play quite a bit in recent years and he has a real go. I have a couple of issues with him though. One is his size and I think that he should consider switching to hooker in the future as I just can't see him getting to where he needs to be size wise as a prop in the future. The other is that he plays in "fits and starts" which I think really comes down to his level of fitness and his mobility. He can do a couple of really good things then gets lost for a number of rucks etc before he play comes back to where he is. These are things that he can of course change with the right application and given his other skills (he's nearly really a 10 in a props body) he's got plenty to look forward to if he applies himself.

Good call on " 10 in a props body"! I think the "fits and starts" thing also is influenced by the amount of possession the team had ( speaking about last weekend ) - he is a ball runner and with no ball it is easy to go missing. AICES had hardly any ball in the first half of the CAS1 game and what they did have was under pressure or kicked away. For the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half they kept it in the forwards and applied pressure of their own and scored their only try. 44 - 7 doesn't look great but the AICES boys had to do a lot of tackling ( obviously missed a few!:) ). Backrow worked hard, Mill in particular seemed to be everywhere, but limited opportunities!

I like Pappalardo's step and "double pump" dummy! 10 in props body - I like it!


Bill McLean (32)
Talking NSW Schools only ... I'm positive Morgan is also qualified for Schools only ... ... As to the forwards it seems to me that SJRU has in past years preferred forwards from the MWZ team that are non GPS/CAS (eg CHS, ISA etc).. happy to be corrected on this... but I can see them doing the same thing this year and picking up a number of the Barbarians players as well. .


Morgan is playing for MSZ this weekend, which makes the ballot very interesting indeed! if i am selector for SJRU do i go for Moeroa or Morgan?

As to your other comments, i beleive you have hit the nail on the head!



Nev Cottrell (35)

Morgan is playing for MSZ this weekend, which makes the ballot very interesting indeed! if i am selector for SJRU do i go for Moeroa or Morgan?

As to your other comments, i beleive you have hit the nail on the head!


Thanks Newbie. Where does he go to school?

I expect that the Sydney selectors will stick with Tepai and that the School's selectors won't be overly concerned about this as they'd get to keep Morgan.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Gobsmacked that Jennings missed Country selection for the first cut! He had a great year last year and from what I saw at Country Championships not much had changed - agree with you Newbie about his Schools weekend. Hope he gets the call up - Cockatoos may need him!

the country selectors probably thought he was going to make nsw schools, so got rid off him before he most likely would quit anyway
he is a strong chance
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