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NSW U16 Trial Games and Selections 2011

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Bill McLean (32)
My Assessment!



First round knockout to TEPAI !!!!!!!

I can't say the stadard of Rugby across the Zones was all that impressive today. Quite a few boys who looked really good last week were just ok today. Wondering if the schools coaches were there today (may have got out the big red pen)


I was there too, and I am wondering how you figure a knock out? Maybe the game, but not the one on one. If you read an earlier post of mine you'll find that it was my opinion and/or prediction for the Baa Baa's to do very well (and they did), and in the same post I also stated that MSZ would be the whipping boys (and they were), and Morgan was in this team (which was also noted). But my question for you is this, how many times did you actually see Morgan and Tepai face off in one on one confrontations? For the record it was a bloody dissappointing two times! And the score for mine was 1-1! I also want to add that in another post I stated that I had unanswered questions with respect to Harry Jones (and a couple of other GPS boys), which were left over from the Schools Championship, and I would seek your opinion of this one (as with other in this room).

Given what I have said above my attention was fixiated on three games today; the first which I will deal with in another post was the Baa Baa’s v MWZ. The second which I will deal with here was the Baa Baa's v. MNZ, the reason being was to see how Harry Jones would fair in defence against some of the stronger running Baa Baa's boys, especially when given the fact that he was playing behind a less stronger team than he was at the School Champs. I wanted to see how his defence would hold up! The third game of interest for me was the MWZ v. MSZ for the much anticipated Moeroa v Morgan match-up, the one I desperately wanted to see at the Schools Champs! Here follows my assessment!

With respect to the first game after lunch, Harry Jones was definitely tested today and I am so-so with his defensive performance. His attack was again great and he made the most of his limited opportunities (emphais added on limited opportunities). However with respect to his defence I watched him attempt three individual tackles. This does not include the tackles he made in conjunction with others, these were the tackles where it was just him and the opposition runner; one on one. There three key ones that I identified. The first he was noticeably palmed off by Aukofolau. The second he saved a certain try when he smashed and then buried Aukofolau. The third he was unceremoniously bounced when a rampaging Robert Taufa (a St George HM representative this year) absolutely ran over the top of him to score a try. It was reminiscent of Jonah Lomu's demolition of Mike Catt in the 1995 World Cup! What are peoples thoughts on this? I would like the feedback of others if they noticed the same!

As with Moeroa v Morgan they only came head to head twice! The first was mid-way through the first-half when MWZ ran a decoy runner and Moeroa at Morgan in mid-field, and Moeroa was able to take Morgan on the outside after receiving a well timed pass from the decoy runner (whose number was unsighted to me). Nevertheless a certain try was blown when Moeroa passed the ball back to Craft the MSZ #13 right near the line instead of his own player (didn't affect the result full-time result though ... lol). The second occasion came just after the commencement of the second half when Morgan received a pass off a ruck from a short blind-side on the right flank and stepped Moeroa and took him on the outide this time. But for Trent Winterstien covering as the winger (a very, very, very under rated player who represented WSA HM this year) Morgan was away!

With respect to your comments about 'School Selectors' and red pens, do you think they will give Morgan the same consideration they will probably give Moeroa and Jamo Clarke for their sub-par performances last week as a result of their respective injuries and illnesses if they discover that Morgan was playing with a serious chest infection today! You probably didn’t notice DD but Morgan was a very sick lad on the sidelines today and I presume it was the reason why his MSZ coach only played him for the final 10 minutes of MSZ's first game against CJRU, and only the first half of the game against MWZ. However when he was on he played well!.

I think you might need to take off those ‘TWO BLUES’ blinkers of yours DD … lmao!



Bill McLean (32)
RT you've shown youself to be a pretty good judge of both the game and players with your previous posts but I disagree with you on this one. I think Clark is a real talent. When I watched him playing for Parra at the State Champs I thought he did his best work at 15 with Cale at 10. I too don't think he is a centre but he may well find going forward that fullback is the better option for him.

I agree with you CTPE about his talent, he reads the game very well, and has a good rugby brain on his shoulders! On the other hand what RT states has creditibility as well. I too have seen him play for himself (more so against weaker opposition) but when he is caught out it generally goes unpunished because it is against weaker opposition.

I have also noticed that he does not seem to be growing in size. I am wondering if there are other in this roon who agree. I believe this will have an affect on his impact in the near future!

There is one aspect of his play which I am dead set against and that is his propensity for ankle tapping (where he lets the bigger boys through) and taps them from behind. I know its legal, however I find the same unsettling. It causes many serious leg and knee injuries!



No you read me wrong i meant at least you were prepared to give your thoughts even though the differ from many

It really depends on who the sydney & country selectors go for; so it is extremely difficult to known the final make up of the different squads (let alone attempt to select it (schools) - spot on).

But let me say this, I feel a couple of boys have been bagged in some of thess posts - and they don't deserve it. If the ARU got any say - you might find Jamo Clarke named as a 5/8 and young Hogan (CCC no:9) might be in schools for experience as a 15 year old (possible as reserve half, he is a better half then Whicker and most know how good Whicker is) but due to team (coaching) politics was never given a chance at schools.

Who knows, but I'm sure there will be a few surprises when the teams are announced.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I have also noticed that he does not seem to be growing in size. I am wondering if there are other in this roon who agree. I believe this will have an affect on his impact in the near future!

I agree with you Newbie about his size or his lack thereof being more of a challenge for him as he gets older. I've watched him for quite a few years and he's always been on the small size comparative to his peers but his natural talent has overcome this deficiency to date. I state again that he's one of those rare players who just seems to have so much time to do things and he is quite a bit quicker than he looks both over short and long distances. At U16 level the game starts to get a lot more physical and continues to do so increasingly from there into Opens rugby. In my many years of watching schoolboy rugby talent I've seen a lot of U13- U15 absolute "stars" fail to make the transition to Opens rugby because they just couldn't cope with the increased physicality of the game.

Don't know if this will apply Jamo Clark due to his talent. What happens over the next year or so will no doubt determine that.


young Hogan (CCC no:9) might be in schools for experience as a 15 year old (possible as reserve half, he is a better half then Whicker and most know how good Whicker is) but due to team (coaching) politics was never given a chance at schools.

I think that would be a strech with Davis and Lussic in fron of him

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
...I've watched him for quite a few years and he's always been on the small size comparative to his peers but his natural talent has overcome this deficiency to date. ... At U16 level the game starts to get a lot more physical and continues to do so increasingly from there into Opens rugby. In my many years of watching schoolboy rugby talent I've seen a lot of U13- U15 absolute "stars" fail to make the transition to Opens rugby because they just couldn't cope with the increased physicality of the game.

Don't know if this will apply Jamo Clark due to his talent. What happens over the next year or so will no doubt determine that.

You overlook that he is already playing opens at school and playing positions other than 5/8. Add in that he has been named in the open schoolboys shadow squad and you'd have to think he has something to offer.


I have also noticed that he does not seem to be growing in size. I am wondering if there are other in this roon who agree. I believe this will have an affect on his impact in the near future!


Being a father of boys, anglo-saxon boys will grow in spurts. I believe he will be 5/8 size when he goes to open age.

I've noticed Tepai is starting to come back to the field in say the last 2 years ago.


young Hogan (CCC no:9) might be in schools for experience as a 15 year old (possible as reserve half, he is a better half then Whicker and most know how good Whicker is) but due to team (coaching) politics was never given a chance at schools.

I think that would be a strech with Davis and Lussic in fron of him

I wouldn't write Whicker out of the selections, either.


Bill McLean (32)
Off to the snow!


I am off to the snow tomorrow, and an associate who will be taking tomorrow's shift at the Regionals only cares about his own individuals so if it is all the same can someone here give me an update on the MSZ centres match up with that of the Baa's Baa' it is a battle of the Parramatta and Canterbury HM lads (but on opposing sides this time!

All the best, and I'll give my love to Perisher for you all! I intend to quite inebriated tomorrow night at the Man from Snowy River.



Nev Cottrell (35)
You overlook that he is already playing opens at school and playing positions other than 5/8. Add in that he has been named in the open schoolboys shadow squad and you'd have to think he has something to offer.

I don't doubt that he has plenty to offer as you'll see from my previous posts where I've lauded his talent and performances. The issue raised was about his size. He is indeed quite small compared to his contempories and the question is whether this will come against him in the future. As I suggested time will no doubt tell. Hopefully for one with so much talent he grows physically to a level where his performances aren't diminished due to his size. (I heard that he was playing on the wing in Opens CAS rugby?)


Nev Cottrell (35)

I am off to the snow tomorrow, and an associate who will be taking tomorrow's shift at the Regionals only cares about his own individuals so if it is all the same can someone here give me an update on the MSZ centres match up with that of the Baa's Baa' it is a battle of the Parramatta and Canterbury HM lads (but on opposing sides this time!

All the best, and I'll give my love to Perisher for you all! I intend to quite inebriated tomorrow night at the Man from Snowy River.


38 of 47 lifts operating there but still only 64cm of snow.

Enjoy your battle on the crowded slopes with all the schoolkids and the equal battle in the bars with their frustrated parents !!


I don't doubt that he has plenty to offer as you'll see from my previous posts where I've lauded his talent and performances. The issue raised was about his size. He is indeed quite small compared to his contempories and the question is whether this will come against him in the future. As I suggested time will no doubt tell. Hopefully for one with so much talent he grows physically to a level where his performances aren't diminished due to fis size. (I heard that he was playing on the wing in Opens CAS rugby?)

I believe he is likely to get to around 5'10 (178cm) - great size for a 5/8



I was there too, and I am wondering how you figure a knock out? Maybe the game, but not the one on one. If you read an earlier post of mine you'll find that it was my opinion and/or prediction for the Baa Baa's to do very well (and they did), and in the same post I also stated that MSZ would be the whipping boys (and they were), and Morgan was in this team (which was also noted). But my question for you is this, how many times did you actually see Morgan and Tepai face off in one on one confrontations? For the record it was a bloody dissappointing two times! And the score for mine was 1-1! I also want to add that in another post I stated that I had unanswered questions with respect to Harry Jones (and a couple of other GPS boys), which were left over from the Schools Championship, and I would seek your opinion of this one (as with other in this room).

Given what I have said above my attention was fixiated on three games today; the first which I will deal with in another post was the Baa Baa’s v MWZ. The second which I will deal with here was the Baa Baa's v. MNZ, the reason being was to see how Harry Jones would fair in defence against some of the stronger running Baa Baa's boys, especially when given the fact that he was playing behind a less stronger team than he was at the School Champs. I wanted to see how his defence would hold up! The third game of interest for me was the MWZ v. MSZ for the much anticipated Moeroa v Morgan match-up, the one I desperately wanted to see at the Schools Champs! Here follows my assessment!

With respect to the first game after lunch, Harry Jones was definitely tested today and I am so-so with his defensive performance. His attack was again great and he made the most of his limited opportunities (emphais added on limited opportunities). However with respect to his defence I watched him attempt three individual tackles. This does not include the tackles he made in conjunction with others, these were the tackles where it was just him and the opposition runner; one on one. There three key ones that I identified. The first he was noticeably palmed off by Aukofolau. The second he saved a certain try when he smashed and then buried Aukofolau. The third he was unceremoniously bounced when a rampaging Robert Taufa (a St George HM representative this year) absolutely ran over the top of him to score a try. It was reminiscent of Jonah Lomu's demolition of Mike Catt in the 1995 World Cup! What are peoples thoughts on this? I would like the feedback of others if they noticed the same!

As with Moeroa v Morgan they only came head to head twice! The first was mid-way through the first-half when MWZ ran a decoy runner and Moeroa at Morgan in mid-field, and Moeroa was able to take Morgan on the outside after receiving a well timed pass from the decoy runner (whose number was unsighted to me). Nevertheless a certain try was blown when Moeroa passed the ball back to Craft the MSZ #13 right near the line instead of his own player (didn't affect the result full-time result though ... lol). The second occasion came just after the commencement of the second half when Morgan received a pass off a ruck from a short blind-side on the right flank and stepped Moeroa and took him on the outide this time. But for Trent Winterstien covering as the winger (a very, very, very under rated player who represented WSA HM this year) Morgan was away!

With respect to your comments about 'School Selectors' and red pens, do you think they will give Morgan the same consideration they will probably give Moeroa and Jamo Clarke for their sub-par performances last week as a result of their respective injuries and illnesses if they discover that Morgan was playing with a serious chest infection today! You probably didn’t notice DD but Morgan was a very sick lad on the sidelines today and I presume it was the reason why his MSZ coach only played him for the final 10 minutes of MSZ's first game against CJRU, and only the first half of the game against MWZ. However when he was on he played well!.

I think you might need to take off those ‘TWO BLUES’ blinkers of yours DD … lmao!


The "first round knockout" call was in reference to how they compared individually throughout the 2 games. One clear winner there mate...Tepai. I'll refrain from any further assessment on him, due to his illness.Answer me one question though please mate, why's he wearing 23 ?


Nev Cottrell (35)
The "first round knockout" call was in reference to how they compared individually throughout the 2 games. One clear winner there mate...Tepai. I'll refrain from any further assessment on him, due to his illness.Answer me one question though please mate, why's he wearing 23 ?

Same number he wore for Canterbury at the State Champs!


Bill McLean (32)
38 of 47 lifts operating there but still only 64cm of snow.

Enjoy your battle on the crowded slopes with all the schoolkids and the equal battle in the bars with their frustrated parents !!

'Pretty Valley' and 'Blue Cow' will be where I be heading to beat the crowds ... if it is all too much there ... Apres skiing ... lmao!!!
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