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Genia to the Force?

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Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
The facts are the Force haven't anything signed, Genia hasn't said anything and I think the Reds have only gone by what"s been announce on TV. Everything else is speculation. We just have to wait and see who he signs with. if the force leaked this he may be pretty pissed at them.

I'll say again that I hope he stays in Qld.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Why would the Reds put out an official press release saying that he's come to terms with the Force if that wasn't the case?


Nev Cottrell (35)
Slim - I think it was mentioned earlier than possibly Genia came to the Reds and said 'I want x-dollars' they said no get stuffed so he said ok well i've got a deal at the force. The reds then leaked the info before the deal has actually been dealt based on speculation.

If that is the case then its really just a big 'fuck you' from the Reds to Genia as the Force are now in a better negotiating position knowing the Reds have shown him the door.


Greg Davis (50)
Why would the Reds put out an official press release saying that he's come to terms with the Force if that wasn't the case?

Don't the ARU have to approve all contracts before they're official? If so, perhaps the Reds have already conceded "defeat" in retaining Will as the contract just requires formalities.

I'd be pretty pissed off if I was Will though. Hard to trust a person/organisation if they're going to pull stunts like this!


Geoff Shaw (53)
Prior still has another year on his Brumbies contract...

When a professional athlete comes up and says "I'd like to leave" you ususally let him because nobody wants a player who'd rather be somewhere else.

I doubt he'll leave, the Brums are doing well. That being said, I know nothing of Prior off the field.


John Eales (66)
I think this is pretty similar to the Force and O'Connor. A club has realised that the boat has sailed and said that they're no longer in the running. It puts the onus back on the player to shore up their position and perhaps gives them a bit of a backhander at the same time. I think in both situations the clubs have done the right thing if they've made their best offer.

I don't like negotiations effectively being carried out in public and I suspect there is a bit of it going on here. I also don't like them happening mid season.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Let's not fill in too many blanks.

The Reds might have done this as a fuck you to Genia, but I doubt it. It's probably just their PR department trying to control the information that's being leaked so they have control over this debartcle when it hits the hits for real this week.


Mark Ella (57)
People who dump shit on Genia might want to think back a few years. When MMM and Digby were talking of Japan leading up to the Barnes defection, it was Horwill and GENIA who signed on the dotted line to try and bring stability to the reds. That is total heart. Funny enough there is a big arse picture of these two players on the admin building at Ballymore. We actually might get more clarification on this saga if we went down to Ballymore and see if there is a painter painting over him.

This whole thing is just weird. I would be angry at the Reds for their press release if he has not commited to anything as he says. It would be a poor way to honor the loyalty he has given the Reds.


Desmond Connor (43)
There are 600,000 reasons why Ginea has signed with the Force.
It's amazing what 20 pieces of silver will do to your loyalty.


Tony Shaw (54)
To me the most mystifying component of the Genia shift is this: Genia is a smart fellow, he'd know the history of the Force, he'd know the criticality of who's to be the next coach there, he'd know that just another Force Mk IV string of star pearls model without coaching excellence of the right type could make a mockery of his decision to go there. But outwardly at least, no new coach has been appointed in Perth. Top players moving from a winning club to a losing one with no foreknowledge of the latter's coach identity is almost unheard of.

Gagger reported on last night's blog that the Genia signing was to be subject to Cheika coming to Perth. But that's not what has happened as yet, but this notion makes a lot of sense if you agree with the analysis above re how Genia would assess the wisdom of a move west.

It could well be that the Force are close to signing Cheika but that somehow Genia or his manager got ahead of themselves in telling the Reds he was likely to leave, the Reds pre-empted the play with their announcement, but Genia has not made his signature unconditional as no Force coach has as yet been signed. So, it's possible that the whole par-larva is just a bloody mess of informal statements that should never have leaked until they were made formal by means of finalized unconditional contracts.

I only speculate here as I think it's extremely odd that Genia would transfer with no knowledge of a Force coach to be. One other possibility is that Pocock and/or Rugby WA have offered Genia full consultation and veto rights over the next Force coach, that might make sense of this and be explaining variable behind the scenes.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
To me the most mystifying component of the Genia shift is this: Genia is a smart fellow, he'd know the history of the Force, he'd know the criticality of who's to be the next coach there, he'd know that just another Force Mk IV string of star pearls model without coaching excellence of the right type could make a mockery of his decision to go there. But outwardly at least, no new coach has been appointed in Perth. Top players moving from a winning club to a losing one with no foreknowledge of the latter's coach identity is almost unheard of.

Gagger reported on last night's blog that the Genia signing was to be subject to Cheika coming to Perth. But that's not what has happened as yet, but this notion makes a lot of sense if you agree with the analysis above re how Genia would assess the wisdom of a move west.

It could well be that the Force are close to signing Cheika but that somehow Genia or his manager got ahead of themselves in telling the Reds he was likely to leave, the Reds pre-empted the play with their announcement, but Genia has not made his signature unconditional as no Force coach has as yet been signed. So, it's possible that the whole par-larva is just a bloody mess of informal statements that should never have leaked until they were made formal by means of finalized unconditional contracts.

I only speculate here as I think it's extremely odd that Genia would transfer with no knowledge of a Force coach to be. One other possibility is that Pocock and/or Rugby WA have offered Genia full consultation and veto rights over the next Force coach, that might make sense of this and be explaining variable behind the scenes.

It's possible that Genia decided, rightly or wrongly, that whoever the Force do sign as coach would do more to develop him than RG. If it does turn out to be Cheika then I think he'll really improve Genia's game.

It's a very strange move to make something official and put it in the public domain when it seems agreement even in principal hasn't been reached. I still expect Genia to go to the Force as bridges have been burned with QRU following the announcement and it would be very hard to go back on it now, unless he had absolutely no other option. Then it would be a case of swallowing his pride and getting on with it.

I think the Force will go ahead and sign him and this mess with the will he wont he has given them more control of the situation and may be a bit of a bargaining chip for them on the final details of his contract.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
It could well be that the Force are close to signing Cheika but that somehow Genia or his manager got ahead of themselves in telling the Reds he was likely to leave, the Reds pre-empted the play with their announcement, but Genia has not made his signature unconditional as no Force coach has as yet been signed. So, it's possible that the whole par-larva is just a bloody mess of informal statements that should never have leaked until they were made formal by means of finalized unconditional contracts.


Apparently Cheika is by no means a lock to come to the Force. Genia has given his word to the Force, but hasn't put pen to paper. This thing has hit the press WAAAY before it should have, and all parties are suffering as a result. Except Cheika, who is currently negotiating a new contract with Stade. All of this speculation can only help him.



Greg Davis (50)
I still expect Genia to go to the Force as bridges have been burned with QRU following the announcement and it would be very hard to go back on it now, unless he had absolutely no other option. Then it would be a case of swallowing his pride and getting on with it.

I wouldn't say the QRU bridge has been burnt, what QRU has done is effectively take a defensive stance. If anything, the leak came out of Perth (seems odd that all the Fox Sports crew knew first whilst in Perth) so I would have thought that everything covered in this past page or so (ie Will being a smart guy etc) that it causes more harm to the Force than Reds.

I'd be extremely pissed off at a potential "employer" running their mouth in such a public way where I would have wanted secrecy (you lose your leverage by allowing the other party privy of your intentions).


Cyril Towers (30)
I wouldn't say the QRU bridge has been burnt, what QRU has done is effectively take a defensive stance. If anything, the leak came out of Perth (seems odd that all the Fox Sports crew knew first whilst in Perth) so I would have thought that everything covered in this past page or so (ie Will being a smart guy etc) that it causes more harm to the Force than Reds.

I'd be extremely pissed off at a potential "employer" running their mouth in such a public way where I would have wanted secrecy (you lose your leverage by allowing the other party privy of your intentions).

No where has it been quoted that anyone from the Force has confirmed that Genia is on his way to the Force...on the contrary, the QRU have made a statement that Genia is leaving.

I would be pissed off if my current employer somehow got wind that I was possibly on the move and then made an announcement of this, before I had reached any agreement with a potential new employer....


David Codey (61)
I have heard that genia has signed and cooper has given his word. I guess it will all play out this week.


Greg Davis (50)
No where has it been quoted that anyone from the Force has confirmed that Genia is on his way to the Force...on the contrary, the QRU have made a statement that Genia is leaving.

QRU only came out and "confirmed" it after it had been leaked everywhere by the Fox Sports crew covering the Force game. Brett Harris wrote about it around lunch time as well.


Cyril Towers (30)
QRU only came out and "confirmed" it after it had been leaked everywhere by the Fox Sports crew covering the Force game. Brett Harris wrote about it around lunch time as well.
The Fox Sports crew that was lead by Tim Horan at the time...

Back to the original point though, where have the Force been "running their mouths" about the signing of Genia? They haven't. The QRU have made an official statement though.
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