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Genia to the Force?

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Desmond Connor (43)
As for me, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
The Force haven't made an announcement yet, even though the Reds management seem to accept the fact that he is gone.
If it is a bluff, then Sanchez should give up rugby and join a paddle boat sailing down the Mississippi making his fortune in poker.


Ken Catchpole (46)
The local Brisbane rag is also quoting genia saying he hasn't signed yet???

Wtf are the reds management doing making an official statement about it???


Alan Cameron (40)
This is fucking bullshit. The force are perennial losers (sorry force fans). This is their plan every year, try and buy stars and everything will get better. I don't see that they can buy in enough depth @400k a throw to start winning.

In WA 's defence they are saying nothing is final but it still stinks that QLD feel the deal is so far down the road they are announcing it.

I thought Genia wanted to win? It just does not make sense to stick with us during to hard years to fuck off now. Particularly with the Lions here next year.

Gaggs said the players at the Reds are unhappy. I may have missed it in the forum, anyone know why?


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
While Genia has been great for the Reds I think this is really go to rugby in WA. Genia is a promotors dream and does a great job with the kids. I also think that his signing will help attract a good coach, something they need badly.
On the Reds front I think the timing is quite good. Genia will play well for the rest of the season for them and it gives them time to find a replacement. While Frisby has been good when he has been on the field he isn't the answer at 9. He doesn't have the passing game that is required for the way the Reds play with Quade. I would personally like to see Matt Lucas get a run at 9. He has a great pass and thrives in pressure situations, anyone see the final of the Tokyo 7's. I would keep Frisby in the squad as he covers a few roles. Also there are a couple of options in Qld Premier rugby worth a look at. From outside Qld at the moment I think it would be worth looking into Prior as he seems to be the second option at the Brumbies behind White and is a Brisbane boy.
Also I think that Genia signing will increase the chances of Quade staying. It gives him the opportunity to be the star of the Reds backs on his own and he can help develop the next 9.


Alan Cameron (40)
I'm not giving up on Will until I hear him say it! We want you to say Will. End of story.

You are right, Sanchez has always had a lot of honour and dignity about him. But what is with all the politics at Ballymore. Link, RG now Sanchez rumours.

Pull your fucking heads in Reds and think of your fans.

Running Rugby

Sydney Middleton (9)
I have to say I am still a little confused by this situation.
On Genia's behalf- Why would you sign until 1) a coach is named that can help you further develop your game 2) you have a fly half signed thats going to at least make you semi-competitive and able to showcase your skills for national representation.
On the reds behalf- why the early press release- Genia a marquee player that definitely draws crowds and memberships, released prior to signing a contract.
On the force behalf- why not claim him if you've got him.
The only sense I can make is the benefit to the Australian Super rugby franchises- reds rugby is thriving in terms of memberships and crowds; Force rugby is struggling to attract players, coaches and consumer credibility. It leads me to pose the question- Does the board of the Australian Rugby union have something to do with this?
Or has somebody else signed we don't know about? (Did anybody else see Graham Henry in the crowd?)


Alan Cameron (40)
I have to say I am still a little confused by this situation.
On Genia's behalf- Why would you sign until 1) a coach is named that can help you further develop your game 2) you have a fly half signed thats going to at least make you semi-competitive and able to showcase your skills for national representation.
On the reds behalf- why the early press release- Genia a marquee player that definitely draws crowds and memberships, released prior to signing a contract.
On the force behalf- why not claim him if you've got him.
The only sense I can make is the benefit to the Australian Super rugby franchises- reds rugby is thriving in terms of memberships and crowds; Force rugby is struggling to attract players, coaches and consumer credibility. It leads me to pose the question- Does the board of the Australian Rugby union have something to do with this?
Or has somebody else signed we don't know about? (Did anybody else see Graham Henry in the crowd?)

Nah, I think the Reds hate the Force and the Force hate the Reds. This is about the Reds stealing the power from the Forces announcement by announcing it first. Gives them control of the PR right now. Just my take on it now.

Running Rugby

Sydney Middleton (9)
Fair point redstragic. It could be as simple as that and Genia left for more money. Unfortunately I still carry the ideas of loyalty and bettering yourself as a player to guide my decisions. I'm not critical of the modern player for chasing money I just don't fully understand that.
(Saying that if I ever got offered money to play rugby I probably would have chased it)


Dave Cowper (27)
This is fucking bullshit. The force are perennial losers (sorry force fans). This is their plan every year, try and buy stars and everything will get better. I don't see that they can buy in enough depth @400k a throw to start winning.

In WA 's defence they are saying nothing is final but it still stinks that QLD feel the deal is so far down the road they are announcing it.

I thought Genia wanted to win? It just does not make sense to stick with us during to hard years to fuck off now. Particularly with the Lions here next year.

Gaggs said the players at the Reds are unhappy. I may have missed it in the forum, anyone know why?

I must have missed this but where has it been said that the Reds players are unhappy? I have seen nothing in these forums or media?

The Reds really need to work on the communication timing. Graham and now Genia. And Horwill is the players rep on the QRU board. What the hell is going on? McKenzie is not distinguishing himself through these episodes.


Alan Cameron (40)
I must have missed this but where has it been said that the Reds players are unhappy? I have seen nothing in these forums or media?

The Reds really need to work on the communication timing. Graham and now Genia. And Horwill is the players rep on the QRU board. What the hell is going on? McKenzie is not distinguishing himself through these episodes.

On the blog Gaggs mentioned it.

"Will has been unhappy at the Reds this year, and Richard Graham moving in as coach in waiting was the last straw. Other Reds names have been similarly unhappy"

Yeah, I am with you, had no idea there could be unhappiness in the team based on what is on twitter and on here. It has been tough for them this year and they have kept fronting up each week?

Is it a player power issue Gaggs is talking about in that decisions are being made and senior team members are not included in the process?


Tony Shaw (54)
I said at the time: too much attention was being paid to the impact upon the Force of RG's decision, and not enough to the potential impact to perceptions and stability within the 2012 Reds' establishment. I saw numerous impacts that might arise:

- the senior Reds players were not consulted re the RG change, given their contributions and status, they may well highly resent the exclusion and attribute high-handedness to the QRU elite

- many players would be incredulous, as many of us were here, as to why a 'perpetual apprentice' coach with few demonstrable results would be chosen to lead them in 2013+. How does that move 'do us justice after all we've achieved'? Plus, RG does not seem to stay around long in recent positions, etc

- clearly, if the QRU could afford two entire senior coaching layers, plus support coaches, the message was out that the QRU has serious money 'to spare', why not more of it on 'star' players' renewals?

Sources have reported that indeed one of the above factors may have been at least partly behind Genia's decision to leave, and, if so, I have some sympathy with that as the timing and appointment of the wholly unproven RG was extraordinarily mishandled IMO.

But now we have negative synergy building inside the Reds: the huge uncertainty of the RG arrival, and re his level of competence, combined with a major senior player departure mid season. The instability and distraction anxiety and uncertainty within the team will be very significant.

There is more to all this than meets the eye, and more consequences will unfold.

The Reds' 2012 mega-tag line was: 'When greatness calls, we will respond.' Well, it did call, and it turned out there was no one home.


Nev Cottrell (35)
For the Force's sake i'd be hoping they do have some good young prospects coming through in their academy and schools programs because i'm sure they'll be caught short with the $$$ now after signing Genia and eventually re-signing Pocock and I don't think they have a good enough nucleus to attract players who'll take a pay cut to 'win a champsionship'.

Does anyone know how long the reported deal at the Force is for? These days all the big names seem to be making 1 or 2 year deals and then just looking for more money or moving on. Article at the end of 2013 - Genia to the Rebels?


Geoff Shaw (53)
Nah, I think the Reds hate the Force and the Force hate the Reds. This is about the Reds stealing the power from the Forces announcement by announcing it first. Gives them control of the PR right now. Just my take on it now.

It's a pretty common PR strategy.


Peter Johnson (47)
Genia hasn't been in form since the super rugby final, and before that he was not in the best form either.

He was magic in 2010 and I think that was when he played his best football.

If he is asking for an unreasonable amount of money just from the reds (he will get a few hundred grand more from the aru as well) then there is nothing much they can do apart from hope that he enjoys the Brisbane lifestyle enough to stay - like digby did.

I hope the reds spend the money on bringing ian prior back from the brumbies because I think he is very controlled and has one of the most crisp passes of any of the Australian halves.

Cooper and higginbotham are the ones they need to throw the money at now. The salary cap is 800 grand higher for next season and I refuse to believe they wont be able to keep the rest of them with that sort of money.


Peter Johnson (47)
The other possibility is that genia has said he will not sign for less than x amount of money, reds have said he is not getting that under any circumstances, force are the only team that want him and have made an offer to him but he hasnt signed yet.

So by the reds announcing he is leaving, the force can now low ball genia 50 or a 100 grand on their original offer knowing that his only other option is to head to japan or europe.

A don't let the door hit you on the way out tactic by the reds management, but the force did the same thing to JOC (James O'Connor) last year.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
It almost seems that by announcing he's left before any actual contract has been signed, the QRU has decided that of the current crop of stars, Genia was the most expendable.

Re-signing Lucas the next day pretty much confirms that.
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