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Genia to the Force?

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Sydney Middleton (9)
That is also what I was thinking Cutter. I remember being stuck behind Genia was why he left in the first place.

Kings resigned with the Rebels this week.
He was treated poorly at the Reds by the old school brigade. His life has turned around at the Rebels.


Greg Davis (50)
Never thought Will would go. Sure the money is a luring prospect but there's so many unknowns there that I don't understand the move.

After spending so many years losing why would you want to re-go through all of that with a team that has no outside backs?

It's career suicide if you ask me:

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
inside shoulder... i'm not sure if you've noticed but our season is pretty much over already.
I kind of agree....but down here everyone still thinks that the tahs will win it and since after tomorrow the reds and tahs will truly be level I think all you need is "tah faith".
"tah faith" is a kind if devotion that usually starts in October and means that by february everyone in tah land has convinced everyone in tah land that this is the year they'll win something other than an uncontested scrum.

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Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I kind of agree....but down here everyone still thinks that the tahs will win it and since after tomorrow the reds and tahs will truly be level I think all you need is "tah faith".
"tah faith" is a kind if devotion that usually starts in October and means that by february everyone in tah land has convinced everyone in tah land that this is the year they'll win something other than an uncontested scrum

What? Who 'down here' thinks the Tahs will win anything? Generally Tahs fans are resigned to failure, and are generally cynical bastards. Don't know who you've been talking to though...


Chris McKivat (8)
massive coup for the force.

hopefully we get a decent bloody coach, and can use genia and pocock as selling points for a decent 10 and 100kg+ 12


Tony Shaw (54)
i'm not fickle. the first game of the season reeked of grand final hangover. and it hasn't gotten any better.
In my books that makes you pretty fucking fickle. Your seat on the bandwagon probably didn't even get warm.

Most said it was the end of the world when we lost Barnes to the Tahs and look what happened there. One player does not a team make. He will be a huge loss to the Reds but we will go on, and I wish him all the best! Stellar player and bloke!

But as for benching him for the rest of the season that is just ridiculous. Whether we're coming first or last, I would expect QLD to field their best 15 each week and to play for nothing else but to win that game.


Ken Catchpole (46)
While maybe not reacting In quite the same manner as sunnyboy, I do think he has a valid point...

I would rather field Frisby as much as possible for the balance of the season with Lucas at fly half until QC (Quade Cooper) gets back. Lucas is just destined to be a supersub by the looks of it (a curse for any guy that is so versatile, even if he leaves to some one else they will use him the same way anyway). Frisby has played pretty ok when he has had his chances this year and every effort should go into his development from here on in.

Putting resources into someone who is going to leave at the expense of someone who is going stay is just not a solid investment on those resources.

I like will genia, and love having him at the reds, but the more analytical side of me sees the advantages in ensuring that the team develops properly. There is no longer any future with will genia since he has decided to leave, so maximize our efforts in those players that aren't.

Note: this NOT being bitter, this is jut being realistic about the situation and equating it to how most of the places I have worked in when someone has decided to leave. - no hard feelings etc, just all the work is divvied up amongst the rest of the staff.


John Thornett (49)
Genia you JUDAS! haha

Suprised, but I really do not seem to care as much as I thought I would. Will be more concerned if someone like Quade, Higgers, Taps or Shippers left. But that's just me.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Oh, and to whoever said we should get a kiwi half back... Poo to you with knobs on ;P (loved that phrase from blackadder :D ).

If the purpose of having these other Australian teams is to expose as many Australian players to a higher level of rugby as possible (statistically coming from the two more rugby orientated states obviously), then it just doesn't make sense to fill that slot with some one from overseas.

If the reds lose an exceptional player to the force, then the best thing for Australian rugby is to replace him with a Queensland player. That is, after all, the aim of all these extra teams isn't it?

We already have mike Harris who I think is a very solid player, we shouldn't need to look further surely...


Tony Shaw (54)
... the more analytical side of me sees the advantages in ensuring that the team develops properly. There is no longer any future with will genia since he has decided to leave, so maximize our efforts in those players that aren't...

The middle of the season is not the time to be "developing" new players but. We start each game with our best 15 until this season is over. It is really that simple. Start thinking about life post-Sanchez but anyone who has a player like Genia on the bench at such a critical part of the season is kidding themselves.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I don't think he should be benched, I think he should be allowed to leave.

Of course it is not ideal to change the team mid season, but the fact is it HAS changed. I have never seen a staff member do more than the adequate once they have made up their mind to leave their place of employment and have yet to see a professional sportsman do any different (not that I can recall - willing to be proven wrong).

It would be better for Australian rugby if will settled as quickly as possible into his new team (and focus on that) and got solid game time in preparation for the wallabies, and the reds settled on their replacement.

A huge loss to the reds, undoubtedly, but just as some injuries to key players can negatively affect the team, psychologically speaking it is better to accept the change and focus on the team (be it work or sports) you have to work with and do the best with that. I don't think the team will function properly until accepting the decision and that is more difficult if will genia is in their faces at every training run and game.

I wasn't happy with the way the reds approached the Richard graham thing and if this is karma biting them in the arse, then I would say that karma has bitten back with a vengeance.


Hmmm - maybe making the decision this week helped Genia play his BEST game this year.

I understand the view that many think it should be left until the end of the year, this just translates the problem to when the Tri-Nations test window or worse on the European tour???

From a super rugby perspective it is too late by then, teams need to be close to finalising their roster now. If there are any gaps then looking for a senior European based player now is the best timing (end of the year and the European contracts are in play).

The other aspect for a team is that they now have an opportunity as their lists are finalising to look at the feeder comps to get the next best talent.

I am sad to see Will go - I will miss seeing how many cliches he can pack into a TV interview.


John Solomon (38)
Fuck Fuck Fuckety Fuck! Worst news in years for Reds! Up your's FOrce, Qld enemy No1! Can't believe Genia wants to play with bottom feeders again after so many years of pain in Qld before the last couple of successful ones, must have a masochistic streak.
Those calling for him to be benched or let go need to get a grip! He has provided great service over 6 years & is a champion. I can't understand his thinking but good luck to him, hope to see him back in Red one day when the filthy mining lucre falls through ala Giteau. He would most definitely have made the 100 game club if he had stayed on.


Peter Sullivan (51)
I was talking at freshers tonight to some of my irate Reds fans friends (their feelings were understandable). My thoughts were...

I don't get the poaching argument. There is no such thing as poaching players. Players are not forced to leave their club with guns held to their heads from a rival club. No matter how much money a rival club comes up with it is still the players decision to leave. Players with talent &/or success have the freedom to choose, stay or go, as Genia has done, other players move on because they don't get enough opportunity to get off the bench or develop their game. Then you've got those that just get booted from their club because they aren't rated.

IMO the Genia move has little to do with the Force & more to do with the Reds players coming to the end of their contract wanting more money. Something has to give. It's very rich laying all the blame at Genia. How about showing some rage against the Reds players (not just Genia) who wanted raises. Ideally if they really gave a stuff about the team only & creating a legacy for the Reds then they wouldn't care about top up's & would be keen to just stay on the same pay rate for the good of keeping everyone together. Genia wanted a raise? I'm sure he wasn't the only one - this is an accumulation from various people & not just one individual. Although there are some special players that will not just do it for the money we generally don't live in that reality. It sucks, I don't like it, but that's professionalism. I doubt RG coming in as coach would have helped either.

I was shocked when I heard the news. Did not see it coming.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I would happily see him back as well, I don't harbour any ill feeling towards him, just think we should focus our energies on the future.

If he stays and he performs brilliantly then I will be certainly thankful and happy to be proven wrong on what I have said here. But realistically I just haven't seen it happen in similar cases.


Herbert Moran (7)
Wow, really unexpected new.
Genia is a top player, whose talent can solve a match and will surely add some value to the Force.
However, if the Force aim to be a winning side or at least to gain the access to the play-offs (I'd say "look at the Brumbies") Genia alone is not enough and maybe they don't even need other big contracts, just players who can play well the Gilberts that Genia will give them. In my opinion, the Force already have good forwards, the challange for them now is to find a good flyhalf and a couple of good backs.
If they can't plan, Genia will be just another Giteau, Mitchell, O'Connor...


Sydney Middleton (9)
I don't think he should be benched, I think he should be allowed to leave.

Of course it is not ideal to change the team mid season, but the fact is it HAS changed. I have never seen a staff member do more than the adequate once they have made up their mind to leave their place of employment and have yet to see a professional sportsman do any different (not that I can recall - willing to be proven wrong).

The difference between "a staff member" and Will Genia's position is that Will still has something to play for and prove. He will still give his all as he will be competing for a gold jersey along with another Super Rugby title. That is plenty of incentive to be giving your all, if not just for the glory, but for the paycheck if money is really his motive. This season is only half over and why would someone just give up now because you are playing for a different team in 43 weeks time. It makes no sense. To bench him is ridiculous. The Reds aren't out of this competition, so why bench one of the teams' best players. That's just a knee jerk reaction to be spiteful for his decision to continue his career elsewhere. This is a professional sport and it's not just about the game. I honestly don't think professional sportsmen train as hard as they do to want to warm a bench come game day. In fact I could guarantee that is the last thought that goes through their mind.

Players have a shelf life and if taking a paycheck to secure your future after one's playing days are over is a motive to where you play, then I don't see a problem with that. Will seems a genuine character that will give his all for as long as Reds 2012 season lasts. If the finals become mathematically out of reach, then it would be wise to start experimenting with replacements for the 2013 season. Until then the Reds have to (I can't see why Link wouldn't) post the best team to focus on THIS YEAR'S tournament.

Good luck Will. As a Reds supporter you have been great to watch (and still are), you will be missed, but you will also be replaced by someone who will give everything for your position.


Chris McKivat (8)
What is everybody's thoughts on how this will affect the other off-contract stars, namely Cooper? Obviously the Reds will have more money to chuck at them, but could it make them much more resigned to leave?
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