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Genia to the Force?

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Desmond Connor (43)
There are 600,000 reasons why Ginea has signed with the Force.
It's amazing what 20 pieces of silver will do to your loyalty.

So Sanchez read my article, realised that his heart was with the Reds, and made a brave decision to stay


Peter Sullivan (51)
And I heard he was also the one breaking into the players lockers at the start of the year, but managed to frame Willie Ripia and get away scot free...

Of all the people to blame for the recent recruitment debacles, I'd suggest Tim Horan is a fair way down the list.
Did i say anything about WR (World Rugby) he was an even bigger belter than Horan. And no one can blame him for looking out for QLD old boys stick together but it all smells very stinky and everytime the force try to do something productive its blowes up in there face be it by there own hand or other. I can thank timmy though as RG is now his problem. I hold nothing against Will and his decision to stay in QLD but i do have a massive issue with what has happend ove the last few days and how it is allow to take place. It is destrying our game and doesnt look good what ever way you look at it.

To say the force leaked it is utter bull shit and you know it. The reds have played there hand perfect and won good for them but it will bite them on the ass sooner or later! Have fun with RG timmy!


Mark Ella (57)
This saga makes the Cuban Missile Crisis look like childs play.

Kind of happy he is staying but I had come to terms he was leaving. I will sleep better when Higgers and Quade have signed.


Greg Davis (50)
All I can say is, I hope the truth never comes out, as the story is far greater marred in the mystery of tweets, leaks, media releases and rugby writers than any fact can ever bring to light.

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
It really does sound like the Force supporters here are coming up with every excuse under the sun as to why their team is bad.

The Force have had six years to really set up a strong development structure. If the structure is there, then the question should be asked as to why the local guys aren't considered up to it. Rather than the perception from the east that they are not good enough, maybe you should look at your own managerial structure.

Marquee (both domestic and international) players should be used to supplement your development system. The Force have never been able to dig themselves out of the initial hole they created for themselves. Something stinks out west, and has done so for quite some time.

I think what the Force require is both a Reds and Brumbies style cleanout. Board, coaching staff, support staff, the works. Get rid of it all and start again.


Simon Poidevin (60)
It's very important to sign some big stars. Especially for Perth. It helps rugby wa. Having someone like genia over here would Keep fans coming and even helped get kids playing rugby over here. After thinking about it I think a lot of people on here are right. We don't need genia. It's a 10 12 combo that we need. I do feel for the force as they look like the bad guy in this situation when clearly it was all orchestrated over in QLD to put pressure on wills loyalty and help change his mind.

As for using local talent I think we should as well however it is important over here where there is so much competition in sport that we have some big names. If we lost pocock I would worry about loosing some fans in the crowed. There is nothing wrong with recruiting a big name or 2 but it needs to stop there. The rebels are the perfect example that you can not buy a successfully Super Rugby team. On paper they look brilliant but it doesn't translate to the field.



Bill McLean (32)
So he's staying now? FFS. Now I have to spend an hour reading this scuttlebutt and for what? What a massive roller coaster and all you get is back to the start and a little dizzy. I have to admit, right or wrong, fair or otherwise, I think the whole thing has changed the way I feel about Will. Which is a shame, I was a massive fan before. Still am, but the trust, the trust has been chipped.


Tony Shaw (54)
It was a love or money decision. I see Sanchez as the corner stone (along with Kev and Link) of the resurgence in culture at the Reds. This team has that same family feel that 80's and 90's Reds I grew up watching had.

I just didn't want the ride to be over.

Killer post. From the heart. Long may you run.


No way it will be on a par in 5 years, maybe 10 at a stretch, any more than it would be in Victoria with the Rebels. Think about it in the other direction: if the AFL said to Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney and GWS that they had to do the same to be competitive in the AFL they would be laughed at. Development takes time, as I said before. There are important measures and checkpoints that should be monitored as time goes on and an end goal in mind. To say that the Force should have a majority or significant minority of local players in 5-10 years is pure fantasy IMHO, but there should be a target nonetheless.

WA has four football codes and three of them with top line professional teams. Every last one of them gets their players from all over the country and some internationally too. Why should rugby be any different than Aussie Rules or soccer? It's an open player market and you do what you can to make your team better. Whether we like it or not, you have to try and build some level of success or at least competitiveness to encourage others to strive to play in the local first class team. That means interstate players for now. But it also means putting money and effort into developing juniors. RugbyWA could be doing more I am sure, but it's not like they are doing nothing.

Im purely saying that the Force should be aiming up in the grassroot development part of the game, not reducing development officers as they have been. Until that is solved, the Force will always be attempting to pay more for players to offset the home state factor.

I have been long against the recruitment of big name players to the Force, i really dont understand why the quick fix is seen as the best option. Look at the Brumbies, their player recruiment in 2012 consisted of fringe players from other squads, club players with potential and a rugby league recruit.


David Codey (61)
Did i say anything about WR (World Rugby) he was an even bigger belter than Horan. And no one can blame him for looking out for QLD old boys stick together but it all smells very stinky and everytime the force try to do something productive its blowes up in there face be it by there own hand or other. I can thank timmy though as RG is now his problem. I hold nothing against Will and his decision to stay in QLD but i do have a massive issue with what has happend ove the last few days and how it is allow to take place. It is destrying our game and doesnt look good what ever way you look at it.

To say the force leaked it is utter bull shit and you know it. The reds have played there hand perfect and won good for them but it will bite them on the ass sooner or later! Have fun with RG timmy!

I have a pretty reliable source that is telling me that a figure in the force management told a few people that the force had not only signed genia, but that cooper had also agreed. It may have been this persons way of trying to re-sign out of contract players but this person still didn't exactly keep 'contract negotiations quiet'.


John Eales (66)
I have been long against the recruitment of big name players to the Force, i really dont understand why the quick fix is seen as the best option. Look at the Brumbies, their player recruiment in 2012 consisted of fringe players from other squads, club players with potential and a rugby league recruit.

They do it for the same reason as every other franchise does it: improving their list. I am 100% in agreement with what you say about fringe players etc etc. It's the best way to build up your club and I totally support that. It doesn't hurt to have some big names though, so long as you don't bankrupt yourself in the process. Bringing Sharpe here helped massively IMHO. That was money well spent.


Greg Davis (50)
Love QLD complaining about the force, if the Force hadnt raped you, you wouldn't have hit rock bottom, nor had the playing kist you do now and probably wouldn't have a championship.

The force lost there be player last year to melbourne, the cycle isn't all one way.

Country Kid

Chris McKivat (8)
I hope the Force can pick up some star players (South African, European) and develop their local school and club talent.

I reckon the Force could establish some rugby partnerships with developing rugby nations - say Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, Namibia, Uganda, Kazakhstan - whereby youngish players could have a development season in Perth - maybe around 30 players each season. This could add to player numbers and depth for Perth clubs and hopefully some of these development players could get a taste of super rugby too.

The development players then return to their home country as better rugby players and they in turn lift the standard of rugby in the developing rugby countries.

By rotating 30 'international' development players each season, the local Perth comp would have renewed vitality and the the partnership countries benefit by having their players return home after a season of competitive semi professional rugby.

It would also be a great showcase of the international flavour that rugby can offer - that might also help attract Perth kids to the game.
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