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Channel 9 continues the tradition of absymal free to air rugby coverage...

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Peter Sullivan (51)
Aren't they on at different times? I understood the games in NZ would be on much earlier than the league games for Australia's east coast viewers.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
If that's the case maybe they can sell the rights to that one NRL game or the wallabies game to another channel?

or seek a release from that condition. let's face it, for a league semi final if you like league you're going to watch that. if you like rugby you'll be watching the wallabies. there's not going to be any stealing of viewers. the conflict exists and you're already going to watch one over the other.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
that particular game is on at 8:30pm NZ time.....6:30pm East Coast Aus.

Surely the NRL with its flexibility in scheduling games just reschedules and avoids the conlifct so it can maximise its viewers? In the event of that restriction on showing two games on different channels existing, that has to be the best way to do it.


Peter Sullivan (51)
I think delaying it would maximise 9's viewers. There are some league viewers who would want to watch the Wallabies too, and vice versa. If one follows the other they can lock people in to watch both.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
Agreed. it's only delaying the NRL game by 30 minutes.
they can't show the wallabes match on delay as it is way too late. the only options are rescheduling the NRL game or playing both on different channels.
not sure why the article reckons it's embarrassing to be put on one of 9's digital channels.


What pisses me off - is the constant "league will rate higher than union"

In an average year - yes. definitely.

In a world cup year - no. period.

It seems that journalists have very short memories. Over 4 million people tuned into the RWC final in 2003. That's the second highest rating TV show in Australian History.

People may or may not like rugby as a sport, but as soon as an Australian Team is playing on a world stage there is interest. Particularly from the AFL states of WA, VIC and SA. Afterall, everyone wants to see an Aussie team doing well.

Australia vs Ireland is our most important pool game. Given the success of the Reds (the most watched TV program in Australian pay TV history), the marketability of the young guns like Genia, Cooper, Beale & Pocock and the fact that it's a RWC... I'd imagine the wallabies would far out-rate the league.


John Solomon (38)
Aren't they on at different times? ...

From the blog entry quoted earlier, the Wallabies would overrun the start of the NRL by around 30 minutes. I suspect Channel 9 will lean on the NRL and they'll delay the start of the semi, but I love the angle taken by Dean Ritchie - so typical of Daily Telegraph-style league reporting: it's all-or-nothing, this means war, it's an outrage...


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
What pisses me off - is the constant "league will rate higher than union"

In an average year - yes. definitely.

In a world cup year - no. period.

I very much doubt it. It's not like it is a standard NRL round match vs the RWC final. It is an NRL semi against an RWC pool game. Interest will be high in both, but there is a far wider audience for a League finals game than an RWC pool game. If it was an RWC QF or Semi then it maight be different.

As much as I would love Aus/Ireland to outrate the League it probably won't happen unless the NRL semi is North Queensland vs Warriors.


The NRL semi will definetly out-rate the Wallabies... Period

Ch9 will just use this as a opportunity to promote some kind of Super Sunday of football..
Ch9 will flex there muscle, have the Ch9 match delayed by 30min to cater to both.. Its likely both games will compliment each other in terms of ratings if played consecutively


Geoff Shaw (53)
Personally I watch league IF it's on at a convenient time or if a league loving mate convinces me to. I wouldn't mind watching a high level league game after watching the Wallabies.

Hopefully I'll end up at Australia V Ireland though but I still have to sort that out... soon.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
What if the semi is something like NZ v Nth Qld. How would this rate against the RWC game? A decision on which game to broadcast on 9 and the other on the digital channel shouldn't be made until the semi final teams are known


I'll be at Eden Park, however it's simple:
A) Ask the NRL to move the kick off forward
B) Apply to the ACMA to have the first 30 minutes on a digital channel and then cut the broadcast over

If Nine don't relent with the upcoming tri-nations, we might need to try a flash mob style phone call eg. coordinate a mass call in to Channel 9.


Ken Catchpole (46)
They shifted the first all stars game because of the winter olympics. The loigue will get shifted, if it was anything other than rugby it would be a non story.


Alex Ross (28)
After reading some of the stuff in the Tele, and in view of the quote below and the quality of his writing, does anyone else think that Dean Ritchie and Greg Growden are actually the same person? This person, when he writes as Growden in the SMH, writes from a dark, whingeing and cynical perspective to hide their ignorance of the game he (or possibly she) writes about. Over in the Daily Telegraph world ,the person writes in a far more upbeat manner, but is a slavishly fawning and writes with such a positive spin that anyone would think that league really is the "Greatest Game of All".

And, of course, Greg is lucky enough that someone puts his spell check-on. Unlike poor Dean below....

Though in both cases, the person masquerading as Greg Growden and Dean Ritchie, have essentially been writing the same thing for the last teen years - a post-modernist movie review (with an interesting combination of both Kant and Ayn Rand philosophies) of The Last Tango in Paris. With slight changes on a daily basis as they emote the ongoing current vibe. This explains a slight and increasing bitterness and confusion in their writings as they ponder why all their written masterpieces ends up in the sporting section of the paper.

Mr Ritchie, whilst I understand your point of view through your one-league-eye, you have to remember that the Rugby World Cup is one of the most internationally supported sporting event in terms of viewership (behind the soccer world cup and the Olympics). To show an NRL semi in front of the NATIONAL TEAM at a WORLD CUP is short sighted.

I’m an AFL fan, but I’d rather watch our national team play 100% of the time over a league grand final.

Braveheart. of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 14 Jul 11 (09:05am)

Let’s not get casrried away heer. Rugby isn’t played seriously through Euorpe (bar France and Italty), Asia, the sub-continent or the US. It’s hardly global.

Dean Ritchie
Thu 14 Jul 11 (11:44am)


I'd like to watch him try and tell a full Twickenham or Millenium stadium that rugby isn't taken seriously in those parts


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Let’s not get casrried away heer. Rugby isn’t played seriously through Euorpe (bar France and Italty), Asia, the sub-continent or the US. It’s hardly global.

What an ignorant fool. They don't take rugby seriously in Japan or the US? Maybe one visit to "irb.com" will open his eyes a little. Rugby is growing at great rates all over Asia and America, there are millions of fans and tons of corporate support. By his logic Cricket isn't a world game, because they don't take it seriously in the US or Eastern Asia. In-fact the only world games would be soccer and tennis, but even they would be questionable under his rules.
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