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Waratahs 2013

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Alan Cameron (40)
Steve Mafi plays for Leicester Tigers.

If you are indeed referring to Steve Mafi, I'm confused as to how that is worthy criticism of the Tahs. What's wrong with asking a lanky 200 cm bloke to get stronger and more physical to help at breakdown and scrumtime ? Parra had him playing in the centres FFS ! Tahs did him a lot of good, I've no doubt. Not sure why it didn't work out with the Tahs - they didn't keep Mowen either. Committing to Tonga probably didn't help !

I'm all for the Tahs getting guys in shape for professional rugby. Look how often skinny blokes like Rob Horne get injured.


Phil Kearns (64)
It'd be awesome for NSW Rugby to get country teams in the Shute Shield for developement reasons and heaps of people agree. The issue is that the push for this kind of thing has to come out of Newcastle/Illawara and not out on the NSW Rugby offices.

This kind of thing is built grass routes up, not big business down.

Do you remember the Newcastle Wildfires? I lived in Newcastle during their final two years of life. Sadly, the local rugby community apparently did not give a shite about them.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
The Waratahs' decision not to re-contract Tom Carter is puzzling. Not so puzzling - and entirely consistent with their past history of covert negotiations - are the mind games they have been playing with him all season.

Since his first Super appearance in 2008 he has been virtually without peer as a midfield defender. He has also been the most resilient of players, having missed I think just one match through injury in five seasons. In 2011 he won the Waratah Medal for on and off field excellence. His loyalty to the Waratahs could not be questioned. He was one of the very first players approached when the Rebels were setting up their franchise but knocked back an extremely lucrative offer to stay where he was.

As I understand it, virtually at the start of this season his manager was told that Tom would not be re-contracted. In the weeks following it was leaked to other people that they always intended to renew the contract. The purpose of this subterfuge became clear about mid-season when he was offered a new contract at a very much reduced level to his current one. That offer was subsequently taken off the table leaving him in limbo. As well as the rugby league offers he has opportunities in Japan or at other provinces but with his wife coming to the end of her studies in medicine here in Sydney it is likely that he will be lost to our code.

Whether he is being held responsible for the Waratahs' abysmal season is unclear but significantly their results have not improved since he was dropped to the bench or out of the squad altogether. The team's losing streak is now six and they are in real danger of extending that to eight. It is all very well to hold players accountable for poor performance but what about those who should assume ultimate responsibility for failure.

What about holding accountable Chairman Edwin Zemancheff and his sidekick Arvid Petersen who started the process of decay in 2008 when Ewen McKenzie was punted - wasn't that a smart call? - and then his logical replacement Todd Louden was offered the Head Coach role and then manoeuvred out of it? Are Zemancheff and Petersen lifetime appointments?

What about holding accountable the reclusive CEO Jason Allen? Ignoring the Crusaders game when Kiwis flock in regardless, the highest attendance at Allianz Stadium (Sydney Football Stadium) this season has been 18,830 and the lowest 13,372. When you factor out the SFS members whose attendance provides no revenue to the Waratahs, plus the complimentaries and near-giveaways, there must be a very meagre revenue contribution from attendances. The franchise appears to be irreversibly sliding towards bail-out and/or take over by the ARU.

What about holding accountable Head Coach Michael Foley? Chairman Zemancheff boasted in last year's Annual Report that "Head Coach Chris Hickey ... signed off his three-year tenure with an outstanding 63% success rate". This year we are told via the Marketing Department that his successor is to keep his job despite a likely 25% success rate for the season. I repeat 25% - or four wins out of sixteen.

And which of the four gentlemen mentioned above thought it would be a brilliant idea to bring in an additional backs coach - Senior Assistant Coach - in Alan Gaffney to mentor Scott Bowen? And the result? in the 2011 regular season the Waratahs try-scoring for and against was 48-21. With just two games to go this season it is 27-37.

What about holding accountable Athletic Development Manager Haydn Masters and Strength & Conditioning Coach Tom Tombleson? In fourteen games so far this season the Waratahs have led at half time seven times or 50% of games. They have won the second half just twice or 14.3% of games. As a result the Waratahs have won just four games. The ability to remain competitive for 80 minutes is a very reliable indicator of just how appropriately players are being conditioned.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
If you are indeed referring to Steve Mafi, I'm confused as to how that is worthy criticism of the Tahs. What's wrong with asking a lanky 200 cm bloke to get stronger and more physical to help at breakdown and scrumtime ? Parra had him playing in the centres FFS ! Tahs did him a lot of good, I've no doubt. Not sure why it didn't work out with the Tahs - they didn't keep Mowen either. Committing to Tonga probably didn't help !

I'm all for the Tahs getting guys in shape for professional rugby. Look how often skinny blokes like Rob Horne get injured.
I think he was just pointing out where Steve Mafi plays, as a previous poster had questioned whether he was in the south of France. I don't think this poster was critiquing anyone per se.


Greg Davis (50)
Bruce - I agree the carter contract saga is strange to say the least. Ad to it his promotion to the leadership group this year.

I'm starting to think that public pressure via media coverage has more of an influence on the board than people within the team. Carter has proven he has more drive, spirit and consistency than most of the Tahs put together yet he finds himself on the outer.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Tom Carter really was badly treated. The way those that run the Tahs behave reminds me of someone who has holed the bottom of a boat. Now that it's sinking they'll push anyone else overboard except from themselves. They don't know how to fix the problem so they'll just keep pushing people overboard until hopefully the problem goes away. It would never occur to them to put out the SOS and get someone in who could fix the problem because they'd have to admit what they did wrong and their inability to fix.

I wish Tom well in his future endeavors. Guy was never a flash player, although he was often judged on that criteria. He was a good defender and a solid player. Any successful team has a mix of solid players and flash players as when the flashy stuff isn't working and it's time to dig in that's when your solid players come through for you, albeit to much smaller headlines. Every club needs guys like Tom.

The worrying thing for me is not that the Tahs could potentially lose 8 in a row. It's that they might actually win one of their 2 remaining games. If that happens the blinkers will come down again and everything will be A OK. I mean if the Tahs can beat one of the top 2 teams in the Aus conference then logic dictates that they must be on top 2 form, right?

Don't get me wrong, I'll be up early as usual to get my fill of S15 for the last 2 rounds of the normal season and I'll still cheer loudly anytime the Tahs score. I'm not hoping that they lose the last two games, on the contrary I'd love if we won the last 2 even though that would definitely mean only 1 Aus team to follow for the rest of the comp. I'm just worried about how easily a couple of victories can paper over the cracks, only for them to reappear next year if nothing substantial is done in the off season.


Arch Winning (36)
If all these rumours are true about how TC has been treated - and I'd suggest his performance this year and weird selection patterns are empirical evidence it is - what a gut wrenching way to treat such a staunch player for your team.

Staggered at their stupidity really. I'd love to have seen him at Rebels, god knows we could use some steel in our midfield.


Bill McLean (32)
Tom Carter is not the problem at the Tahs. He's one of the few players who is vocal in team huddles during and after the games. Hope he goes well wherever he ends up in 2013.

Bruce, great post #543.

Maybe the powers that be at Tah HQ want to drive the organisation into the ground so they can organise a management buyout on the cheap? Otherwise, it is very hard to fathom how they operate.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
If all these rumours are true about how TC has been treated - and I'd suggest his performance this year and weird selection patterns are empirical evidence it is - what a gut wrenching way to treat such a staunch player for your team.

Staggered at their stupidity really. I'd love to have seen him at Rebels, god knows we could use some steel in our midfield.

Speaking of the Rebels the contrast with how the Rebels have bent over backwards to keep Gareth Delve another year couldn't be more stark. The Rebels did the right thing and recognised how much Gareth contributes on and off the field. Tom Carter cares about the Tahs more than most of the other players and this is how he is rewarded.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
What about holding accountable Chairman Edwin Zemancheff and his sidekick Arvid Petersen
What about holding accountable the reclusive CEO Jason Allen?.

As I pointed out in another thread, a fish rots from the head down.

If you were to make a list of the top fifty problems with the Waratahs, TC would probably be at about 48, with many other players ahead of him in the list.


Greg Davis (50)
As I pointed out in another thread, a fish rots from the head down.

If you were to make a list of the top fifty problems with the Waratahs, TC would probably be at about 48, with many other players ahead of him in the list.

Why would Tom Carter be on the list of Tahs problems at all, he contributes to the team being a success, problems should be things preventing success.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
This whole story really shows everything that is wrong with the Waratahs at the moment. I can only imagine how outraged and disappointed TC would be at this.

Unless the Tahs are planning on announcing signing SBW for next year, there doesn't seem to be any other candidate for 12 that would fit. Maybe they're going to run with B. Foley at 10 and Barnes at 12, who knows.

Whatever the playing roster, what does screwing around a bloke who has been a stalwart in the team and one of its most consistent performers say to the rest of the squad, prospective players and the fans?

What player thinking about signing up for the Tahs is going to look at this and say 'oh, there's a team who'd look after me and my interests!'? I would guess the Tahs have also ruled themselves out of picking up pretty much anyone from Uni now too.

As others have said, TC has shown more heart and commitment than almost any other Tahs player for the last several seasons.

I love (or loved) the Tahs but I am seriously close to giving up on them because of shit like this. I have no desire to support this idiocy.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
It's one thing for old goats like me to be cynical and disgusted about what's going on at Driver Avenue, but when you get enthusiastic and idealistic young people like Jnor saying that he is "seriously close to giving up on them because of shit like this" the organisation has serious problems.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I'll still be there next season (and the seasons after that), but it disappoints me that they're letting Tom Carter slip away, particularly as it is more a case of them pushing than him slipping.

As far as I'm concerned he's been the heart of soul of the team for a few years. He's a great character and someone who revs up the team and puts everything he has into his game.

He might come across as a bit of a dick on the field to some people but I guess that's a byproduct of the passion he puts into his play. Will be sad to see him go.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Whilst I don't have too many objections to them letting Tom Carter go on the surface, I do object if the contract negotiations have been carried out as Bruce has suggested (and I have no reason to believe that is in any way untrue).

The debate on TC has been done to death (and then some) but this whole thing certainly looks to have been handled badly. How curiously out of character.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
BaaBaa - I do have a real objection to them letting Tom Carter go. Too often we see this idiotic notion from the top that they don't need the meat and potatoes guys, just the lobster and souffle guys to wow everyone. Super Rugby teams need solid, reliable performers like Carter in the mix. It is hard to argue he has not provided excellent service for them.
That's before we even look at the symbolism of it, insofar as the organisation goes about these things.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Oh not at all. Carter is a solid performer, and a useful squad player.

But I'd like to see the squad take on a few younger players in both backs and forwards. A bit of a cleanout is required. Certainly there are guys that I would let go before TC, but if they wanted to let him go along with these other players (eg Halangahu, Tilse) then you wouldn't see me protesting too much.

I can understand how people will see this differently to me though.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
If anyone out of Halangahu, Tilse, and Vickerman are in the squad next year, the Tahs are doing something wrong.

Mumm, BKH, and Elsom are already confirmed as leaving.

Peterson would probably be lucky to be on a full contract next year. It is crazy having someone on a full contract who isn't played when needed and instead they play Stanford who isn't on contract.

Tilse has become the 5th choice prop after Robbo, Kepu, Ryan (injured) and now Ulugia. It's a telling sign when the reserve hooker comes on at prop ahead of the reserve prop.

Fitzpatrick is a risky proposition. He has talent but has been injured for two years.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
As I understand it, virtually at the start of this season his manager was told that Tom would not be re-contracted. In the weeks following it was leaked to other people that they always intended to renew the contract. The purpose of this subterfuge became clear about mid-season when he was offered a new contract at a very much reduced level to his current one. That offer was subsequently taken off the table leaving him in limbo. As well as the rugby league offers he has opportunities in Japan or at other provinces but with his wife coming to the end of her studies in medicine here in Sydney it is likely that he will be lost to our code.
TC has been very well paid for every minute he has been in the joint.The Tahs are not obliged to keep him on.
But I agree it was poor form to give him a low ball offer & then withdraw it.
It just shows the level of belief in their vision they have.He has been relegated to the bench and even out of the match day squad pretty much all year, and they think maybe they still want him for next year,and offer him a new contract?
They are fucking clueless.
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