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Waratahs 2012

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Sarel signed a two year deal to play CC rugby for trhe Tin Ears.

when did this happen?
the tin ears might want to double check the contract, unlikely the Tahs will let him play in the CC, he should be playing in the Shute Shield.


Greg Davis (50)
when did this happen?
the tin ears might want to double check the contract, unlikely the Tahs will let him play in the CC, he should be playing in the Shute Shield.

Tis was in the first article about him coming to the tahs, he will play CC, just like anesi played NPC, no drama at all.


I personally think that is a mistake by the Tahs, it would be better for community rugby if they stipulated he was to play in the shute shield, all the other provinces have made there marquee players play in australian club competitions, its odd NSW doesnt do the same.

In a year when the Tahs as a whole have been criticised quite heavily, something like this could have won a few kudos with the grassroots arm of the game.


Greg Davis (50)
He was already signed to currie cup, if he wasn't I'm sure he would be turning out. It's really a non issue. Has every marque player turned out for a club team?


Rod McCall (65)
He'll play his last season for Griquas and then joining the Tin Ears for two years in CC rugby.
Afrikaans Beeld Newspaper
SuperSarel maak nog ’n groot skuif
2011-07-01 23:56

’n Dag nadat dit amptelik bevestig is dat Sarel Pretorius ’n Super Rugby-kontrak met die Waratahs van Australië gesluit het, kan Sport24 bekend maak dat hy ’n verdere belangrike loopbaanskuif gemaak het.

Dié 27-jarige skrumskakel sal vanjaar die laaste keer vir Griekwas in die Curriebeker-reeks speel voordat die Vrystaat-stadion van 2012 af sy tuisveld in dié reeks word.

“Sarel se skuif na die Waratahs is ’n bitter groot terugslag vir die Cheetahs. Hy het ’n baie groot rol gespeel in ons aanvalsplanne en ons gaan hom mis in Super Rugby,” sê Naka Drotské, afrigter van die Cheetahs.

“Die positiewe is dat Sarel ’n kontrak van twee jaar met die Vrystaat gesluit het om van volgende jaar af vir ons Curriebeker-rugby te speel.”

Dié besluit deur Pretorius is ’n terugslag vir die Poubloues wat onlangs goedkeuring aan die deurwinterde Naas Olivier gegee het om sy loopbaan in Italië voort te sit. Olivier sal nie vanjaar Curriebeker-rugby speel nie.

Griekwas het wel nog die Blitsbok Jandré Blom, ’n skrumskakel wat opgewasse vir Premierliga-rugby is. Warren Malgas sal ook geen span in die steek laat nie.

Die Poubloues het genoeg diepte op losskakel, met Earl Rose wat tans nog deel van die Stormers is. Rudi Vogt is ’n ewe bedrewe nr. 10.

Oor sy skuif na die Waratahs sê Pretorius dit was ’n opwindende geleentheid wat hy eenvoudig nie kon weier nie.

“Wanneer jy Super Rugby speel, reis jy wêreldwyd en my laaste twee besoeke aan Sydney was werklik ’n aangename ervaring.”

Pretorius is tans in Zanzibar, maar verwag geen vakansie wanneer hy hom ná die Curriebeker-reeks by die Waratahs aansluit nie.

“Ek het vanjaar my beste Superrugby-seisoen tot nog toe beleef, maar glo dat ek steeds as ’n speler kan ontwikkel. Ek hoop om my spel verder in Sydney te verbeter. Dit gaan uiters opwindend wees om saam met spelers soos Berrick Barnes, Drew Mitchell, Adam Ashley-Cooper en ander Wallabies in die groep te speel. Ek weet ek moet nog ’n aantal maande wag, maar brand om my in Sydney aan te sluit.”

Dit is nog onseker met wie Drotské hom (Pretorius) in sy Super-span gaan vervang. Pretorius was vanjaar loshande die mees aanvallende skrumskakel in die reeks. Hy het 9 drieë gedruk, maar dit is sy bydrae in die ander 35 drieë van die Cheetahs wat nie onderskat mag word nie

#1 Tah

Chilla Wilson (44)
The crowd is a huge part of any rugby franchise, and what amazes me about Waratahs fans is that we can chant 'dont kick the ball' but we cant chant 'Waratahs, Waratahs' how do we fire up the fans for next year? (and DONT say play all out running rugby, cause it didnt work for QLD for the last 10 years)


Greg Davis (50)
The crowd is a huge part of any rugby franchise, and what amazes me about Waratahs fans is that we can chant 'dont kick the ball' but we cant chant 'Waratahs, Waratahs' how do we fire up the fans for next year? (and DONT say play all out running rugby, cause it didnt work for QLD for the last 10 years)

Play skillful, dynamic and effective rugby, balancing the strengths of both the front and back divisions, and by catching the ball more.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
The crowd is a huge part of any rugby franchise, and what amazes me about Waratahs fans is that we can chant 'dont kick the ball' but we cant chant 'Waratahs, Waratahs' how do we fire up the fans for next year? (and DONT say play all out running rugby, cause it didnt work for QLD for the last 10 years)

I think part of the problem is way the name of the Waratahs is promoted to the crowd and as a result half of the crowd calls out "Tahs" and some call out "Waratahs" this I think prohibits one voice from the crowd, personally I hate the term "Tahs".


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
There is a twitter rumour that Ryan Cross is signing for the Wests Tigers

NRL News
RR: Looks like Josh Dugan may re-sign with Raiders after all, with rumours suggesting so. Former Rooster Ryan Cross rumoured to Tigers 2.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Losing Cross would be a bit of a blow for the Tahs, he is a great second-string OC to have in the squad. If he goes I suppose it will probably be Kingston that steps into the breach. Or BKH, but he has fizzled out a bit this year.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Losing Cross would be a bit of a blow for the Tahs, he is a great second-string OC to have in the squad. If he goes I suppose it will probably be Kingston that steps into the breach. Or BKH, but he has fizzled out a bit this year.

We have Horne, BKH (if he is fit), Kingston, Turner and Tim Bennetts (pro academy who is killing it in the shute shield) who can all cover 13.

Time to give some youngsters a chance I reckon

Brumbies Guy

John Solomon (38)
We have Horne, BKH (if he is fit), Kingston, Turner and Tim Bennetts (pro academy who is killing it in the shute shield) who can all cover 13.

Time to give some youngsters a chance I reckon

Not to mention the incumbent Wallabies 13 in Ashley-Cooper; good stocks for 13 next year with that list.


Tony Shaw (54)
We have Horne, BKH (if he is fit), Kingston, Turner and Tim Bennetts (pro academy who is killing it in the shute shield) who can all cover 13.

Time to give some youngsters a chance I reckon

That's five. At this year's attrition rate we should be right till round 10 or 11, when hopefully the first one injured will be on his way back.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) will be the 13 cover when Horne goes down. No need for Cross any more.

BTW, so does Sarel signing mean we're no longer after Haskell who has said he'll play Super rugby next year but only wants a 1 year contract. I can't imagine the Kiwis taking him (or are they even allowed). Probably go to the Rebels?
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