I ♥ the demented dwarf...he truly is a byword for toughness. Even if he trains and they see that he can't play, that sort of monumental, devil-may-care, fuck-the-lot-of-you-I'm-playing-unless-I'm-dead attitude really lifts the playing group and drives them on.
If he CAN'T play now or in the next few weeks, it's a conundrum. I have had hopes for Alcock but he's looked a bit sluggish and soft in the trials and game time I've seen him have. McCutcheon is a workhorse without the same level of impact as Waugh but as I understand there's fitness questions. Makes it tough!
Btw I totally support Mumm as captain - he's the lineout caller, natural forward leader, has experience leading Tahs, Uni and Wallaby touring sides. I think there's been some odd criticisms of his discipline - not an issue I've observed in his play, ever. I'd have said he didn't walk that line enough in fact. The leadership group we adopted from the AFL should help too, as everyone really continues their roles, but with a different mouthpiece.