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Waratahs 2011

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Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
How impressive is the Tah's defence. They have rattled the Rebels and the Reds over the last 2 weeks and it will take a special team to score a try against them.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Why Vickerman FFS? Douglas is up there with the best in the Tahs pack and would have to be first choice for the Wallabies 5 jersey on current form alone if picked now. Vickerman will be good for the training group and opposed work.

Palu though will be a great weapon off the bench, I wouldn't want to mess with the dynamic of the current starting 15, and indeed would even continue with Kepu starting.

Hey hold up there, not saying Vicks should replace Douglas. I'm probably Douglas' biggest fan...

Vicks should definitely be from the bench, he's going to be off the pace when he returns but he'll provide a solid bench option - much better than Timani.

Palu will just add more depth, you wouldn't want to tinker with the current backrow but someone will get injured soon. I'd even radically say our best pack would be Mumm to the bench with Mowen playing as a lock and Palu, Dennis and Waugh the backrow. I don't see why he couldn't, he dominates the line-out already and has the right body shape.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
How impressive is the Tah's defence. They have rattled the Rebels and the Reds over the last 2 weeks and it will take a special team to score a try against them.

Two comfortable wins against two disappointing teams. We'll know better how good the Tahs defence is when they meet a pack who can match their physicality. I suspect that will happen before too long but, unless they lose the attitude they currently have, they appear to be a step ahead of the other Oz teams.


Alan Cameron (40)
I'd even radically say our best pack would be Mumm to the bench with Mowen playing as a lock and Palu, Dennis and Waugh the backrow. I don't see why he couldn't, he dominates the line-out already and has the right body shape.

I agree, Dennis and mowen seem to have overtaken mumm in ability and application, which was far from the case even last year. I'd play DD at lock though - at least he has experience there


Chilla Wilson (44)
How annoying are the lets make some noise clips with beale and tpn. I am dreading having to hear them for the rest of the season.

That is all from the grumpy old bastard


Larry Dwyer (12)
How annoying are the lets make some noise clips with beale and tpn. I am dreading having to hear them for the rest of the season.

That is all from the grumpy old bastard

Another attempt to engage the most circumspect fan base in global professional sport. Perhaps they'd have more luck if they asked the crowd to cock a eyebrow, nod slightly, and whisper "not a bad bit of play that" to the person next to them.

Speaking of atmosphere; ANZ is just awful. Last night it had all the cheer of a impact crater... 30,000 just isn't a big enough crowd for it. Also, I know they have decided to only serve mid strength beer at ANZ, but XXXX Gold? The UN lists it as an instrument of torture, and we are serving it up a sporting fixtures.


John Thornett (49)
33,000 would have been dynamite at the SFS.

Maybe the XXXX Gold was part of Rugby Relief? A little boost for the QLD economy...


Alan Cameron (40)
Posted By: Dan</cite><blockquote><cite>Posted By: Benjamin</cite> Also, I know they have decided to only serve mid strength beer at ANZ, but XXXX Gold? The UN lists it as an instrument of torture, and we are serving it up a sporting fixtures.

I discovered too late that new and super dry are available in the members bars.

Also, the "make some noise" clips are counteracted by the mid strength beer. Honestly, it's rugby not one day cricket. I think we've proven we can be trusted not to go crazy, yell, fight, or even cheer even with large amounts of booze.


Greg Davis (50)
crowds wont be great for a while, we have the crusaders then the bye i think, so two weeks with no rugby in sydney then a game against the cheetahs, wont be a huge selling point, hopefully they can put 60 on them though


Desmond Connor (43)
Tahs would need to win the title then they'd get the crowds. Australians are like that, they only like teams when they're winning. Hence reds crowds are up and Brumbies keep going down every year.


Greg Davis (50)
Tahs would need to win the title then they'd get the crowds. Australians are like that, they only like teams when they're winning. Hence reds crowds are up and Brumbies keep going down every year.

couple more showings like that and the reds crowds will drop.

if the tahs win in christchurch hopefully the tahs can get 20 against the cheetahs and build to average about 25 for the year, that would be successful, but as a long time fan, have to say, the thought of getting 25 plus back at the sfs makes me fear for beer time.


Tony Shaw (54)
couple more showings like that and the reds crowds will drop.

if the tahs win in christchurch hopefully the tahs can get 20 against the cheetahs and build to average about 25 for the year, that would be successful, but as a long time fan, have to say, the thought of getting 25 plus back at the sfs makes me fear for beer time.

WJ, you need to go the LG route. Blackcurrant juice with an additive in a PET bottle. You don't miss any rugby that way.
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