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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
There is a rumour that there will be four uncapped players named.

My bet is Skelton, Charles, Smith and Jones.

I do think Benn Robinson will get left out but I think that's pretty unlucky. He started the season slowly but has been good lately and had a strong game against the Lions. The lack of focus on scrummaging by the Waratahs has almost certainly dented his chances. The problem with selecting on that logic is that it's clear that Robinson is a good scrummager based on past performances at test level and routinely performs well for the Wallabies in the scrum. On that selection basis the Springboks should have selected the Lions front row as they are the best Super Rugby scrum yet clearly that hasn't happened.


Godwin robbed of a place by Adriaan Strauss late hit. Confirmed as likely cause of his knee injury. Still pissed about that!


Mark Ella (57)
Robbo IS a good scrummager and an all round good bloke. I just think he adds value on and off the field particularly with the younger blokes (in a mentoring role). maybe he won't get chosen for the Froggies but FFS I hope he ends up in the RWC squad for reasons stated

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I forgot about Cottrell too..........

So, that fifth will come out of either Cottrell, Coleman or Longbottom..........

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Jim Morton claims Tom English and Toby Smith are the two bolters from the Rebs........

That would surely rule out Robinson?


Tony Shaw (54)
Perhaps I should I have started a 'Wallabies Assistant Coaches 2014' thread. But I guess this thread's broad title can accommodate my view that I hope today (or very soon) Link announces that he'll upgrade his core group of Assistants, such critical positions in elite rugby.

I"ll say it now: Blades and Scrivener are not good enough, and far from world-class in these positions. McKay showed little in TRC, but showed enough added value as 2014 progressed for us to think that hopefully he'll bring the right qualities to the Wallabies' attack. Further, the seeming absence of a full-time kicking and catching coach (a la Mick Byrne) is a serious omission from Link's core group to date. S&C coach is another highly important support role that seems somewhat unclear as to its permanent status.

I was desperately hoping Link would appoint L Fisher as Forwards and Setpiece coach (as was once rumoured), with perhaps P Blake for defense (in all its aspects). M Byrne let it be known last year that he'd like to return home. It looks like none of this is to happen, and in any event change will soon be too late to impact RWC preparations.

I predict now: no upgrade to the Wallabies specialist coaches and the appropriate number of positions as above, kiss any Bled and RWC wins goodbye, and at end 2015 we'll still be ranked - at best - as world #3 Test side.

Train Without a Station

Godwin could just as easily been robbed of a place by Force's game plan giving him zero chance in 2014 to show he was a better attacking player than the other options at 12.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Confirmed by 6PR radio in Perth. Nick Cummins, Pek Cowan, Nathan Charles, Matt Hodgson and Ben McCalman are the 5 Force players to make the Wallabies.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Cowan and T Smith?

Are we going to have 4 looseheads or is there going to be another surprise omission?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
So with news that there are four uncapped players and five Western Force players, can we narrow down the squad a bit more closely.

Props: Slipper, Sio, Alexander, Kepu, Cowan, Smith (uncapped)
Hooker: Moore, TPN, Charles (uncapped)
Lock: Horwill, Simmons, Fardy, Skelton (uncapped), Jones (uncapped)
Backrow: Palu, Higginbotham, McCalman, Hooper, Hodgson
Halfback: White, Genia, Phipps
Five Eighth: To'omua, Foley, Beale
Centres: McCabe, Leali'ifano, Ashley-Cooper, Kuridrani
Wing: Cummins
Fullback: Folau, Mogg

32 players, 19 forwards, 13 backs, 5 Force, 4 debutants.

Have I got one too many forwards?


Peter Johnson (47)
Pek Cowan?! He's a good player but do we really need 32 loosehead props in the squad?

I wonder if Link is looking at Slipper as a TH this season. If we have Smith, Sio, Cowan and Slipper, surely one of them is being looked at as a LH

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
So with news that there are four uncapped players and five Western Force players, can we narrow down the squad a bit more closely.

Props: Slipper, Sio, Alexander, Kepu, Cowan, Smith (uncapped)
Hooker: Moore, TPN, Charles (uncapped)
Lock: Horwill, Simmons, Fardy, Skelton (uncapped), Jones (uncapped)
Backrow: Palu, Higginbotham, McCalman, Hooper, Hodgson
Halfback: White, Genia, Phipps
Five Eighth: To'omua, Foley, Beale
Centres: McCabe, Leali'ifano, Ashley-Cooper, Kuridrani
Wing: Cummins
Fullback: Folau, Mogg

32 players, 19 forwards, 13 backs, 5 Force, 4 debutants.

Have I got one too many forwards?

Yep, apparently English will be in the squad too.........

I would've thought only one of either Smith or Cowan could be considered, which leaves me concerned that someone more deserving could miss out.........

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
So with news that there are four uncapped players and five Western Force players, can we narrow down the squad a bit more closely.

Props: Slipper, Sio, Alexander, Kepu, Cowan, Smith (uncapped)
Hooker: Moore, TPN, Charles (uncapped)
Lock: Horwill, Simmons, Fardy, Skelton (uncapped), Jones (uncapped)
Backrow: Palu, Higginbotham, McCalman, Hooper, Hodgson
Halfback: White, Genia, Phipps
Five Eighth: To'omua, Foley, Beale
Centres: McCabe, Leali'ifano, Ashley-Cooper, Kuridrani
Wing: Cummins
Fullback: Folau, Mogg

32 players, 19 forwards, 13 backs, 5 Force, 4 debutants.

Have I got one too many forwards?

I reckon that's close


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Yep, apparently English will be in the squad too...

Oh yeah.

If there are four debutants, that rules one of Skelton, Jones, Smith, English and Charles out.

Out of those five I would have thought Skelton and Jones were the two most likely to be picked but on the various rumours, it seems Charles, Smith and English are most likely to be picked meaning one of Jones and Skelton misses out.
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