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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Chris McKivat (8)
What has McKenzie got against To'omua at 10? Yeah, he did well at 12 last year, but naming Beale as one of the 10's and To'omua in the centres? I'd like to know what Beale has done in the past 18 months in the no 10 position to warrant his selection there. Foley I can understand, he is playing pretty well right now and his kicking for goal will come in handy.


Tom Lawton (22)
Looks good. Our teams were different mostly because of the balance - he's gone 19 forwards and 13 backs which is surprising.

He's included pretty much every forward option canvassed here (except swapped Force props). Horne for Mogg probably the only surprise in the backs.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I forgot about Mogg, but I'm not too surprised.........

Horne and Cowan probably the only real surprises........

Horne possibly moreso due to the number of centres already in the squad.........


Dick Tooth (41)
Five locks is a surprise. As is To'omua at 12. McCabe and Horne seen as back-three players is interesting. That's a slow but strong backline in the making. Reminds me of the All Blacks in the last WC.


Greg Davis (50)
Beale at 10?


Deputy Van Halen

Larry Dwyer (12)
Genuinely surprised at Pek over Smith but otherwise can't complain too much. Beale at 10 is a little worrying...

Did anyone not pick that exact back row?


Mark Ella (57)
I forgot about Mogg, but I'm not too surprised...

Horne and Cowan probably the only real surprises....

Horne possibly moreso due to the number of centres already in the squad...

Horne makes sense now. He can be considered on the wing now with experience in that position and he has experience playing 13 at Test level. He is proven he can handle the pressure's of Test footy - hasn't played a bad game for the wallabies, I mean no outstanding performances but certainly hasn't let anyone down. He's a good cover option.

Yes - can someone please explain the Cowen selection. Give us some analysis of his performance this season? Last time I heard he was playing hooker ha!


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
So the journos can formulate some incisive questions about surprising inclusions and omissions?
It might work, you never know.

I understand releasing the team to journos prior to the press conference for that reason, but why would the embargo to release the team end before the press conference? It just isn't needed.
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