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The positives & failings from Bledisloe 1 2011

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Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
"ABs concerned that they were unable to steamroll..."

What is that based on? I think the ABs are mainly concerned about winning test matches. They want to play well, yes, and I'm sure the forwards want to do all they can to provide the best opportunities available for their attack, but I highly doubt they think going into a test match vs OZ that they are going to "steamroll".

More often than not lately their forwards have steamrolled ours and we have kept the score respectable(most of the time) through slick back play.
I thought our forwards were OK last night, McCalman and Rocky aside.
Our backs were trying to score off every possession and I agree that having the cool head of Barnes at 12 may have helped.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Positives for me from tonight's match:

1. We've had a look at Eden Park prior to the World Cup so know what to expect in our big matches there in September & October, and
2. We play again in 7 days time.

More seriously, scrum went well enough. Line out was ok too - I actually thought Keven got away with a few that weren't at all straight tonight. And Digby showed he knows how to play.

Disappointingly, the performance of the AB's, combined with the rest of our play failed to instil a "deposit of belief" in my "The Wallabies will win the World Cup Belief Bank" account. In fact, it made quite a large withdrawal from that account.

But back to positive No. 2 - the rolls on, showtime again in 7 days. Has the touring squad been determined prior to tonight's match given the quick turnaround?

That's an understatement.

A lot of the AB's lineout throws did not go down the middle. There were times their jumpers were catching it with their outside arm.

I don't know what the assistant refs were doing all night, because it was one of many things they didn't pick up.


Not really. I don't believe i'm superior to the players, just calling it as I see it.

The last time the AB's did the Kapo O Panga to the Wallabies was after the hand bag ad incident, the general consensus at the time was that the AB's felt like they had been disrespected. The nasty bit is just a reference to the throat slitting motion, which last time had everyone in a froth. To have it dragged out tonight made me think there was more going on in the AB's camp than I first thought. Maybe a response to the over confidence in general of the Australian rugby populous.

As for subservience, in some dictionaries it is defined as the trait of being willing to yield to the will of another person or a superior force etc., I think it sums up perfectly what happened. We have the players, but we lack the mental toughness to put it all together. In the end we just end up looking like the best players Australia has to offer trotted out and thoroughly confused by a game plan entitled "play what's in front of you".

I'm not saying he does it on purpose and is some secret deep cover NZ agent, i'm just saying he may be more susceptible to it than others due to his heritage of being born in NZ. I still want him in the 10 jersey, and realise without him, we would be well and truly stuffed. Only time will tell.

They tend to do Kapa O Pango when they view the match as an important fixture. This was a match against the number 2 side in the world at the venue that'll be hosting the AB's 1/4 final, as well as the semis and final (should they make it) and it was effectively the AB's first true test of the year. Perhaps it was a little personal, but I reckon they'd have done it if they'd been playing the (full strength) Boks last night.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Alexander owned Crockett at the scrum, and was clearing out rucks all night, including smashing Kaino for loitering offside around the ruck.

Needed more of that from some of our other forwards.

Anyways, was impressed with his performance.

you mean scrumming at 90 degrees...lol I didn't see the AB scrum moved. Must have been a different game


Arch Winning (36)
Tbh I could care less what haka the ABs do. It's their gig but it gives both sides a chance to amp up.

The reason we struggled in the first 20 plus was failure to defuse the ABs speed game. It's not the first time the ABs have gone turbo in the first 30. It's not sustainable for a game, but it's a smart tactic against a side with a nasty habit of scoring lots of tries in the first half. So, good in so much as we learn from it.

I think the game was actually closer than the score suggests, but my learnings were that their back row played a huge game in that first half ours didn't, but more importantly it wasn't us redirecting them, it was a masterful Carter controlling us.

Their centre pairing did well on the back of their back row. Ours was isolated. McCabe actually did ok - his tackle count was one of the highest, as was Ioane. But as predicted the ABs swarmed the 10-13 channels. I noticed Nonu made errors in defense, but his attack was pure Nonu. Smith was yet again appallingly good. McCaw was huge, I'd say his work rate was at least 20% higher than any other back rower.

And yet it was 3 tries to 2. I am sure the media will twist it beyond all proportions, that's what they do, but I'll stake you money Henry was not happy with the overall result.

Kick restarts need a look, our back row needs a look, but I saw a different backrow game to many maybe. I saw Pocock on the back foot due to penalties, he genuinely looked bewildered about the calls to me, and McCalman was limited. I saw Rocky play very well, but still lacking battle hardened fitness.

I suspect Carter exploited the Cooper Ioane interchange to the max, but I need to rewatch the game with remote in hand.

My last point re failings was the cheap stuff from Cooper on McCaw. He needs to be bigger than that if he wants to be a controlling influence on the game.


John Solomon (38)

ABs intensity was very good esp the first half - good to remind the wobs what it takes. Deans is right to imply that was an education.

When the going was beyond tough, Horwill and Ioane were able to step up, and I thought that Alexander, Moore and Kepu showed great signs in well beaten side as well.

The set piece was solid - kudos to the front row esp. Those couple of lineouts post Simmons that went astray were not helpful, but should be remediable.


in no particular order

Minimal dominant tackling, and not enough low tackling to stop runners

Rocky's work rate was fine but he hasn't had enough rugby to be in form. Big bodies taking flat passes at the advantage line from Genia is the only way for forwards to make ground against that monster defense in tight - it's what Sharpe does so well, and Kepu, Moore and Horwill all gave this a go. Starting from deep = target.

8. nuf said.

Cooper can steer a game around the park - we've seen it all year - and we saw short patches of the right plays. That grubber for the corner in the first 5 mins was a good play. Is he over coached at the wobs? under coached? misunderstood? ill conceived? McKenzie squeezed surprising levelheadedness out him consistently.

I honestly think he just isn't bright enough for much game planning, and his instinctive feel for the game is his best attribute. Complicating that = trouble. It's a problem.


I saw Pocock on the back foot due to penalties, he genuinely looked bewildered about the calls to me

Pocock was pinged 3 times, I can only recall 2 of them.

The first was completely fair enough - Conrad Smith was tackled and he went to ground then got to his feet to try and play the ball. But he wasn't actually a tackler, Smith was already on the deck when Pocock went to ground. Justin Marshall suggested he was essentially trying to make himself a tackler by going to ground and therefore avoiding having to come through the gate but got his timing wrong as he got there a split second too late.

The other one was that 'not rolling away' call where he was essentially pinned. I don't like those calls, but they've been happening consistently for the last couple of seasons so it's not really something he should be surprised about.


Alex Ross (28)
So what forward pack would everyone go for after that performance? Sounds like:

Kepu, Moore, Alexander, Horwill, Sharpe, Higginbotham, Pocock, Samo.

But we know Rocky will be there.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
So what forward pack would everyone go for after that performance? Sounds like:

Kepu, Moore, Alexander, Horwill, Vickerman, Higginbotham, Pocock, Samo.

But we know Rocky will be there.

I would just make this change and have Sharpie and Rocky on the bench.

Also JOC (James O'Connor) to 12 and Turner on to the wing.


Dave Cowper (27)
Front row, scrum, Horwill, Vickerman can still cut it against the best, Ioane

Wallabies have no top line goal-kicker, Elsom's form and captaincy, Cooper still has a tendency to make poor decisions under pressure, accuracy and intensity at breakdown means this Wallaby team will struggle to win an arm-wrestle., perfromance of AB back-row.

For me Elsom's night can be summed up by his performance in the first NZ try by Nonu. Elsom is in position to make the tackle on Sivi but misses it. Sivi passes the ball to Kaino who is tackled short. In goal-line ruck defense, Elsom then hits Nonu whose momentum is completely halted and then Nonu simply blasts over Elsom to score.

The AB backrow man-for-man and as a unit were completely outplayed their Wallaby counterparts. McCaw was back close to his best while Pocock was largely anonymous. Elsom was very poor and McCalman's high work rate doesn't compensate for his lack of physical presence in collisions.

This was a very big game for the Wallabies and yet they were comfortably beaten by an AB side which had the game won after 30 mins.


Colin Windon (37)
So why didn't you? Putting 60 on us just before the RWC would have been a big nail in our coffin. Obviously if you maintain that intensity it will be a blow out, but there was a reason why it wasn't. You cannot maintain that intencity. No-one can.

Yes, but its to know that gear is available when times are desperate. I thought the ABs were unusually worried leading into this game. That usually brings out the best in them. I think you will beat us in Aussie, because I am hoping, it will be a dead rubber.


Tony Shaw (54)
Seems Deans learnings resulted in this Ma'afu & Samo join squad to Saffaland

McCalman. Chronicle of a major selection mistake foretold by many posters here. Blind Freddy could see that he was not the best choice v ABs in a crucial match. This was the 'acid test' match in Deans' Year 4 pre RWC for Deans and his coaching group. Not even having an adequate bench replacement for McCalman compounded this reckless mistake, but one so typical of The Master Coach. Pure stubbornness and ego (and a reckless, obsessive preference for 'development' vs experience). As per Elsom, where once again last night the folly of blind 'loyalty' to Elsom by Deans and the ARU was evident for all to see, but the dangers of this policy were obvious months ago.


Ron Walden (29)
................ And I am not having a go at Pat so much as noting what we are lacking. Big, fast and skillful. Not sure where we'll find it. .........

How about Higgers....LOL....no seriously. Nothing more irks me than after 3 passes wide of the ruck and some space in front, the ball ends up in the hands of a tight forward. Why can't they learn to drop back from the attacking line a few steps, let the backs or a big loose fwd have the darn ball and then come through with a good clean-out. It invariably slows the momentum down and lets the defense catch up.

A shame that Vickerman doesn't have a ticket to SA. Would love to see Vickerman & Horwill start with Sharpie given another chance to have a run with 20 minutes to go next week. We need some more mongrel from out forwards and although the front row stood up and were counted last night the back three were very timid. Would like to see another option at #8, Samo maybe???.

Scrum was very encouraging especially as the AB had identified that has a potential weakness in our game. I was anxious about our scrum before the game with the not so distant memories of it being thrashed by every forward we ran out against. Had also been keeping my fingers crossed for Big Ben and Slipper to make it back soon but now I am not sure sure I would rush either back in.

Thought both of our backline "super-stars" looked totally over-awed with the occasion - namely Cooper and O'Connor. Cooper looked confused and scared and I don't recall ever seeing him make more of an effort to avoid contact than I did last night. O'Connor didn't seem as cool and confident with ball in hand - very jittery though he did run hard and try. I think his 3 poor shots at goal were a good indication of how comfortable he was out there.

I think Genia did the best he could and Horwill showed some toughs. Diggers was very strong and I feel he settling into test level rugby very well. Agree that we need a tough, straight running inside centre but I am having doubts about McCabe. Maybe Mr Deans should give Barnes a run in McCabe's place.


I find this an extremely strange post Charger. The "nasty" haka? It's just a different haka to Ka Mate.

I have to say I had the exact same thought when I saw it. I don't know if 'nastier' is the right word, both are pretty violent. Kap o Panga though does appear more intimidating physically.

Fake Moustache

We can't win a world cup without a goal kicker.

Even if we had Serge Blanco at fullback & Rupeni on the wing, you still need to win a tight game where you rely on your kicker in at least one game to get to the end.


David Codey (61)
Look, I critiqued Cooper, but he is who we have. He'll probably win more games for the Wallabies than lose. But counterpoint his game to Carter, who demonstrated why he is the best 10 going around, for the ability to do all the "simple" stuff so, so well. Kick when he has to, passing, tackling, drop-goal, penalties / conversions, turnovers - all done well. He rarely looks pressured. Quade needs to be more like that, but not completely, as it is the unpredictable nature of his good play that makes him dangerous. A work in progress.

Quade could of course get a whole lot better and a thinker like barnes outside of him might also help composure but then we also lose in other areas. However part of the reason that Carter hardly ever looks pressured is because he hardly ever is pressured. He has played behind dominant packs for the saders and abs his whole professional career. A luxury virtually no other 10 has.

I doubt the score would have been any different had the 10s swapped teams last night.

Conversely if the loose trios swapped I guarantee the score would have been different (if not the whole result). Read is worth 2 mccalmans and kaino 1.5 Elsoms. We may have to look into something drastic like moving horwill to 6 to improve our impact in this area - won't help with speed in the loosies but could help in tight gaining those crucial few meters. Horwill is no less mobile than the likes of finnegan or cockbain.


Bob Loudon (25)
1. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) played well. I know a lot of people will disagree, but although he was given virtually no ball in attack he had a brilliant game in defence. He was there for every chip kick, regathering perfectly, often just him taking on 3/4 AB chasers.

2. Alexander stepped up. I'm not a fan of the bloke but I will admit he proved himself worthy. Contained Crockett and put in a great effort in the breakdown.

3. Horwill played excellently. Made meters in attack with a strong running game, very physical and a solid breakdown effort. Make him captain Robbie!

4. When Mitchell returns, we will have one awesome selection dilemma- Digby vs. Drew vs. James. Seriously, Digby had a blinder. Incredible tackling in the #10 channel, good runs and brilliant chasing/support.
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