Div 3 Round 11 Predictions
2.5/3 (1 draw, 1 postponed).
Irish def Quins by 12 - winner and margin picked! Irish continue to win, a hard fought effort from the Quinns goes unrewarded with zero bonus points to show for it. All eyes now turn to a Thursday night makeup game at Lofberg Oval this week against Knox, the winner will find themselves in the drivers seat for that 4th playoff spot.
Knox vs Baker postponed - hearing they will play for double points on the 20th of July.
Valley def. LCOI by 2 - great effort from the JV on the road, 2 bonus points sees them tied with Old Barker in 7th, though the men in red have 3 games in hand. Valley moves above Quinns into equal 4th with Knox, though they have 2 and 3 games respectively.
Sydney Harbour drew with Merrylands 27-27 - told you this was a toss up! Both sides will feel unlucky not to win this one. Works well as it keeps Irish out of striking distance in second for Merrylands, and Harbour away from Knox/Quinns. Harbour went 1/5 off the tee, a painful way to miss out on a big win.