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Shute Shield 2013

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Phil Kearns (64)
I do not approve of verbal abuse at sporting events.

However, Carter has always gone out of his way to invite a bit of a verbal cuff over the ear.

Many years ago our next door neighbour took me to watch him play first grade cricket for Northern Districts. I was about 12. Having taken myself out to the SCG a few times, I decided to do a bit of barracking. After a few minutes, he walked across to where I was sitting (his side was fielding) and told me that nobody barracks at grade cricket matches. It was okay to clap, though.

Times change, don't they.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
I can't believe we are talking so much about a bit of sledging from the hill. What do you think is going to happen to Sturat Broad during the home ashes series?? Are people going to take offence to him getting abused all across Australia?? Of course not, he is going to cope abuse but that goes with the nature of most sports. And if you do something that the majority of people dislike ( eg broad not walking when clearly edging a ball or a career of pork chop behaviour in the case of tom carter) you probably should expect to cope a little bit more.

I agree with you!
I think some of you Uni supporters are being a bit precious about this.
You'd think Uni was the only club that had ever experienced bagging of one of it's players or are Uni players untouchable?
Cast your mind back to some of the crap that used to get directed at the likes of Campo and David Knox at most grounds in Sydney.
In Campo's case he generally just smiled and got on with the game.
I can particularly recall an incident at Chatswood Oval towards the end of Campo's career when he was being bagged by a group of Gordon lower graders. A Gordon supporter (committee man?) told them in no uncertain terms to pull their heads in. I believe he said something along the lines of "if any of you even approach his level of ability you'll be very lucky". They went quiet after that.


Chris McKivat (8)
I do not approve of verbal abuse at sporting events.

However, Carter has always gone out of his way to invite a bit of a verbal cuff over the ear.

Many years ago our next door neighbour took me to watch him play first grade cricket for Northern Districts. I was about 12. Having taken myself out to the SCG a few times, I decided to do a bit of barracking. After a few minutes, he walked across to where I was sitting (his side was fielding) and told me that nobody barracks at grade cricket matches. It was okay to clap, though.

Times change, don't they.

I actually think that golfers and tennis players are precious how they get silence before their swing/serve- the poor goal kicker doesn't get that. A bit of sledging from the crowd is part of the game. It would be a pretty quite game without it

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
"coach" coach..only the "riff raff" travel on the "bus" :)

Reminds me of Ian Chappell's response when asked whether he thought the Australian cricket team needed a coach. He said something like: "sure, that's how we travel to and from the ground"!

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
All good banter but here's what's unacceptable for mine in a crowd;
Making personal comments about a player's family and/or partner.
Swearing or acting in an offensive or intimidating manner around women and children.
Most clubs have fans who occasionally go over the top. It's terrific when a fan from that same club firmly and politely tells them to pull their head in.
Play the ball not the man.


Arch Winning (36)
point is, as unpleasant as it is, if TC didn't act like a dick all the time he wouldn't cop the abuse. Bernard Foley is by far a better player, more influencial on a game and in my mind probably more likely to fold under pressure than TC yet nobody was accused of singling him out for special treatment and that's simply because he isn't a prick

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
point is, as unpleasant as it is, if TC didn't act like a dick all the time he wouldn't cop the abuse. Bernard Foley is by far a better player, more influencial on a game and in my mind probably more likely to fold under pressure than TC yet nobody was accused of singling him out for special treatment and that's simply because he isn't a prick
Nup, now we're justifying unacceptable behaviour.
If it's not Tom Carter, the idiots will find someone else regardless.


Arch Winning (36)
Nup, now we're justifying unacceptable behaviour.
If it's not Tom Carter, the idiots will find someone else regardless.

I don't partake in sledging at all because I don't particularly like it, but you saying sledging is unacceptable behaviour is just your personal viewpoint and your stance is not widely enough accepted to make it a social norm. That is unless your refering to the allegations of "firebombing cars" etc in which case it is unacceptable but I do not believe that if TC wasn't there similar comments would have been said to other uni players. Its the same with the Quade Cooper booing thing, when Quade doesn't play the kiwis don't go "shit better pick another wallaby on the field to boo at"


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I agree with you!
I think some of you Uni supporters are being a bit precious about this.
You'd think Uni was the only club that had ever experienced bagging of one of it's players or are Uni players untouchable?
Cast your mind back to some of the crap that used to get directed at the likes of Campo and David Knox at most grounds in Sydney.
In Campo's case he generally just smiled and got on with the game.
I can particularly recall an incident at Chatswood Oval towards the end of Campo's career when he was being bagged by a group of Gordon lower graders. A Gordon supporter (committee man?) told them in no uncertain terms to pull their heads in. I believe he said something along the lines of "if any of you even approach his level of ability you'll be very lucky". They went quiet after that.
This old chestnut that something in the past justifies poor behaviour now just doesn't hold true.
In any event, nobody's being 'precious'. Barracking, heckling is fine, and has gone on for thousands of years. Suggesting some of the stuff that was allegedly said seems to me to go beyond that - vis a vis stuff aimed at family members, for instance. I'm sure Carter is big enough to cope, and I've seen enough of him to agree he probably draws some of it on himself.
Anyway, this is all detracting from what was a great game.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
I don't partake in sledging at all because I don't particularly like it, but you saying sledging is unacceptable behaviour is just your personal viewpoint and your stance is not widely enough accepted to make it a social norm. That is unless your refering to the allegations of "firebombing cars" etc in which case it is unacceptable but I do not believe that if TC wasn't there similar comments would have been said to other uni players. Its the same with the Quade Cooper booing thing, when Quade doesn't play the kiwis don't go "shit better pick another wallaby on the field to boo at"
Fair call.
I was really focusing on the personal comments about Carter's family and swearing around women and children being unacceptable.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Most teams should be training tonight.

Team lists for the weekend tomorrow??

Looking forward to hearing details of award winners from the various End of Season Presentation Nights coming up?

Anyone know when the SRU awards will be announced?

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
This old chestnut that something in the past justifies poor behaviour now just doesn't hold true.
In any event, nobody's being 'precious'. Barracking, heckling is fine, and has gone on for thousands of years. Suggesting some of the stuff that was allegedly said seems to me to go beyond that - vis a vis stuff aimed at family members, for instance. I'm sure Carter is big enough to cope, and I've seen enough of him to agree he probably draws some of it on himself.
Anyway, this is all detracting from what was a great game.

I wasn't seeking to justify anything, just pointing out that Carter (and Uni) don't have a monopoly on being sledged. Some guys (eg Carter) are at least partially to blame for what they cop, whereas others (eg Campo) cop it through no fault of their own.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Campo still copped some sledging at age 50 during the Classic Wobs match vs the Classic Lions match.

Sure he has lost a bit of toe since the 80's/90's but there are not too many 50 yr olds who would have the balls to run out against a bunch of 35 year olds in front of 10000 people.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I note Force players aren't running around in the Shute, but the Honey Badger is. Was there a reason for this, are there any others?
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