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Shute Shield 2013

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David Codey (61)
Financed by?
The Melbourne and Perth teams would need to be propped up by players from Sydney clubs and then you're back to the ARC problem where Sydney Uni players were spread across the whole competition thus destroying tribal loyalties.

Not necessarily. Why wouldn't those already based in Perth not just stay and compete for the Perth based teams. Same with Melbourne. It wouldn't require the need to house talent imported for the competition as it will already be there. That's the point of a representative season. Players have to be domiciled in the city/region in which the team is based. That would cut a great deal of the cost out of the issue.

State of Play

Frank Row (1)
I believe there are 10 members of the NSWRU board (not all employees) and 1 of those (Bruce Warboys) is the executive director and he also sits on the board of the SRU. The other members of the SRU board may be elected by the clubs but the board is definitely not independent of the NSWRU as far as I'm aware. I wasn't suggesting that the administrators are employees. I was trying to make the point that the reaction of the NSWRU to any issue is to appoint a committee to look into it but we never see any outcome.

Coach, Interested Party is correct. The SRU board is answerable to the clubs themselves not the NSWRU. Funding for the clubs now comes directly from the ARU to the SRU not via the NSWRU board. The SRU Board meet each month or two months with all club presidents, so if you have any questions about what is happening at the SRU then the person to check with first would be your club president. The SRU board does have two independent directors but these are nominated and seconded by different clubs. The people who are at the SRU are there because the majority of clubs want them there. If you want to be on the SRU board get your club president to nominate you as a director at the next AGM.
Word going around is that the SRU are now looking for a major sponsor and have formed a committee. All clubs have been invited to attend a once off briefing on what, where how etc and to offer input to the committee. 11 out of 12 clubs said yes to sending a representative to the meeting. No it was not Uni who said no.

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Matt Lucas outpointed Tahs new signing Phipps at the base of the scrum.

Dave that was the one given for the day before they kicke off ;) ! Mind you while I have bagged him in the past , Phipps was one of the Uni guys to wander in for a beer afterwards - well done


Mark Ella (57)
I am pretty sure that the Sport Ears do not work at most club grounds despite the refs being miked up. There needs to be a special transmitter at the ground for the "Ears" to work. Boyo, is your experience that they work at Uni No 1?

I bought this/these, many years ago, for use at the SFS. IIRC,, at the time, I was told that the product would work at suburban grounds. I never tried to use my set elsewhere. I rarely attend matches these days, for various reasons, so I gave my set away.

Eyes and Ears

Bob Davidson (42)
I bought this/these, many years ago, for use at the SFS. IIRC,, at the time, I was told that the product would work at suburban grounds. I never tried to use my set elsewhere. I rarely attend matches these days, for various reasons, so I gave my set away.
I believe there was the required transmitter at all grounds for 1 season many years ago. It was discontinued. I believe the Sports Ears could be used at the GF at Concord for all 4 games either last year or the year before or both.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Dave Beat I thought it was a cracking game. The opening 20 from Manly was almost flawless football - high-paced, aggressive at the breakdown in attack and defence, few mistakes. Uni were not allowed into it. The 2Manly tries well constructed and taken.
Once Uni got a bit of ball and go forward, it was slow, grinding progress in contrast. Manly's problem was the tackle-release was too slow, the ref saw it, pinged them a few times, and they suffered for one too many of the same offence with the YC. Tough, in a way, as they had played it well otherwise.
The Uni try just on half-time was the back-breaker, as it really tied it all up.
Manly came out really vigorously again, but their big error was allowing too much counter by Foley and Kingston especially in space, who are too classy at this level to be given that latitude. Uni probably a bit lucky not getting a player carded in second half, but like the ABs, the offences they committed were mixed up a bit, I think.
I thought Uni were having a Phil Waugh moment with all the scrum resets (and not in a good way) but they did have the edge there, especially with bench players.
I won't pretend I'm not happy Uni won, but I had to feel for Manly as they did just about everything right.
High quality rugby from both teams, and apart from Foley and Kingston, most of the better players on the park were 'no-names', relatively speaking.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
No sour grapes - Tim Davidson's speech back at the Mounties (well attended by Uni players but no Carter! ) was gracious in victory and articulate in terms of pointing out what is really the genuine 3rd tier in this country - he went so far a to say the game was one of the best SS contests he has played in.

Fortunately the Carter family was represented at the after match function. My mail is that Tom's identical twin brother was spotted talking to Phil Blake there.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Coach, Interested Party is correct. The SRU board is answerable to the clubs themselves not the NSWRU. Funding for the clubs now comes directly from the ARU to the SRU not via the NSWRU board. The SRU Board meet each month or two months with all club presidents, so if you have any questions about what is happening at the SRU then the person to check with first would be your club president. The SRU board does have two independent directors but these are nominated and seconded by different clubs. The people who are at the SRU are there because the majority of clubs want them there. If you want to be on the SRU board get your club president to nominate you as a director at the next AGM.
Word going around is that the SRU are now looking for a major sponsor and have formed a committee. All clubs have been invited to attend a once off briefing on what, where how etc and to offer input to the committee. 11 out of 12 clubs said yes to sending a representative to the meeting. No it was not Uni who said no.

SofP, thanks for the clarification!

There was a previous post (not from me) suggesting the ARU funding has not been received this year. Do you know whether this is true?

My real gripe is that various members of the NSWRU (eg Nick F-J) keep dropping hints about some committee or other reviewing the SS and that there will be changes, but nothing seems to come of it except heaps of rumours.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
SofP, thanks for the clarification!

There was a previous post (not from me) suggesting the ARU funding has not been received this year. Do you know whether this is true?

My real gripe is that various members of the NSWRU (eg Nick F-J) keep dropping hints about some committee or other reviewing the SS and that there will be changes, but nothing seems to come of it except heaps of rumours.

sounds like a technique so the committee can get some ideas for options by listening to rumours and seeing whichs one's fly

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Fortunately the Carter family was represented at the after match function. My mail is that Tom's identical twin brother was spotted talking to Phil Blake there.
Bruce I felt a few months ago it was time to back off on TC (and as a rule on this thread individual players), there is no doubt he continues to cop it but gee he is his own worst enemy . Even making the usual allowances for different characters and avoiding the grey in favour of characters he could learn abit from his captain. Looking forward to the rematch

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
Bruce I felt a few months ago it was time to back off on TC (and as a rule on this thread individual players), there is no doubt he continues to cop it but gee he is his own worst enemy . Even making the usual allowances for different characters and avoiding the grey in favour of characters he could learn abit from his captain. Looking forward to the rematch

Tom may be well advised to learn a bit from his captain, but then we haven't any knowledge of how Tim Davidson would have reacted to the good natured banter from the Club-organised group on the hill away from the grandstand which included a threat to fire bomb his car; a chant that he was a cancer of rugby; and hilarious comments about his wife and mother. Lighten up. Tom. You're taking it personally.

And you're supposed to slink off the field at the end of the game instead of fronting the well lubricated mob; but then you made it much worse by going to the grandstand end of the field and applauding the crowd. I assumed you were saluting your own supporters but apparently you were just trying to antagonise the well behaved Manly supporters at that end.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
If that was what was said, it is pretty vile.
I know Tom has carried on a bit at times on the field, but he always puts in for his teams, and this type of crap is not the rugby way.
Club-organised? Are you sure? I struggle to believe a club would do that.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
There was some light hearted winding up on the MMM site (or mass email out).

It just took a bit of VB fighting Juice and mob mentality to take that light encouragement to a wholly unnacceptable level, as it sadly all too often does.

Unintended consequences of an appeal to tribalism. If it was as bad as reported that was quite out of line, and some of the team/club more responsible persons should have stepped in and controlled the behaviour.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
If that was what was said, it is pretty vile.
I know Tom has carried on a bit at times on the field, but he always puts in for his teams, and this type of crap is not the rugby way.
Club-organised? Are you sure? I struggle to believe a club would do that.
Saw the latest newsletter on your website today encouraging supporters to have "anti Carter" banners and chants at the oval on Sunday.
" So cue the anti-Tom Carter chants and banners and get yourself down to Manly Oval"
That's not nearly as bad as you have made it out to be.
It's a harmless aside at the end of an of a article on the clubs website.
"Harmless aside".

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
You really think that one line made any difference to the drunks on the hill?
It's a mob mentality and the empty vessels always make the most noise.
No matter who is playing, they are less than impressive ambassadors of their club.
Come down for a local derby and see how feral they can get.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I think it is poor form, or clumsy at best, for a club to promote that stuff, but ultimately, heckling a player can be done in many ways, some of them "acceptable" enough. That sort of shit, outlined by Bruce Ross is beyond the pale, and reflects poorly on individuals, who probably would have done it anyway.
Pretty sad all round.
Shame, because it was a great game of footy that doesn't deserve this sort of taint.
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