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Shute Shield 2013

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I like to watch

David Codey (61)
That's a better way to say it.
The worst behaved would have done it regardless.
I'm not too sure the drunks on that hill are the demographic that would read previews of upcoming matches on the clubs website.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Bruce Ross cyclopath - it was a great game of rugby whether live or on the box. Manly unfortunately lost, after also watching it on the box I think Uni also benefited from the ref but it was only a marginal benefit (but cost as at least 10 points).

The crowd, there were no banners, and from where I sat at the players gate I couldn't hear the personal taunts that are being alluded to above.
Nor could they be heard on the TV when I re-watched the game. However I could hear a vocal Manly supporter cheering on from the bowling green. To reference what may have been said with such confidence on an open forum you'd have to almost have been on the hill - because I couldn't hear it.

Complements flowed both ways afterwards and that reflects the true spirit of both clubs.

To detract from Sunday's awesome game on an open forum is not a good advertisement for rugby - nor if true "if" were the sledges, but it also goes against an age old rugby phrase - what happens on the paddock stays on the paddock.

  • Imagine the uproar in NZ if they had this technology around when the chant went out "Hadley's a Wanker"
  • As for the banners, Aussies are renowned for their quick witted banners. I recall promo competition days at test cricket run by C9. Whether it say "Which club next year Harvey" or something else, to question it without knowledge - ?
Guys we are Aussies, we play and fight hard and have a beer afterwards. I'm not sure if Tummy was there or not - but I'm fairly confident if he was some laughs could have been had.


Ted Fahey (11)
I've heard some pretty low comments come from that manly "hill" over the years... Wouldn't surprise many people if they got that personal with TC

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
"Chewy on your boot", "Your mother wears army boots, and your father smells of elderberrys", and "Leave our bloody flies alone" are relatively benign taunts/sledges.

The reports of some of what was said from the Hill (if correct) such as threats to firebomb a car or involving a players wife seem to have crossed the line into unacceptable behaviour. Players are sort of fair game, and it should stay on the field, but if you want it to "stay on the field" then the taunts should not be directed at players families or other off field stuff.

One can sort of understand why TC may have felt it necessary to behave like a bit of a pork chop in response to those taunting spectators after the final whistle went. Not that that excuses him loosing his composure.

A great game of footy none the less.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I've heard some pretty low comments come from that manly "hill" over the years. Wouldn't surprise many people if they got that personal with TC

howyagoin - maybe (and I dont condone below the belt comments), but I'm also sure that Manly is also one of the more hospitable clubs post match.

I wasn't on the hill on Sunday, but I would have enjoyed sledging Tummy. I would equally enjoy catching up for a beer with him after the game. He's a player that plays hard, and is passionate (and a twat) about his club and the game - and I wish there was more of that type in the game.

Tim Davidson paid the game it's true complements after the game.

We are letting one of the Shute's best games fall into a - mummy he said this.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Dave Beat Fair post mate.
I could certainly "see" the mob that was heckling TC, but I could not hear exactly what they were saying on TV, but a lot rhymed with "truck" and "shunt", so maybe they were referencing an unfotunate parking incident! ;)
You are right about throwing unsubstantiated allegations around, it isn't fair, and as I said earlier, reflects on individuals, not whole clubs or their general supporters in my mind.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Dave Beat Fair post mate.
I could certainly "see" the mob that was heckling TC, but I could not hear exactly what they were saying on TV, but a lot rhymed with "truck" and "shunt", so maybe they were referencing an unfotunate parking incident! ;)
You are right about throwing unsubstantiated allegations around, it isn't fair, and as I said earlier, reflects on individuals, not whole clubs or their general supporters in my mind.

Cheers, and
You nailed it, parking sucks in Manly - trucking 2hr car parks everywhere.

I think Tummy is very Manly, they both like to push the boundaries on the passionate level - and providing it stays on field & they celebrate afterwards it is good for the game.

Bruce Ross

Ken Catchpole (46)
Bruce Ross cyclopath - it was a great game of rugby whether live or on the box. Manly unfortunately lost, after also watching it on the box I think Uni also benefited from the ref but it was only a marginal benefit (but cost as at least 10 points).

The crowd, there were no banners, and from where I sat at the players gate I couldn't hear the personal taunts that are being alluded to above.
Nor could they be heard on the TV when I re-watched the game. However I could hear a vocal Manly supporter cheering on from the bowling green. To reference what may have been said with such confidence on an open forum you'd have to almost have been on the hill - because I couldn't hear it.

Complements flowed both ways afterwards and that reflects the true spirit of both clubs.

To detract from Sunday's awesome game on an open forum is not a good advertisement for rugby - nor if true "if" were the sledges, but it also goes against an age old rugby phrase - what happens on the paddock stays on the paddock.

  • Imagine the uproar in NZ if they had this technology around when the chant went out "Hadley's a Wanker"
  • As for the banners, Aussies are renowned for their quick witted banners. I recall promo competition days at test cricket run by C9. Whether it say "Which club next year Harvey" or something else, to question it without knowledge - ?
Guys we are Aussies, we play and fight hard and have a beer afterwards. I'm not sure if Tummy was there or not - but I'm fairly confident if he was some laughs could have been had.
I presume, Dave, that the highlighted comments are directed at me. No, I was not on the hill. It is in fact many years since I watched a game from there. I sat in the Grandstand where as usual supporters on both sides were very civilised and appreciative of one of the truly great games of club rugby. But you don't necessarily have to have heard something personally to be in a position to comment on it, if you take the time as I habitually do to check from a number of sources before making an allegation.

I don't normally buy into inter-club arguments but I'm prepared to when necessary. In the present case there were two allegations that drew me out:

Firstly, there was pointed criticism of Tom Carter for not attending the after match function. This surprised me because, unlike most players in this post-breathalyser era, Carter makes a habit of having a drink with the opposition even after being abused by their supporters all afternoon. So I checked and was told that he was there and spoke to Phil Blake for some time.

Secondly, there was the comment that he acted like a "pork chop" after the game in going across to those who had been baiting him. The whole purpose of the incessant abuse is to provoke a reaction, and in such a situation I think his reaction was understandable and justified. But others think he should have bowed his head and skulked off.

"what happens on the paddock stays on the paddock" - but we're not talking about what happened on the paddock. We're concerned with what happened off the field within earshot of women and children, and a mob picking on an individual who's expected to cop it without reacting. I'm prepared to say that's not on, even "on an open forum".

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I presume, Dave, that the highlighted comments are directed at me.

Bruce, no, and that was to much to read - you are nearly always positive, well constructed, and when not it is your dry humour that I try and understand. I was trying to work out why Tummy's twin wasn't on Uni's roster.

It was a quality game and we should be talking about that.

With young kids I don't get back to the club, good to hear he got back there.
Him returning favour after the game, I don't have an issue with that either (but did his game warrant it?)
As I said above, I'd have a beer with the Tummy after a game - he's passionate about club and rugby and if it comes across the wrong way at times it is due to heart on the jersey.

My post, I got the shits about comments detracting from an awesome game.


John Eales (66)
But jeez wasn't it a great game of footy....

That was one of the best SS contests I can recall for a good long while. Terrific stuff it was and all of sudden Uni look a bit mortal to me. Manly provided the blue print for beating them I think and played with great enthusiasm and commitment. Hats off to them.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
My only worry is that some of the alleged behaviour from lower graders at various clubs this year has been commonplace at league games for 10 years....hope we're not heading in that direction.

Maybe Uni should distribute some of their well educated and perfectly behaved players amongst the other clubs to provide guidance on correct behaviour, always assuming they could spare some players of course.

Marlin Boy

Bob McCowan (2)
I presume, Dave, that the highlighted comments are directed at me. No, I was not on the hill. It is in fact many years since I watched a game from there. I sat in the Grandstand where as usual supporters on both sides were very civilised and appreciative of one of the truly great games of club rugby. But you don't necessarily have to have heard something personally to be in a position to comment on it, if you take the time as I habitually do to check from a number of sources before making an allegation.

I don't normally buy into inter-club arguments but I'm prepared to when necessary. In the present case there were two allegations that drew me out:

Firstly, there was pointed criticism of Tom Carter for not attending the after match function. This surprised me because, unlike most players in this post-breathalyser era, Carter makes a habit of having a drink with the opposition even after being abused by their supporters all afternoon. So I checked and was told that he was there and spoke to Phil Blake for some time.

Secondly, there was the comment that he acted like a "pork chop" after the game in going across to those who had been baiting him. The whole purpose of the incessant abuse is to provoke a reaction, and in such a situation I think his reaction was understandable and justified. But others think he should have bowed his head and skulked off.

"what happens on the paddock stays on the paddock" - but we're not talking about what happened on the paddock. We're concerned with what happened off the field within earshot of women and children, and a mob picking on an individual who's expected to cop it without reacting. I'm prepared to say that's not on, even "on an open forum".

I agree with Dave.

These comments are detracting from a terrific game of club rugby that should have received more press about its case of being "3rd tier" standard.

For the record Tom Carter was at the post match speeches. Although he was outside the club for the entire period, he was there.

Tim Davidson was his usual articulate self and he spoke with class. He is an enormous asset to Syd Uni.

The Hill is not a club organised.

Tom did act like a pork chop. There is no argument there. He was thoroughly out played by both Mr Sefania and Mr Hingano. If anyone deserved to run over to the hill it was Mr Foley after icing the game with his drop goal and being relatively instrumental in most of Uni's attack. If Tom really wanted to rile the hill, he would have walked off in silence and victorious. The scoreboard, overrules everyone. Tom is not smart enough to understand this. Uni fans will be the first to admit he is obviously a couple of cents short upstairs. he just keeps biting though and the hill love it.

I will agree there are some inappropriate comments from time to time and that is unfortunate. Especially when our juniors and women happen to hear them. (Note I make reference to our juniors as I don't believe you have any?)

But the banter is all part of the irrational passion of sport!

Do you literally think the Manly boys were going to fire bomb Toms car?

While all the boys on the hill despise the on field character that is Tom Carter. All agree that life would be pretty dull without him.

Hopefully we meet again this year and as we did on Sunday night we all have a beer and reflect on another great game of club footy.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
I agree with Dave.

These comments are detracting from a terrific game of club rugby that should have received more press about its case of being "3rd tier" standard.

For the record Tom Carter was at the post match speeches. Although he was outside the club for the entire period, he was there.

Tim Davidson was his usual articulate self and he spoke with class. He is an enormous asset to Syd Uni.

The Hill is not a club organised.

Tom did act like a pork chop. There is no argument there. He was thoroughly out played by both Mr Sefania and Mr Hingano. If anyone deserved to run over to the hill it was Mr Foley after icing the game with his drop goal and being relatively instrumental in most of Uni's attack. If Tom really wanted to rile the hill, he would have walked off in silence and victorious. The scoreboard, overrules everyone. Tom is not smart enough to understand this. Uni fans will be the first to admit he is obviously a couple of cents short upstairs. he just keeps biting though and the hill love it.

I will agree there are some inappropriate comments from time to time and that is unfortunate. Especially when our juniors and women happen to hear them. (Note I make reference to our juniors as I don't believe you have any?)

But the banter is all part of the irrational passion of sport!

Do you literally think the Manly boys were going to fire bomb Toms car?

While all the boys on the hill despise the on field character that is Tom Carter. All agree that life would be pretty dull without him.

Hopefully we meet again this year and as we did on Sunday night we all have a beer and reflect on another great game of club footy.

I thought the Uni boys arrived on a bus anyway ;)


Ted Thorn (20)
The only problem I had with what TC did was that he put his own agenda ahead of his teammates. Instead of going and congratulating Foley for kicking the droppy and the rest of the team on the win, he put himself first. Obviously after 82 minutes of footy and a last gasp win you're not thinking straight and it's something he probably would've done differently in hindsight.

Glad to see a few others on here have the same opinion of Carter as me - I think he's a prick, but he's a prick who actually has some passion for whatever jersey he's wearing, and that has stood out in the fairly soulless organisation of the Waratahs for many years.

That said, he's won enough premierships, so he doesn't need a farewell one this year!

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
The only problem I had with what TC did was that he put his own agenda ahead of his teammates. Instead of going and congratulating Foley for kicking the droppy and the rest of the team on the win, he put himself first. Obviously after 82 minutes of footy and a last gasp win you're not thinking straight and it's something he probably would've done differently in hindsight.

Glad to see a few others on here have the same opinion of Carter as me - I think he's a prick, but he's a prick who actually has some passion for whatever jersey he's wearing, and that has stood out in the fairly soulless organisation of the Waratahs for many years.

That said, he's won enough premierships, so he doesn't need a farewell one this year!

I doubt it!


Chris McKivat (8)
I can't believe we are talking so much about a bit of sledging from the hill. What do you think is going to happen to Sturat Broad during the home ashes series?? Are people going to take offence to him getting abused all across Australia?? Of course not, he is going to cope abuse but that goes with the nature of most sports. And if you do something that the majority of people dislike ( eg broad not walking when clearly edging a ball or a career of pork chop behaviour in the case of tom carter) you probably should expect to cope a little bit more.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I can't believe we are talking so much about a bit of sledging from the hill. What do you think is going to happen to Sturat Broad during the home ashes series?? Are people going to take offence to him getting abused all across Australia?? Of course not, he is going to cope abuse but that goes with the nature of most sports. And if you do something that the majority of people dislike ( eg broad not walking when clearly edging a ball or a career of pork chop behaviour in the case of tom carter) you probably should expect to cope a little bit more.

How about poor Murili the chucker - we've just had an awesome game of rugby.
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