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School sporting scholarships/recruitment


Frank Nicholson (4)
Prove he is independent by strategically "leaking" (ie starting a rumour) that all is not well.....
If you read the various posts I have made on this thread I am clearly not a Scots 'mole'. I hope I have not been sucked in to unwittingly helping them.

As for [Quick Hands above]
Unfortunately world domination brings with it people who think that way. A sad indictment of the mindset promoted by Dr L.

I couldn't agree more - I just don't get how anybody could think that Parachuting in almost complete teams in years 9, 10 or 11 was/is a good thing.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
If you read the various posts I have made on this thread I am clearly not a Scots 'mole'. I hope I have not been sucked in to unwittingly helping them.

As for [Quick Hands above]
Unfortunately world domination brings with it people who think that way. A sad indictment of the mindset promoted by Dr L.

I couldn't agree more - I just don't get how anybody could think that Parachuting in almost complete teams in years 9, 10 or 11 was/is a good thing.
I never intended it to suggest that at all.
I guess there's a possibility any one of us reporting a yarn is being set up.
All great fun.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Probably, the only light on the hill (maybe, too socialist for this forum) are the Oz schoolboys performances over the last few years, although this seems to disipate by the U20s.
Fiji beat NZ, Oz beat Fiji 31-7.
All proof that concentration of rugby playing (just leaving the issue of talent to one side) in the private schools is working just fine.


Darby Loudon (17)
Fiji beat NZ, Oz beat Fiji 31-7.
All proof that concentration of rugby playing (just leaving the issue of talent to one side) in the private schools is working just fine.

Don't know about that; remember there are a number of contracted leaguies within that Qz schoolboy side; plus that fact (you might have mentioned it, schoolboy selection and results don't equate to professional careers and super15 and international results) this quickly disappears by international U20s results.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Don't know about that; remember there are a number of contracted leaguies within that Qz schoolboy side; plus that fact (you might have mentioned it, schoolboy selection and results don't equate to professional careers and super15 and international results) this quickly disappears by international U20s results.
I cannot believe that Steve Jobs did not develop a sarcasm emoticon before he shuffled off this mortal coil: his greatest failing?

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
Unfortunately world domination brings with it people who think that way. A sad indictment of the mindset promoted by Dr L.

EDIT: Imagine standing on the sideline for 6 years listening to that b/s.
The denial from the two most vitriolic was a scene to see. I remember one of the mums from cricket, who just thought that the opposition was, to coin her phrase... Lucky... A sad yet humourous lunch with the youngest lad. At least on here we voice and vent our spleens to the public. Those women took it to a new level. I will never leave a table of school mums first. :) :) :)

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
I have heard of one of the Catholic schools giving progressive sibling discounts culminating in 5th and any more siblings attending the school being gratis.

Students do not have to all be at the school at the same time to qualify for the sibling discount.

A good incentive for large families.:)
last year at one of the Left foot schools, a mum and dad there had been paying fees there for the last 20 odd years and were so proud to write that final cheque... So I don't know what sort of discount they got... But they have 6 sons!

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
The denial from the two most vitriolic was a scene to see. I remember one of the mums from cricket, who just thought that the opposition was, to coin her phrase. Lucky. A sad yet humourous lunch with the youngest lad. At least on here we voice and vent our spleens to the public. Those women took it to a new level. I will never leave a table of school mums first. :) :) :)

Leave and come back: the conversation never changes only the victims.
While we mock it I think they actually have bought into the dream of world domination.
I gave up on that hours ago.


Darby Loudon (17)
last year at one of the Left foot schools, a mum and dad there had been paying fees there for the last 20 odd years and were so proud to write that final cheque. So I don't know what sort of discount they got. But they have 6 sons!

25% second child, 50% third and 100% fourth and above.

But they must all must be at school/s at the same time.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
There we go, the bloody Catholics are rorting the system worse than Scots. 50% discount/fee relief/bursary/scholarship and above, just for breeding successfully.

World domination by sheer weight of numbers. Clever sausages the Papists.:)

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
The denial from the two most vitriolic was a scene to see. I remember one of the mums from cricket, who just thought that the opposition was, to coin her phrase. Lucky. A sad yet humourous lunch with the youngest lad. At least on here we voice and vent our spleens to the public. Those women took it to a new level. I will never leave a table of school mums first. :) :) :)
Wait till they find out that in 10 years time, noone will care that their little darlings dominated high school sport. That should be a cracker of a conversation "Doesn't my son's boss realise that he was part of the Scots College domination of world sport?":)