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School sporting scholarships/recruitment

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
We wait with baited breath for Dr Lambert's "external review". Joeys have already committed in writing to their parents that they won't be playing Scots in 1sts and 2nds basketball.

To me the most telling little fact that crept out almost unoticed, was Dr Lambert's statement that 19% of boys at TSC were on bursaries (this does not include academic or music scholarships). That's a lot paying either nothing or half fees (about 1 boy in 5). Depending on the figures one chooses to use, this equates to somewhere between $6,000,000 to $9,000,000 per year subsidised by someone (full fee paying parents?), showing that world domination certainly doesn't come cheaply.
I'm not sure what that means.Lambert plays the game,and relies heavily on the specific use of words to push a point of view.
He categorically refutes providing scholarships,but admits to bursaries.what is the difference?
In regards to supplements,he piously states they definitely have no supplement policy...But does not address whether the School provides them to students freely.
This 19% figure could relate to meaningful discounts on fees,or it might mean that the School provided assistance to 19% of its students with the free provision of jumpers/singlets in which to represent the School.
Who would know?

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I have heard a rumour - only a rumour - that Lambert is not entirely happy with the interim findings of his 'independent' expert. As the story goes, they are providing more information, to hopefully change this.

As an aside possibly this Forum does need a moderator! - Again it has been suggested (another rumour!) that people who work for 'Schools' are active on this forum, to push negative Scholarship postings well down the list (ie not on the latest page). They are concerned that the 'media' have obtained 'ammunition/information' from this forum. If true, is this a compliment?

Conspiracy theories were bound to start!
Well there was one poster who stopped abruptly a week or so ago when someone asked him/her if they worked at TSC.

Most of the information contained on this thread actually came from Scots own website (the sports section) and from the comments of Dr Lambert. You wouldn't have needed to be an award winning journalist to find most of it.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I'm not sure what that means.Lambert plays the game,and relies heavily on the specific use of words to push a point of view.
He categorically refutes providing scholarships,but admits to bursaries.what is the difference?
In regards to supplements,he piously states they definitely have no supplement policy.But does not address whether the School provides them to students freely.
This 19% figure could relate to meaningful discounts on fees,or it might mean that the School provided assistance to 19% of its students with the free provision of jumpers/singlets in which to represent the School.
Who would know?
I'm just taking Dr Lambert's words at face value. According to their website, bursaries at Scots range from 25%-100% remission of fees.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
This forum is rather well self regulated by the regular posters.

Inappropriate posts are rather quickly reported to the moderators who are reasonably quick to zap the post. (Click on the "report" word at teh bottom of any post you think is inappropriate).

So what if the Schools are trying to manipulate what is on here. Every post kicks this thread to the top of the list, so little to be gained there.

The media snoop on these threads, and there are probably some media persons active posters - who cares? Google will pick up posts on G&GR depending on what the key words are in the google search.

Like a family member talking up the skills of their boy in some misguided attempt to garner favour with the selectors, someone on these threads spreading BS, or trying to spin a story from a supposed neutral or independent position is usually found out rather quickly.

The democratisation of the internet rules.

Any media reading this thread should be asking hard questions about Rugby development in general and not just this isolated (but intended to be sustained) attempt at achieving world domination.

There is a whole lot more wrong with the state of Australian Rugby, that could and should be improved.

There is also a whole lot of great stuff in Australian Rugby.

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
The bursaries at most schools, including Scots, start at 5% remission of fees, not 50%.

That's not a bursary - that''s a multi student discount! Common pratice to give 5% off for the first brother (or sister) attending the same school at the same time! The more kids you send th ebiger the discount! A very masonic discount IMHO.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I have heard of one of the Catholic schools giving progressive sibling discounts culminating in 5th and any more siblings attending the school being gratis.

Students do not have to all be at the school at the same time to qualify for the sibling discount.

A good incentive for large families.:)

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Again it has been suggested (another rumour!) that people who work for 'Schools' are active on this forum, to push negative Scholarship postings well down the list (ie not on the latest page). They are concerned that the 'media' have obtained 'ammunition/information' from this forum. If true, is this a compliment?

Conspiracy theories were bound to start!

At some points in time that would be a full time job for about 5 people.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I have heard a rumour - only a rumour - that Lambert is not entirely happy with the interim findings of his 'independent' expert. As the story goes, they are providing more information, to hopefully change this.

As an aside possibly this Forum does need a moderator! - Again it has been suggested (another rumour!) that people who work for 'Schools' are active on this forum, to push negative Scholarship postings well down the list (ie not on the latest page). They are concerned that the 'media' have obtained 'ammunition/information' from this forum. If true, is this a compliment?

Conspiracy theories were bound to start!

I love it- this is the fabled double triple cross I heard about in economics I.
Appoint an independent auditor. Prove he is independent by strategically "leaking" (ie starting a rumour) that all is not well.
Supply additional info (somewhat difficult since he had unfettered access to everything - but a mere minor detail) and cause him to publish a supportive report along the way having proven his independence.
Sir Humphrey would be loving this.

Jim Belshaw

Bob Loudon (25)
We wait with baited breath for Dr Lambert's "external review". Joeys have already committed in writing to their parents that they won't be playing Scots in 1sts and 2nds basketball.

To me the most telling little fact that crept out almost unoticed, was Dr Lambert's statement that 19% of boys at TSC were on bursaries (this does not include academic or music scholarships). That's a lot paying either nothing or half fees (about 1 boy in 5). Depending on the figures one chooses to use, this equates to somewhere between $6,000,000 to $9,000,000 per year subsidised by someone (full fee paying parents?), showing that world domination certainly doesn't come cheaply.

I don't know about Scots, but in fairness, TAS has a lots of bursaries and scholarships, including fee remissions for parents that strike hard times such as droughts. Some are cross-subsidises by other fees, but my impression is that most come from gifts and bequests.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I love it- this is the fabled double triple cross I heard about in economics I.
Appoint an independent auditor. Prove he is independent by strategically "leaking" (ie starting a rumour) that all is not well.
Supply additional info (somewhat difficult since he had unfettered access to everything - but a mere minor detail) and cause him to publish a supportive report along the way having proven his independence.
Sir Humphrey would be loving this.
It's a triple back somersault with tuck, twist and pike.

ILTW has already noted that Dr Lambert choses his words carefully. I also referred to the review as "independent", but I don't believe that Dr Lambert has ever used that word - he describes the review as "external" - a subtle but important distinction.

You're right, it's straight out of the Sir Humphrey play book. I wonder if he intends to release it? If so, Friday 4.45pm would be a great time, long weekend, RAN centenary celebrations, Prince Harry, league grand final, 1 Direction and all the traffic chaos that long weekends and big events bring. Spin Doctor 101.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I have heard of one of the Catholic schools giving progressive sibling discounts culminating in 5th and any more siblings attending the school being gratis.

Students do not have to all be at the school at the same time to qualify for the sibling discount.

A good incentive for large families.:)
If you could afford to have 5 kids at a GPS school, you wouldn't even notice the discount;)

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
We wait with baited breath for Dr Lambert's "external review". Joeys have already committed in writing to their parents that they won't be playing Scots in 1sts and 2nds basketball.

To me the most telling little fact that crept out almost unoticed, was Dr Lambert's statement that 19% of boys at TSC were on bursaries (this does not include academic or music scholarships). That's a lot paying either nothing or half fees (about 1 boy in 5). Depending on the figures one chooses to use, this equates to somewhere between $6,000,000 to $9,000,000 per year subsidised by someone (full fee paying parents?), showing that world domination certainly doesn't come cheaply.
Quick, I was with young Mr Westlake in the east yesterday having lunch and overheard the conversation of a couple of mothers that are absolutely livid that "our school" is being victimised. It was interesting to say the least as the non blonde tried to justify that the school NEEDED to be seen as the premier school in, not only Sydney, but Australia to attract the right type of people.
Blonde Waverley mum tore into her about all facets of education and raising balanced kids. I liked her calm approach. Blonde Scots mum said in retort that in the years ahead, it will be about "which school you went to will make the difference". Waverley mum just spat back "Go to Melbourne if you want that shit!"
Laugh??? We choked on our sangas!
Point of the story being, is that Dr Lambert has some wonderful support. Blind moronic support, but support all the same.
World domination is a costly exercise

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Quick, I was with young Mr Westlake in the east yesterday having lunch and overheard the conversation of a couple of mothers that are absolutely livid that "our school" is being victimised. It was interesting to say the least as the non blonde tried to justify that the school NEEDED to be seen as the premier school in, not only Sydney, but Australia to attract the right type of people.
Blonde Waverley mum tore into her about all facets of education and raising balanced kids. I liked her calm approach. Blonde Scots mum said in retort that in the years ahead, it will be about "which school you went to will make the difference". Waverley mum just spat back "Go to Melbourne if you want that shit!"
Laugh??? We choked on our sangas!
Point of the story being, is that Dr Lambert has some wonderful support. Blind moronic support, but support all the same.
World domination is a costly exercise
Unfortunately world domination brings with it people who think that way. A sad indictment of the mindset promoted by Dr L.

EDIT: Imagine standing on the sideline for 6 years listening to that b/s.