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RWC - Wallabies v Ireland - 17th September 2011

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This is me calmed down after a couple of days, I was quite angryandwanted to throw a few ounces Saturday night over it. There is a way to support a team, I don't say I do it right, but it was completely over the top, especially seeing as new Zealand wernt involved and the Irishwere doing there team proud with the support they offered, no need at all.

The Irish fans you speak of are likely to be amenable before the game because they're thrilled about travelling to NZ to cheer on their team and good-natured after the game for obvious reasons. Also, those who travelled from Ireland this far are likely to be on the more polite end of the scale of politeness - they are in a foreign country and would be on their best behavior.

As for the Kiwis you came across, well, they're likely to be fairly ordinary, basic people on their own patch who remember the underarm incident as if it were yesterday. I apologise on behalf of them and pass on a message...

Harden up!


Arch Winning (36)
I think that our game really falls apart in the wet. Something needs to be done about that. My guess is that having Barnes at 12 would really help that situation.

Barnes is also a comparable defender to McCabe (less dominant tackles but at least as good completion rate), and a far better attacker.

Would people dislike him less if he could change his sookface to angryface?

Only person in Super Rugby who matched McCabe for tackle completions was Tom Carter, both around 92% - a benchmark McCabe has maintained at test level. Even Conrad Smith wasn't close, and Smith is the most complete Centre in SH rugby, though I'm starting to think Fourie is something to behold. Barnes had a bad year and is a great centre, but I don't think it's true to say he's as good as Mccabe at tackling. He (BB) is a much more rounded player though.

We need McCabe's steel at inside Centre, we're just too fragile without it. I imagine he could play outside centre, even pretty well given his speed and the time to learn the position, but we need a rock solid defender in the 12 channel who, crucially, can also straighten the defense when we attack.

You don't throw out a whole team based on one loss. To up the ante with two playmakers, even when its a class player like BB, gives me the heeby jeebies. If anything I'd consider subbing Cooper off with BB if he's not playing smart rugby.


Arch Winning (36)

If someone pulled that crap around female friends of mine I would indeed harden up. It's juvenile, and it's never smart to bait people when you don't know them. Meanwhile, we are on an internet board. We can all contribute as civilly as we want, or be as keyboard warrior as we want. It's your rep.

I am glad to say I saw a lot of good posts on the kiwi forums post Ireland. Enough to reassure that at the end of the day we are all Anzacs, part of two countries who have spilt blood together.

Muttonbird you can choose to bring your a game to the boards, or your d game, but take a minute to consider that anyone can tear something down. It is much harder to build people up.


David Codey (61)
This world cup would be an absolute failure if it wasn't for Australian fans traveling to new Zealand. From statistics I've seen we make up between a third and a half of overseas tourists, yet a good number of new zealanders seem to want to shoot themselves in the foot because they can't see past the chips on their shoulders.

I watched the game with a bunch of Irish and Aussies in queenstown, and we all had a beer and chat about the game together after. The only people that seem intent on trying to cause trouble were all black fans. What is with these guys? It isn't like Australia has ever invaded their country or anything, so I don't understand the spite coming from some. Hell we even play the game in similar styles, so surely new zealanders can appreciate the wallaby style of play more than most others?

As far as i can tell Australia gives more to New Zealand than the other way around, so what is the reason for all of the spite?


I am glad to say I saw a lot of good posts on the kiwi forums post Ireland. Enough to reassure that at the end of the day we are all Anzacs, part of two countries who have spilt blood together.

You paint a pretty picture but your story and WaratahJesus' don't tally. He's seems to want to infer that the behavior of a few gassed-up and excited kiwis is reflective of the All Blacks support base as a whole. You're saying there's nothing to see here.

WJ admits he's combative so I obliged but I'll consider myself told off once again.


Peter Johnson (47)
I also dont understand the hate directed in the nz media towards the australian team. I can understand a little bit here and there which can be put down to rivalry, and im as guilty as anyone of this. But all this bullshit about quade cooper as an enemy of the state just reflects badly on the organisations involved and the country in general. Its a shame as its a beautiful place with a lot of nice people, let down by a few dickheads.


Colin Windon (37)
Unless plan B reads like 'Forwards try harder' im not sure what you expect from the 5'8 to have done about that game, excluding some of his flick passes.

Well, observing the basic rules of wet-weather rugby would have helped.

1) Don't fuck about.
2) Whether by carrying or kicking, put it in front of your pack every time you get the ball. EVERY. Fucking. Time.


Matty K, I'm not used to getting private messages on a forum and my machine prevented it from opening. Can't you say what you've got to say to me on this thread? I'm sure no-one will mind.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
You paint a pretty picture but your story and WaratahJesus' don't tally. He's seems to want to infer that the behavior of a few gassed-up and excited kiwis is reflective of the All Blacks support base as a whole. You're saying there's nothing to see here.

WJ admits he's combative so I obliged but I'll consider myself told off once again.
And yet you drag up "The Underarm Incident" as some kind of justification for boorish behaviour. Does Greg Chappell reflect all Australians?
No supporter group can claim piety. I've seen appalling from both sides of the ditch in equal measure.


Peter Johnson (47)
How is the underarm incident any worse than commiting professional fouls on your own try line in the dying moments of a bledisode match?

Cynical play is cynical play and nz is just as if not more guilty than most, especially when if comes to rugby.


Greg Davis (50)
You paint a pretty picture but your story and WaratahJesus' don't tally. He's seems to want to infer that the behavior of a few gassed-up and excited kiwis is reflective of the All Blacks support base as a whole. You're saying there's nothing to see here.

WJ admits he's combative so I obliged but I'll consider myself told off once again.

i had no probs with what you said mutton,

i didnt mean to reflect the entire supporter base of New Zealand, but it was more than a couple of guys and other aussie fans relayed stories to me throughout the night that the same sort of behaviour happened in different parts of the ground and other pubs to the ones i was at.

and i dont consider myself combative, i consider myself a fan that enjoys banter but i like to think i never push someone past a breaking point or intentionally cause harm to others to get my point across.

there was alot of kiwis out on saturday night with what seemed pre meditated and bad behaviour of which i would personnally be ashamed if i or anyone from my country dished up as "passionate support". it was over the top, rude, arrogant and stupid and thats coming from a borderline drunk with a personality disorder.


Rod McCall (65)
Not sure if this is the place for it or not, but just wanted to give an opinion after attending the game on Saturday.

For those that know me, they know love a drink, they know I like to give some lip and I love to get involved in a bit of banter.

Positives first, the Irish turned up to support there team, they did so in cheer and good spirits and dispute outnumbering Aussies both in the pub and game 10-1 were ready for a chat or a laugh and did everything with gusto and a massive smile on there faces. After the game we hung around til they turned the lights off and nearly every irish fan around us came up, told us to come to the pub they were going to, gave us a hug and let rip with ood natured ribbing. Even the Irish players and coaches were happy for a chat and wished us luck. It was a massive positive to rugby as a whole and saved a night out the the result had left me devastated about.

Contrast that with a large contingent of All Blacks fans, I say large contingent as I heard stories all night from people over the ground that ha similar experiences. Now, let me say, I dress up, I support the wallabies loudly and I give a fair bit of niggle. Having said that, when I left the pub to walk to the game with a group of people including ladies, about five meters from the door I was pushed into the gutter called a "c*#t" numerous times and told to "go the f home", normally I wouldn't care but it was said with such spite and ferocity that I actually felt like I was about to be king hit.

Tucking into the crowd and keeping my head down we got to the forecourt of Eden park where the kiwi hosts had traditional dance, bands and carnival stuff on and I excused the behavior of the numerous people who had abused wallabies fans due to it being on a pub strip, but once inside the game, the number of all blacks fans who had turned up in all blacks jumpers with Irish scarfs on surrounded us again. Fair enough, I ve been to mutual matches from my perspective and always chosen someone to cheer on, but wi families and children around the number of these wankers that kept there disease laden words ringing around, shadow boxed or stuck there finger up while spitting, well frankly, if I wasn't having a good time wi the Irish it would have completely ruined my night.

Even walking back into town while an all blacks fan got his cock out and told a wallabies supporter to suck on it, I thought, great tournament the NZ government has out on, but the money could have been better spent teaching class.
To be really honest, you get this in every country. Agree with Mutton, harden the fuck up.


Peter Johnson (47)
To be really honest, you get this in every country. Agree with Mutton, harden the fuck up.

No. I want it stopped. It is shit, stupid and ridiculous behaviour. Never once have I been a part of the kind of behaviour to anyone from an opposing team (players, fans, whatever). I shouldn't have to put up with it.

At the end of the game you should be able to have a laugh, a drink and a good time with the other side. Despite what has happened on the field.

So if you think it is ok you really need to consider you act as a person.

Matty K, I'm not used to getting private messages on a forum and my machine prevented it from opening. Can't you say what you've got to say to me on this thread? I'm sure no-one will mind.

Yeah I mind.
Click on the private message link at the top and it will take you there without any pop ups.


Rod McCall (65)
No. I want it stopped. It is shit, stupid and ridiculous behaviour. Never once have I been a part of the kind of behaviour to anyone from an opposing team (players, fans, whatever). I shouldn't have to put up with it.

At the end of the game you should be able to have a laugh, a drink and a good time with the other side. Despite what has happened on the field.

So if you think it is ok you really need to consider you act as a person.
Vok Boet you should come to Paarl and I'll take you to the Paarls All Blacks supporters and bergies. They tell you about your mother in two ticks if you try and down talk their team. You cant control the uncontrolable.


Rod McCall (65)
Where is it acceptable for someone to pull his dick out and tell an opposition supporter to suck it?

Oh vok now we qouted its acceptable. Off course it aint acceptable but the Kiwis or aussies, or Saffers dont have control over them. Bet you would have gone and tell them this?
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