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RWC - Wallabies v Ireland - 17th September 2011

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Arch Winning (36)
Time to drop it I think. Mutton and WJ have, I am sure I can :)

Back to fruitless debate about how we need to change the whole team and throw the bath out with the babywater.. er you know what I mean.


Cynical play is cynical play and nz is just as if not more guilty than most, especially when if comes to rugby.

Seriously, you can't believe this.

On the match:

Leaving aside Ireland's performance because I haven't seen enough of them to know where it stands, it looked to me like the Wallabies were beaten before they went out there. To lose Pocock and Moore so late looked to have messed with the mindset of the pack. Australia's strongest run-on team is very dangerous for short periods, both within a match, and perhaps for two or three tests in a row.

TPN is highly rated but he's not fit enough for long enough to maintain or, in this case come into, form. I genuinely felt for the guy which was an unusual sensation because I'm not a fan. Vickerman's berating of him after a crooked throw was more embarrassing than the throw itself and showed that Vickerman, while a senior player, is a liability when the game is not going his way. McCalman was put in an unenviable position and I hope his confidence isn't shot.

Can't see why you're not playing Barnes. He would provide a beautiful, structured foil for the raw and flawed talent elsewhere in that backline.

The Wallabies will come back stronger than ever after this famous defeat and will take one if not two high profile scalps at this World Cup but their self belief appears too brittle right now to be able to string three winning performances together against motivated and quality opposition, especially in the dark, wet, and cold garden of New Zealand.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Back to fruitless debate about how we need to change the whole team and throw the bath out with the babywater.. er you know what I mean.

A crushing loss provides us all the with the opportunity to champion our favourite players who aren't currently in the team.

It even brings about the odd calls for George Smith or Matt Giteau to be recalled as we've seen earlier in this thread.


Ward Prentice (10)
This is me calmed down after a couple of days, I was quite angryandwanted to throw a few ounces Saturday night over it. There is a way to support a team, I don't say I do it right, but it was completely over the top, especially seeing as new Zealand wernt involved and the Irishwere doing there team proud with the support they offered, no need at all.

I am Canadian, with Italian heritage. I am also a huge wallbies fan. I was at the Aus vs Italy game, and I have to say the Aussie fans can be equally vile. I was sitting in front of 5 of the most ignorant, racist, retarded people I have met at a sporting event. Instead of supporting their team they were yelling racist comments towards the Italian fans, in earshot of families etc. Other wallabies fans around them were encouraging it.

Giving the opposing fans a hard time was one thing, but this was just dumb and not funny.


Arch Winning (36)
That's very true BH, it does. As you can see, for myself I don't see BB repping McCabe in the QFs, not with no form. Do see him being used as a sub tho in the coming two games - but it could be at Quade's expense, esp if he's playing flakeball. Also looking for Drew, Palu, TPN and Higgers to get some decent run time.

I know we are at elimination, but we are gonna need these guys, and that means game time.

My guess at this point is Ant out, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) to 13, Drew in, BB to bench, but for the next two games a lot will come down to how much Deans is prepared to roll the dice. I'm leaning to don't roll them much at all, play the main team, give the bench a good run at the 56 to 60 range.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
I haven't read any of this thread due to a number of reasons, it was an extremely shitty weekend for me:

1. My son's Colts team were pounded by Sydney Uni and are now out of the finals.
2. A niggling tickle turned into a full-blown throat infection on Saturday night (wonder why?). This led to
3. As I was crook I was unable to attend the NSW Wine Show on Sunday (and Monday and Tuesday) as a steward. Being the staunch supporter I am of NSW wines this is my favourite wine show.
4. The Wallabies lost to Ireland in a woeful performance.

My thoughts on the match:

1. Pocock's unavailability resulted in one of the heaviest forward packs we've had, we replaced speed and brains with brawn and brute force. It would seem the conflict between brains and brawn was too much for the gold pigs as they didn't realise what was necessary: the Wallaby forwards weren't going to get to the breakdown first so it was imperative they use their muscle to blow the Irish eight away. As they did to the Saffers in Durban and the ABs in Brisbane. I mean, really, you've made a tempate how to do it, WTF didn't you go back and resurrect it? This disconnect between what was needed and what happened raises worrying questions of leadership and commitment from mind and heart.

2. This match confirms to me our top team's quite capable of winning this RWC, but a few injuries will cruel our chances. From our best 15 we were missing four on Saturday: Robinson, Moore, Pocock and Ioane. To complicate matters for Oz two of those were at short notice, the withdrawal of Pocock on Saturday morning swiftly followed by Moore's. We should acknowledge here the previous RWC winners in 1991 and 1999 had very settled sides; the only disruption I can think of was Gavin's injury but that was well before the 1991 tournament started. When our three injured tourists get back on deck we'll still be a major threat in this RWC.

3. The selectors' decision to send only one fetcher has now bitten us on the arse. There are too many 6s and 8s, or 6/8s, in the squad and not a backup 7. What we would've done with Beau Robinson, or even Hodgson or Waugh, on Saturday night.

4. Deans has always had a habit of leaving his starting 15 on the paddock for as long as possible, often for the whole 80 while he was at the Crusaders. This has backfired on him a few (many?) times at the Wallabies and I thought he'd got over it in the recent past. In fact I'd go so far to say Deans astute use of his bench in Brisbane was the deciding factor in that victory. Why did you decide to revert to past failed practices here, Dingo?

5. To my eye the two hard grunts in the centres seems to leave our backline with a lack of balance. I've posted earlier I'd prefer Ant at 12 and McCabe at 13, but I'm only a humble observer. Fainga'a still doesn't look completely comfortable at outside-centre, his defence's fine but his attack's woeful. Wouldn't it be more sensible to put Ant next to Quade to take advantage of their Reds combination? I'd hate to see Barnes at 12 and Ant at 13, I'd much prefer AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 13 to add a bit of spark in the centres. Anthony's form is unfortunately dipping a bit below his best in an unfamiliar position, a painful remedy's required here. But for some matches the two hard grunts might be the way to go. There again, who'd be a selector?

6. This is a very experienced Irish side, the oldest squad in this RWC. On the other hand Oz is the youngest squad. I don't have the total tests of the two teams to hand but I imagine there's a significant difference. Mick Malthouse, the Collingwood coach, maintained teams had an opportunity for a moment when they peaked, if they failed to take advantage of that opportunity the moment was lost forever. I reckon this Australian side's a year, or two, away from its best.

7. The inclusion of a lot of recently-injured players in the squad was always going to be risky, and so it is. TPN's lack of game time showed in the scrums. I realise this is a bit harsh, especially in TPN's case as he was always going to be our backup rake. Will Vickerman's lack of matches also prove expensive? And Horne's, and Mitchell's, and Palu's and Barnes's? I hope not.

Apart from the above disappointments Ireland played very well. Congratulations Ireland, a deserved victory.


Nice post Lindo, couldn't agree with you more, and long time no see pirate.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Olive leaf extract will do wonders for the 'tickle' at the back of throat, so have a bottle on hand in the fridge always...works well for me and prevents flare ups.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
Olive leaf extract will do wonders for the 'tickle' at the back of throat, so have a bottle on hand in the fridge always...works well for me and prevents flare ups.

Not a patch on good red wine. Unfortunately for me the quack pooh-poohed my suggested remedy on Sunday morning. But Her Majesty raided my cellar last night and came up with a very good 2006 McLaren Vale Cabernet Sauvignon and, bugger me, it's working. I feel much better this morning.

twenty seven

Tom Lawton (22)
Unless plan B reads like 'Forwards try harder' im not sure what you expect from the 5'8 to have done about that game, excluding some of his flick passes.

What I've been saying is that it not just one players fault, not just the forwards. Watch the Irish game - they played as a team and supported one another. Backs supporting forwards and forwards giving thier backs great platform. We didn't do that. We didn't play as a team - from the coaches down.
So it's no good saying one individual player like Gits or Barnes would have done this or that. I think there was a lot more needed than that.


Vay Wilson (31)
I missed the buildup to the match, but as soon as I saw 7. McCalman on the team sheet I knew we were in serious trouble. We're just not a counter-rucking side, which means we need a good fetcher to maintain parity at the breakdown. We're also a team at ourost dangerous from quick turnover ball, which mostly comes from your fetcher. I can't for the life of me fathom why Deans chose not to bring a backup specialist openside. It's probably the most crucial position to our style of play than any other position in the pack. And it's not as if there aren't excellent exponents back in Aus.


John Hipwell (52)
Where is it acceptable for someone to pull his dick out and tell an opposition supporter to suck it?

This is just disgusting. Most of the guys I know and played rugby with back home would have been ashamed of this behaviour if not actually intervening themselves.

Unfortunately, I probably also know one or two guys who may do something stupid like this given the right amount of firewater and not enough good mates around.

NZ is pretty passionate about rugby and some people just can't handle that much emotion and alcohol at the same time.


Rod McCall (65)
I haven't read any of this thread due to a number of reasons, it was an extremely shitty weekend for me:

1. My son's Colts team were pounded by Sydney Uni and are now out of the finals.
2. A niggling tickle turned into a full-blown throat infection on Saturday night (wonder why?). This led to
3. As I was crook I was unable to attend the NSW Wine Show on Sunday (and Monday and Tuesday) as a steward. Being the staunch supporter I am of NSW wines this is my favourite wine show.
4. The Wallabies lost to Ireland in a woeful performance.
They are suppose to come in threes Lind. Nr 3 the worst by a long distance. Was that the 4 nations wine one?
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