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RWC - Wallabies v Ireland - 17th September 2011

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I think that balance works in dry conditions when the long cutout pass to bring Beale and JOC (James O'Connor) into the game is a safe option.

In the wet though, I think that gameplan completely falls apart.

Don't let Bob (Dwyer) hear you say that! :D


Good analysis from Campo in my opinion - http://www.foxsports.com.au/rugby/r...australia-teeter/story-e6frf4zl-1226140927353.

Barnes has to come in at 12 to salvage Cooper's inconsistent and at times irrational decision-making. McCabe is a fantastic prospect, but is not suited to 12. Better long-term prospect at 13. If being 6"1 and 91kgs at 23 isnt big enough to be a 13 in the future, whoever said that is kidding themselves. Last time I looked Conrad Smith was only 4kgs heavier and the same height. Seems perfect size to me.

Give McCabe a bit more space to move and I think he will blossom as an attacking weapon (note his effective run past O'Driscoll on Saturday night outwide in the first half - ran a good line).

twenty seven

Tom Lawton (22)
Not having a genuine, legitimate answer to your question, I'm going to be honest; they're bloody Queenslanders. It's clear they've switched off after winning the Super 15 because their state duties are their priority.

Queensland Reds played longer than any other Aus team. I would say tired more then switched off
Sounds like sour grapes from a bloody New South Welshman!
As to Gits - are you forgetting what happened to him against Samoa!


Michael Lynagh (62)
And the last 10 - 15 pages just highlights why we lost. Post after post on our 10, 12, 13 jerseys. What do you guys expect them to do? Our forwards were smashed, the Irish had free reign at the breakdown to disrupt and destroy our ball, the Irish defence was up incredibly fast, and it was a wet and slippery game.

Where's the focus on not pushing the offside line like the Irish, instead having a static defence? On the forwards not competing at the breakdown? Not protecting Genia at the breakdown? Not competing enough for the ball at the breakdown? Not illegally slowing down Irish ball like they were doing to ours? Not adapting to the ref at all? Not hitting the collisions? Not getting over the advantage line? Poor lineout throwing? Failing to clear our own ball on our scrum given a steady enough platform?

From my memory of the game, not only did we make more clean breaks than Ireland did, but none, NONE, of our backs were in the worst 5 or 6 or so players in a gold jumper on the park.

So what's with the obsession with 10, 12, 13? I'd say it's why fans don't understand and accept why the Wallabies lose these games, especially when games the Wallabies play like in Brisbane vs the All Blacks are in the sad minority. Until our forwards can turn up and give a decent performance to nearly every game, we will never be even close to the All Blacks. With the past inconsistent performances of Wallaby packs over the last 10 years and beyond, how can people not realise this?

Utility Back

Gits play against Samoa was comparable to Quades against Ireland.
The similarities being the forwards were annihilated in both instances, and neither could do anything about it.

twenty seven

Tom Lawton (22)
Neither Gits or Quade had the tatical answers to the teams they played against. No plan B was in existence and until we have the heads out and looking at what is happening out there and adapting, we will get smashed everytime.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Did you see O'Connor play too at the time ? Was it the same ?

O'Connor is younger i think - if I saw him I dont remember: did he play 5/8 for Oz schools? .... to get right off the track - when you see the Oz schools 5/8 from a few weeks ago you can see why blokes like Cooper and beale attract attention at that level.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think they need Barnes at 12, gotta have a cool head who'll play the basics outside QC (Quade Cooper). And I also think Horne might be a chance at 13 for our next big match. He's quick as and will provide the necessary penetration and as we all know, he is a great defender.

Give Barnes a go - he might calm the bonehead down a bit. I cannot see the basis for picking Horne (but I suppose if he's over there...) - move AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) to outside centre: when he went there against Italy suddenly the attack was running straight instead of straight at the touch line.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think we have to try something different. If our forwards get beaten and we have to make do with backfoot ball, McCabe and Fainga'a offer nothing. We're left looking for miracle plays from QC (Quade Cooper) and KB (Kurtley Beale).

Having a 12 who can direct the game better and play far better territory gives us something better than the crash ball that just doesn't work if our forwards are going backwards.

We need to be able to still compete if our forwards are being outplayed.

And AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at outside can be used for crash ball when needed anyway

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
And the last 10 - 15 pages just highlights why we lost. Post after post on our 10, 12, 13 jerseys. What do you guys expect them to do? Our forwards were smashed, the Irish had free reign at the breakdown to disrupt and destroy our ball, the Irish defence was up incredibly fast, and it was a wet and slippery game.

Where's the focus on not pushing the offside line like the Irish, instead having a static defence? On the forwards not competing at the breakdown? Not protecting Genia at the breakdown? Not competing enough for the ball at the breakdown? Not illegally slowing down Irish ball like they were doing to ours? Not adapting to the ref at all? Not hitting the collisions? Not getting over the advantage line? Poor lineout throwing? Failing to clear our own ball on our scrum given a steady enough platform?

From my memory of the game, not only did we make more clean breaks than Ireland did, but none, NONE, of our backs were in the worst 5 or 6 or so players in a gold jumper on the park.

So what's with the obsession with 10, 12, 13? I'd say it's why fans don't understand and accept why the Wallabies lose these games, especially when games the Wallabies play like in Brisbane vs the All Blacks are in the sad minority. Until our forwards can turn up and give a decent performance to nearly every game, we will never be even close to the All Blacks. With the past inconsistent performances of Wallaby packs over the last 10 years and beyond, how can people not realise this?

Maybe its that we cant fix the scrum between now and the 14s - if we get there but we can tinker with the backline

rotary hoe

Peter Burge (5)
Obviously the forwards failed to turn up and no more needs to be said about that. Hopefully the end of Mccalman.Out of position yes but even in position it is patently obvious he is not up to it at this level.He spent a good deal of the year on the bench at the Force so not considered a standout at that level either.

The Quade bashing is annoying me though. Deans has picked a flawed genius at number 10 and left him out to dry with the other selections.With 2 guys next to him who offer nothing in attack he either has to go wide or try to create something himself.So easy to contain ,particularly in the wet.

Mccabe our crash ball specialist and 'starch' was held up twice resulting in turnovers in great attacking positions. That is why he is there and if he cannot perform this basic function he should not be there.Sure he tackles well but so do hundreds of other club level players in Australia.Stirling is gone and you cannot decide to create another from an OK provincial winger a month out from the World cup.


Mark Ella (57)
Good analysis from Campo in my opinion - http://www.foxsports.com.au/rugby/r...australia-teeter/story-e6frf4zl-1226140927353.

Barnes has to come in at 12 to salvage Cooper's inconsistent and at times irrational decision-making. McCabe is a fantastic prospect, but is not suited to 12. Better long-term prospect at 13. If being 6"1 and 91kgs at 23 isnt big enough to be a 13 in the future, whoever said that is kidding themselves. Last time I looked Conrad Smith was only 4kgs heavier and the same height. Seems perfect size to me.

Give McCabe a bit more space to move and I think he will blossom as an attacking weapon (note his effective run past O'Driscoll on Saturday night outwide in the first half - ran a good line).

Love this bit from Campo - just read between the lines

"You've got a Kiwi coach, Robbie Deans, coaching them - so he should know what the weather's like.

"He should understand the conditions and the way it's played. And that was his 50th game for Australia, so it's not going to be a memorable day for him.

"The players obviously aren't listening, or he's not giving them the right advice."

Deans obviously talks like he does in News Conferences so none of the players have any idea at all about what his message is. It was amusing when there was a hope that the Wallabies would improve, but not anymore, I just find him infuriating with his "Weasel words" to quote the Scarfman.

I find it very amusing that last week so many bagged Campo for doing what he always has, spoke forthrightly and honestly about HIS opinion. Posters here and elsewhere attacked him personally (not that he'd give a shit) and pointed out his playing flaws. Well have a read of the posts below the linked article and even after Campo has been proved right they still attack him. Campo and people like him are exactly what Rugby in Australia needs, people with the courage and integrity to tell the truth without fear or favour.

I see people already re-writing their expectations for the RWC saying that a Semi or Quarter Final appearance would be satisfactory and the ARU is clearly aiming at the Lions tour in re-signing Deans. Is there no end to the re-writing of his KPIs? He has delievered little to nothing and the 3N trophy this year has to be measured against the devalued teams the opposition sent on tour and the abysmal losses along the way.


Greg Davis (50)
Not sure if this is the place for it or not, but just wanted to give an opinion after attending the game on Saturday.

For those that know me, they know love a drink, they know I like to give some lip and I love to get involved in a bit of banter.

Positives first, the Irish turned up to support there team, they did so in cheer and good spirits and dispute outnumbering Aussies both in the pub and game 10-1 were ready for a chat or a laugh and did everything with gusto and a massive smile on there faces. After the game we hung around til they turned the lights off and nearly every irish fan around us came up, told us to come to the pub they were going to, gave us a hug and let rip with ood natured ribbing. Even the Irish players and coaches were happy for a chat and wished us luck. It was a massive positive to rugby as a whole and saved a night out the the result had left me devastated about.

Contrast that with a large contingent of All Blacks fans, I say large contingent as I heard stories all night from people over the ground that ha similar experiences. Now, let me say, I dress up, I support the wallabies loudly and I give a fair bit of niggle. Having said that, when I left the pub to walk to the game with a group of people including ladies, about five meters from the door I was pushed into the gutter called a "c*#t" numerous times and told to "go the f home", normally I wouldn't care but it was said with such spite and ferocity that I actually felt like I was about to be king hit.

Tucking into the crowd and keeping my head down we got to the forecourt of Eden park where the kiwi hosts had traditional dance, bands and carnival stuff on and I excused the behavior of the numerous people who had abused wallabies fans due to it being on a pub strip, but once inside the game, the number of all blacks fans who had turned up in all blacks jumpers with Irish scarfs on surrounded us again. Fair enough, I ve been to mutual matches from my perspective and always chosen someone to cheer on, but wi families and children around the number of these wankers that kept there disease laden words ringing around, shadow boxed or stuck there finger up while spitting, well frankly, if I wasn't having a good time wi the Irish it would have completely ruined my night.

Even walking back into town while an all blacks fan got his cock out and told a wallabies supporter to suck on it, I thought, great tournament the NZ government has out on, but the money could have been better spent teaching class.

Utility Back

Neither Gits or Quade had the tatical answers to the teams they played against. No plan B was in existence and until we have the heads out and looking at what is happening out there and adapting, we will get smashed everytime.

Unless plan B reads like 'Forwards try harder' im not sure what you expect from the 5'8 to have done about that game, excluding some of his flick passes.


Greg Davis (50)
I had a similar experience at the Bledisloe in Auckland in 07. Obviously without the Irish fans.

This is me calmed down after a couple of days, I was quite angryandwanted to throw a few ounces Saturday night over it. There is a way to support a team, I don't say I do it right, but it was completely over the top, especially seeing as new Zealand wernt involved and the Irishwere doing there team proud with the support they offered, no need at all.
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