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RWC 2011 QF1: Ireland v Wales (W Pool C v RU Pool D)

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Jim Lenehan (48)
Welsh team? Mine is

15 Hook/ halfpenny
14 Shane
13 Williams
12 Roberts
11 North
10 Priestland
9 Philips
8 faletau
7 Warburton
6 Lydiate
5 A Wyn Jones
4 Charteris
3 Adam Jones
2 Bennett
1 Jenkins

and a bench that contains:

Brynmor's Boy, Stephen Jones, ryan Jones, halfpenny/ hook, burns, james, davies

world-beaters all. And there goes my optimism meter again!


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Cracking team, would Davies not be a better option going up against BoD though? He has more experience.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Having seen George North- bugger experience! but you are right- that might be what gatland does.

Message to Gatland: Have a word about the Mickers constant gobbing off at the referee. Never stopped throughout wallabies game 'its a maul, it's a maul'. and the double captaincy when penalties are awarded is pissing me off too.

the plastic paddy

John Solomon (38)
While SOB gets much of the plaudits, Ferris at 6 has been a monster. He is playing like a supercharged Kaino. His impact when he cleans out a ruck, or hits a maul is immense.

This game is a toss-up. In my opinion, the team that gets to imposes more of their tempo on the game wins. If Wales can up the tempo, they may have an edge. If Ireland can narrow the field of play (wet conditions, ball control), I see them emerging as the winners.

For me, continued references to the HEC is not that relevant. It's a club comp with weeks in between contests in which Irish players can be withdrawn from local league play (Magner's/Pro 12) while their French and English counterparts do not have that same luxury.
Maybe true of English clubs but they only have themselves to blame in that regard, but jebus Riptide have you seen the size of the average T14 squad? Some of them have nearly two teams of international players. But agree re standard of HEC V RWC would just say as good as Wales are, and no one will afford them more respect than Ireland, This Welsh team is a bit inexperienced and article one in my case would be their failure to seal the deal against your QF opponents. Yours and our QF kick off 6 am BST but I would not miss either, should be far and away the better games. Semis for me Ireland V France and Aus V NZ. With Ireland V NZ final. Which I believe Ireland can win. Here's hoping for no more fucking injuries to anyone from any country apart from that poisonous little toad Armitage who should be on a plane back to England after his disgraceful cheap shot on Paterson


Colin Windon (37)
Oh, God. The Gwladstorm has begun.

Get the salt and vinegar in, gentlemen, because there's going to be a lot of chips flying around...

the plastic paddy

John Solomon (38)
Thanks all for your thoughts but we'd like to stay under the radar for a little longer. Optimism is rife in Wales. So if you wouldn't mind, please forget what you have seen and that we should have been playing Australia in QF but for 3 missing points. Instead, concentrate on the brilliance of BOD and repeat... 'Ireland are the form team'. Thank you for your understanding on this matter
Oh no my friend, Wales are definately the form team and would be clear favourites but for the Irish love of a punt and you and your compatriots being such good God fearing souls you would never enter a bookies!?! I think it could be an absolute classic, our backline started to fire against Italy and you lot are obviously electric. See you would have SW, any argument for Halfpenny instead? Can't wait for saturday morning shaking with Adrenaline already; Whatever the outcome, I hope there are no more injuries to either team so the winner can push on through to the final. Hope Wales can handle the favourites tag!?!


John Thornett (49)
Shit this Welsh team looks good, all over the park quality players. Youngest side at the WC, begining of something maybe? I hope so, better then the English being the UK heavyweights

the plastic paddy

John Solomon (38)
Shit this Welsh team looks good, all over the park quality players. Youngest side at the WC, begining of something maybe? I hope so, better then the English being the UK heavyweights
With Ireland not being in the UK I agree with you. How many times have England beaten Ireland since 2003? Twice and one of those was a pointless warm up game where we rested BOD, SOB and Kearney. In 8 6 nations games since England beat you lot in the RWC final they have beaten Ireland ONCE. Welsh are a cracking young side and this will be a cracking game of rugby, really hope it doesn't piss with rain like it seems to have done for the whole tournament. I think Ireland will shade it but I would do; Whoever wins this game will make the final IMHO and give the other finalist a fecking hard game. Go on the Northern Hemisphere (apart from England of course).

Rugby Nick

Oh no my friend, Wales are definately the form team and would be clear favourites but for the Irish love of a punt and you and your compatriots being such good God fearing souls you would never enter a bookies!?! I think it could be an absolute classic, our backline started to fire against Italy and you lot are obviously electric. See you would have SW, any argument for Halfpenny instead? Can't wait for saturday morning shaking with Adrenaline already; Whatever the outcome, I hope there are no more injuries to either team so the winner can push on through to the final. Hope Wales can handle the favourites tag!?!

There's be a strong argument I think, but I'd solve it by dropping the dreadful Byrne and putting Halfpenny in at 15, who was easily our most dangerous back when he came on there vs Samoa.


Jaysus, this thread feels like some of the NH forums I frequent. I recognise a couple of the names too (long forgotten elsewhere I might imagine.)

CardiffBlue: No point talking your team down, to be fair. Despite losing the match against SA they're the form team going into this. They have just looked entirely dominant in their games. Ireland have shown limitations in all of theirs. And if not limitations, then definitely Declan Kidney tactics that good video analysis will overcome. If it's not raining then the big decider here will be that Wales have played more of a total game, in all their games, they've played their own style no matter what. Whereas Ireland have adjusted their games to their opposition's weakness. Something I hope Kidney is able to do against yourselves but I fear is beyond even our master strategiser.

I think the telling of the game will come down to two positions, the seven and scrum half. With Walburton Wales have probably the best 7 in the tournament on form (McCaw hasn't seen enough play.) I think Sean O'Brien could be found out as not a true openside here, in the ground battle. While losing David Wallace has left a running backrow be our only option, I'd much prefer a Ferris, SOB, Wally backrow against Wales. (Heaslip has been below his own high standards, but could be amazing coming into 8 at 50 minutes with SOB going to six and Ferris coming off.)

Apart from that I think the scrum half position will decide the game. If the outhalfs play as they should. And if we presume that the kicks all go over (a big ask should Sexton start) then the battle between Priestland and O'Gara/Sexton will be nullified. They're all very capable of doing what will be asked of them (Priestland has pushed Wales miles forward.) I think the difference will be at 9 and if Murray has his "big game" as is every up and coming upstart's right, he'll offer more than Philips has had to deal with in any Six Nation match. If Kidney plays Reddan it's a sign that he's worried and playing defensively. If he plays Murray he's going all out. Murray is just too good at running off the rucks (as it seems with every new scrum half that hasn't been analysed.) Philips will have to stay inside and your backrow won't be able to mop up for Darcy and O'Driscoll.

The thing is, I think it's up to Ireland to win in those two areas, seven and scrum half. Both will have to play better than they ever have before (and Murray will have to be selected to start.) I think it's a big ask that we get both of those aspects right on the day. If we do, we have the beating of Wales. If not, then I think Wales all round game, that they've been playing since the very beginning of the tournament, is just too strong for Ireland.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Repeat after me. Hook is NOT a 15

Yes but we don't have another kicker and if we are playing Priestland in front of Wellies, then I feel Hook may be needed. BTW, watched the Fiji game and Halfpenny played really well considerable the crap passes he was shovelled.

Few things interloper. First, am still blushing at the idea that warburton > Richie, but don't think he is there yet perhaps = Pocock. Second unless someone takes him aside beforehand not sure Philips will be on for whole the game. So good job we practiced playing with 14. third don't forget we have L'idiot coming back for this game.

BTW, message to site manager- very nice of you to provide choice of Magners League team in your profiles but where's Cardiff Blues in the list?


Jim Lenehan (48)
What's pissing you off about the double captaincy?

Not noticed how every time a penalty went against them, captain goes forward and second player stands about 5m back, then walks back with the ref chopsing all the way.


John Thornett (49)
With Ireland not being in the UK I agree with you. How many times have England beaten Ireland since 2003? Twice and one of those was a pointless warm up game where we rested BOD, SOB and Kearney. In 8 6 nations games since England beat you lot in the RWC final they have beaten Ireland once.

Ease up mate, I was simply implying the England is usually seen as the no.1 side from the UK by most from the SH, probably due to their WC record. But this World Cup has shown that Wales and Ireland are both probably beater sides. Guess we'll see by which one of the three make the final (assuming Le Bleus continue to implode).


John Thornett (49)
There's be a strong argument I think, but I'd solve it by dropping the dreadful Byrne and putting Halfpenny in at 15, who was easily our most dangerous back when he came on there vs Samoa.
It's a great problem to have, the possibility of Stephen Jones, Leigh Halfpenny, Lee Byrne and Scott Williams all left out of the starting side shows the Welsh backline depth.

For mine I'd have

9- Phillips
10- Priestland
11- Shane Williams
12- Jamie Roberts
13- Jonathan Davies
14- George North
15- James Hook

21- Stephen Jones
22- Leigh Halfpenny
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