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Rio Olympics

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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Usual crap Olympics broadcast from Channel 7, they do it every time. WTF do they think we, the viewers, are interested in those ugly wank-sessions from the big-glass studios? They tell us NOTHING we don't already know and take up valuable viewing time when we'd rather be watching events, any events. And what is it about slipping in references to AFL at every opportunity? What relevance does a narrow, insular, provincial sport have to do with international competitions?

Just wait until next week when there're few Aussies running around in athletics, that's when the mind-numbingly general interest pieces pop up with painful regularity. Interviews with swimmers wandering around the shops and cafes in Rio. Little Jimmy/Charlotte boring us with their life stories leading up to flashbacks of early morning pool sessions.

How could a professional broadcaster not get three sports on three channels? Can't they count? And if I see one more of those garish studio shots I'll scream. Another thing Channel 7: I have no intention of watching ANY of your post-games programs, putting your promos up while detracting from my games viewing experience kills them for me.

Best and most pointed rant I've seen in a long, long time.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Aus down 10 - 12 to France in the 7/8th place play off. I would summarise the Aus performance as being (perhaps typically) selfish, which might also equate to being a lack of team mentality.

First Jenkins tackled only cms from the tryline and places ball twice to get it over the line when a quick recycle would have had a certain try. Then, Cusack goes for the full arm stretch to make the line and loses the ball when again a quick recycle would have resulted in a try. Jenkins then decides to go himself when he scored a bit wide out when he could have passed the ball to the unmarked Cusack on the inside to score near or under the posts. Stannard misses the conversion and the French win the game.

To my way of thinking, Cusack was probably the only player in that last game who was up to standard. Tom Kingston would have to be one of the poorest 7s players on the circuit. Just seems to have no nouse for the game. And despite the man-love here for Henry Hutchison, he is only good as a finisher when there is clear air in front of him. His defense (ie tackling capability) is woeful. The others were just fairly ho-hum.

Eighth spot was probably a good result for this side.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Read above - there were only two live Olympic channels because of Sunrise.

I really don't think 7 should be defended for only having two live channels because they choose to show Sunrise on one of their supposed Olympic channels. Very poor of them to disregard the Games viewers when they have the monopoly service.


Andrew Slack (58)
As far as I can tell, 7 is the worst broadcaster in the developed World bar NBC, who broadcast events live at 7pm on the East Coast, then, at 7pm Pacific Time, broadcast the same stuff pretending it's live for the prime time $.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
Exactly, BR. Why pay shitloads of money for the Olympic broadcasting rights and then drip feed it to Oz viewers via a Sunrise session? Koch doesn't even know the difference between 7s and 15s in rugby, and he wanks on about Australia being "the inaugural and current rugby 7s Olympic champions".

There're times when commercial TV broadcasters think the world exists only for them to ask us to cheer on their thrash-wanking.


Tony Shaw (54)
Eighth spot was probably a good result for this side.

Eighth spot for a team seeded fourth is an absolute crap result. It is, however, a fair result based on our performances. We had an easy group and totally stuffed it up, then we lost every game after that.

My first conclusion is that this campaign proves one thing: Friend is an absolutely crap coach/selector. Couldn't coach 15's and now can't coach sevens. The quality of his work was there for all to see, so I won't itemise it but the comparison with the women's play was stark.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I really don't think 7 should be defended for only having two live channels because they choose to show Sunrise on one of their supposed Olympic channels. Very poor of them to disregard the Games viewers when they have the monopoly service.

Trust me, I'm no fan of Sunrise...........

But it's obviously their flagship morning show.........

I feel dirty sticking up for them, but I just think in this instance people's expectations are completely misguided.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I actually quite like the online streaming service. Have paid my $20 and I can watch all sports live, and also all of the events in full after they have been played.

Means I can wake up before work and power through 3-4 overnight events without knowing the results.


Tony Shaw (54)
Trust me, I'm no fan of Sunrise.....

But it's obviously their flagship morning show...

I feel dirty sticking up for them, but I just think in this instance people's expectations are completely misguided.

Flagship morning show maybe, but for just two weeks every four years maybe they could take a holiday. But if, for commercial reasons, they want to keep the show going they had options. With 4+ channels available - 7 flix and racing could have been used too - they could have had much better coverage. But they chose instead to go with a $20 app that has been an absolute disaster.


Tony Shaw (54)
Honestly, it's like some days our blokes look like they've just met


I said well before Rio that Friend had achieved little if anything with the Brumbies, was fired mid-season there, had zero 7s background yet was given the men's 7s HC role, inexplicably. Why was he appointed?

And now we have landed - is it 9th? - at the Olympics which is a serious embarrassment. You could see from the first Rio game v France our team was poorly coached and poorly prepared (well, I thought we could see that all of the 2015/6 men's 7s season if not before).

But worse, much worse, was to come this morning with the news that the ARU has granted Friend another 2 years contract _before_ the Rio outcome was known.

Why, oh why, would you do something as nonsensical as that - Friend had to prove nothing at Rio, he knew he had a nice job for 2 more years no matter what the result (a la Deans in 2011 with his Wallaby HC renewal in April 2011). And the ARU now have to persist with an HC that's failed to deliver anything to the men's 7s program.

Why not learn from the one and only recent ARU triumph - the whole women's 7s program and HC appointment - and now transfer that learning to the failed men's 7s program?


Andrew Slack (58)
I said well before Rio that Friend had achieved little if anything with the Brumbies, was fired mid-season there, had zero 7s background yet was given the men's 7s HC role, inexplicably. Why was he appointed?
No one else, including Tim Walsh, wanted the gig?


Bob Loudon (25)
Why not learn from the one and only recent ARU triumph - the whole women's 7s program and HC appointment - and now transfer that learning to the failed men's 7s program?

That is too logical RH, how dare you suggest such a thing.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I managed to get full access to the seven streams through having a telstra account.


Tim Horan (67)
Congrats Fiji well deserved. I can only imagine how well this will go over in the islands. National holiday anyone?

Couldn't agree more aeneas, I stoked Fiji won the Gold, as i have said I not a 7s fan,but Fiji is certainly the spiritual home of 7s I think, and it not very often I cheer for a team playing against NZ , but was quite happy to see them knock us out of finals!!

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
For the record:

7th place playoff Argentina 26-21 Australia
5th place playoff New Zealand 24-19 France
Bronze Medal match South Africa 54-14 Japan
Gold Medal match Fiji 43-7 Great Britain

Bula Fiji! As alluded to by a few posters, Fiji's first Olympic medal of any kind.

No Day 3 blog but RugbyReg has turned his mind to how ARU can leverage the women's success (some lessons in there for the men's not to mention NZ & other countries' programs, too!).


You know what to do........
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